Polls close in the Netherlands in EU elections • FRANCE 24 English

Polls close in the Netherlands in EU elections • FRANCE 24 English

ma speaking to us from Jerusalem after the elections in India the EU elections are the second second biggest exercise in democracy in the whole world close to 400 million people in 27 member states have the chance to elect 720 MEPS well it’s a process that spans 4 days this weekend people in most EU Nations including France will cast their ballots but today the voting process kicked off with people across the Netherlands heading to the polls well let’s speak now to France 24’s fernan vet who joins us from utre uh great to speak to you Fernand um polls closed what at 9900 p.m. local time how did the voting process go so the current estimates suggest that the labor green left list came out on top with eight the 31 seats that then lens has to send to the European Parliament being filled by them cleared Builders of the party for Freedom who of course had this monster uh win back in November in national elections and was proed to do very well here has done well but not as well as he had hoped he is coming in with seven seats it is projected by this exit pole um and so this was very much a campaign that was pitted as being between these two parties a very pro-european vision and a vision that said that Europe needs to tone it down needs to um level down its um its efforts I mean here was someone who was always against the European union he was always in favor of an exit he’s changed that stance maybe also with an eye of joining the Coalition here um but it seems that that message has not worked out as well as he wants I was on the campaign trail with him yesterday voters seemed unconvinced by that they still do not like the European Union and it seems that they did not turn out for him in the numbers that he had hoped also uh the person leading his list for the European elections did very little campaigning only two twice was he in the media people didn’t really know him um but really a very strong signal here that many of the people in the Netherlands voted Pro Europeans rather than turning their backs on Europe here today okay it sounds like um there’s quite a lot going on around you there fernan just tell us uh where you are and and what’s what’s being said so I’m at the labor left um Alliance where now the person leading the alliances entering the stage behind me Bron simmerman he led this party to a huge Victory back in 2019 and now they’re coming out on top again um it’s the first time that they’re joining their list together uh in Europe and actually as soon as they get to Brussels their pasts will diverge because the green left party is part of the greens boss AA their leader is actually a leading candidate for the greens Europe wide and the labor party is part of the Socialist so once they get to Europe their POS but together they have won this win here today and of course Builders he will be looking at the identity and democracy Group which of course Mar Le is also a part of he will be taking his seats there um but I think a strong message from the Netherlands if you look at what is projected to be the outcome here that most people wanted to show that they’re in in fact favoring Europe rather than turning their backs on it okay well enjoy the rest of the evening in what looks like a quite a fun environment fernan vet in UT thank you very much indeed for bringing us all the latest there we’ll do stay tuned to France 24 up next

Dutch polls projections suggest the far right is in a tight race with center left group for EU elections. FRANCE24’s Fernande Van Tets reports from Utrecht.
#EU #Netherlands #elections

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  1. congratz, you might be one of the few newsources reporting accurately on this. most agencies have gone for the rather tabloid "far right on the rise" even if the numbers don't support that.

  2. Well, I'm sure the results of the dutch left liberal party were influenced by the voting machines as this party is very unpopular in the netherlands, 8 seats isnt real at all, as it happened to Trump back in 2020 happened again today….the European Union wont simply accept a turn over to the right as it doesnt go along with their left liberal agenda…..The EU is corrupt to the core and will defend their agenda with all their corrupt power…….Justice will prevail one day……..

  3. Its true, eu elections aren’t populair here only for pro european people. For example only 46% of pvv voters voted, 78% of gl/pvda came and organized a lot of things to get their people to vote. Historically pvv voters don’t show up for European elections. They also don’t do a lot of marketing for these elections.

  4. PvdA-GL lost one seat and an even bigger percentage of the votes, the only reason they have more seats than the PVV is that they pose as one party which they aren't. Wilders PVV went from 1 seat to 7. That is a landslide for the EU-skeptic right. This is disinformation.

  5. Contrary what some news platforms say the far right made significant gains in the Netherlands. The Netherlands previous far right party was a member of the
    ECR and had 4 seats. They lost all 4 but another Dutch ECR party kept 1. Geert wilders went from 1
    – 7 seats in ID. His gain was +6 and the losses were -4 so a net positive of 2 seats in the EU parliament are far right and not only that but they have been transferred from the more modestly conservative ECR to ID.
    Not only that but the BBB is also pretty far right and I wouldn't be surprised if they joined ECR so that's another 2 seats. That would mean a net gain of 4. To put that in perspective 2 seats in the Netherlands is 1/15th of the countries total seats and that's just how much the right increased by. Not to mention that other than the left and greens 8 seats the rest went mostly to center right parties and other conservatives.

  6. Well 12.5% of the Netherlands are immigrants or second generation immigrants, what do you expect? They aren't going to vote for someone like Wilders that wants immigration to stop

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