Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports

Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports

by karabeckian

  1. Because tariffs are paid by workers consumers….big mega corporations just pass the extra tax to…. workers!!…

    Decrepit underpaid salaries…zero hours contracts…but hey…you pay the tariffs extra tax…

    Far right extremists republikans thieving Americans future…

  2. Replacing taxes on rich people with higher prices for poor people? Classic.

  3. What a nutter. The United States originally used that approach. Then they had financial problems and tada income tax came. We can argue about the services that government provides and we can argue the amount of income taxes we pay. But to argue no income tax is just downright dumb.

    Think this one through. Imagine somebody finds an iron mine, makes steel, and sells that steel. How does the government provide services when there is no income? What I am getting at is that the more the country produces within the country the less income the government has.

  4. Good luck changing the Constitution. Fucking economically illiterate idiot.

  5. This guy has to be the dumbest, most corrupt mother fucker ever elected to any office in IS history. It’s incredible

  6. Bad idea the don’t buy much stuff but the poor do. It’s like reducing the rich tax and increasing the poor tax. Just another sneaky idea from the man that lies over and over and over again

  7. He also said his tariffs on Chinese imports were paid by China, when it’s Americans who pay all tariffs

    He’s literally a babbling ignoramus

  8. Bidenomics doesn’t work, things are still more expensive even after COVID! Let’s replace him with Trump, who will expand what we’re paying for in taxes to also cover the wealthy’s and then pay the skyrocketing prices from tariffed goods and resulting economic warfare.


  9. Mexico gonna pay for the wall and China gonna pay our taxes – being an American can be so easy sometimes!

  10. The real concern here is what kind of fucking Neanderthal, corrupt, inept, all encompassing morons is he surrounded by that are pitching these ideas to him.

    Not a chance in hell he came up with this slack jawed idea himself, so the fact that he’s surrounded by this level of stupidity is the real concern.

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