US prepares first line of defence in Taiwan, plans to turn Taiwan strait into ‘hellscape’ | WION

US prepares first line of defence in Taiwan, plans to turn Taiwan strait into ‘hellscape’ | WION

tensions in the Taiwan straight have reached a boiling point with the risk of an invasion from mainland China growing by the day with beijing’s aggressive posturing intensifying a top us admiral has issued a stork warning unveiling a strategy to turn the region into an unmanned hellscape should China attack here’s more [Music] the situation in the Taiwan Street has become a powder Ki with China’s provocative military maneuver and frequent jet incursions into Taiwanese airspace fueling fears of an imminent Invasion analysts warn that beijing’s patience with taiwan’s insistence on self-governance is faing thin raising the Spectre of an armed conflict in the heart of the Pacific against this backdrop Admiral Samuel paparo the commander of the US indopacific command has revealed a chilling strategy to deter Chinese aggression dubbed healthscape the plan involves unleashing a massive swarm of unmanned systems surface vessels submarines and aerial drones to engage and overwhelm invading Chinese forces the moment they cross the thawan street this audacious strategy underscores Washington’s commitment to defending thawan and detering Chinese expansionism by leveraging the power of autonomous systems Papu aims to create a formidable first line of defense one that could distract and disrupt Chinese forces long enough for the US and its allies to mobilize a more substantial response tensions between Beijing and thape have been escalating for some time China claims Taiwan as a breakaway Province and has never ruled out using military force to achieve unification the inauguration of taiwan’s new Pro democracy president liing te further strained relations Puro report Von world is one for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

With tensions high as ever in the Taiwan Strait, top US admiral of the Navy Fleet in the Indo-Pacific has threatened to turn the Taiwan straight into an unmanned hellscape in the event of China invading Taiwan.

#us #china #taiwan

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  1. here we again…only boasting and for a show… nothing new look what happened in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Vietnam America did not win at all but retreated with overwhelming humiliation and yet left those coontries in total mess!

  2. U.S. own the technology how can China win, what China did is only a bullying, China is a business Country and i know they're afraid to go to war bcause they already know that they cant win against U.S. and allied countries

  3. Thank you for reporting on this situation!! I feel like not many news outlets even know what’s going on between China, Taiwan, and the U.S.

  4. Chinese is like a boxer who never fought but only punched bags all his career and wants to fight mike Tyson. We all know how that fight is going to end. 😂

  5. "Audacious Strategy" 😂😂🤣 idk what made me laugh, but it was either the press or the U.S.A. media tactic of immediate disinformation about a supossed First Line of Defense with swarms of drones. Clearly, the way that this is portrayed is projected to the american audience in general, and perhaps taiwanese audience as well.

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