Breaking! Putin offers a “ceasefire” on two conditions | Analysis | Ukraine Update: Day 842

Breaking! Putin offers a “ceasefire” on two conditions | Analysis | Ukraine Update: Day 842

dear friends it’s day 842 of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine and just a while ago internationally won at war criminal Putin also known as hulo revealed his demands to Ukraine he offers a ceasefire on two conditions Ukraine gives Russia four territories and obliges not to join NATO for after 842 days since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Putin Finally Revealed his true reasons behind starting this war he wants territory I mean of course it was obvious since the very beginning uh of the invasion but there is more to this let’s ask ourselves why did he decide to reveal these demands exactly today and the answer is yesterday Ukraine and the United States signed a historic agreement which clearly states that the United States will be supporting Ukraine until Russia is defeated and the Ukrainian territories are free from the Russian terrorists also broadly announced Russian offensive of har collapsed in the most miserable way as soon as Ukraine received a tiny portion of the promised military aid from the United States and the Allied countries coincidentally it also happened exactly after the collapse of the Russian Stock Exchange France Putin realizes that he is completely unable to wipe out Ukraine he knows his War Industry is incapable of continuing this war long enough to achieve significant gains because in 842 days of War uh with Ukraine Russian Invaders didn’t manage to capture any of the major cities of Ukraine the biggest success of year 2024 for the Russian army was merely capturing a Tiny Town of aiva with a population of around 30 ,000 people that’s approximately three times less than the monthly Russian losses in dead and wounded the population of har for one of the major cities of Ukraine is 1.4 million people just so you could understand the difference Putin realizes his dying economy and war production cannot compete with the combined forces of the European countries and the US which have combined annual GDP that is 40 times larger than in Russia at the same same time these two years were enough for the NATO countries to accelerate their military production which is also something that Putin clearly understands because in 2022 he expected a winning bleed Creek that turned into a bleed cringe and resulted in the attrition War which Russia clearly cannot win another obvious thing here is that the furer of the terrorist Federation is a good actor being a KGB spy his current demands can be consider Ed as um a probing attempt as soon as his troops become completely unable to support their attacks with enough vehicles uh which the terrorist Federation cannot reproduce fast enough there is a possibility that he will reveal some kind of different conditions another evidence indicating that Putin’s initial position is shaken is that he’s ready to negotiate with the Ukrainian government which he recognized as illegitimate and his spokesman stated numerous times they will never negotiate with K Ukrainian government then there’s another question can Putin be trusted historical photos of 2003 show him signing a memorandum which recognized the Ukrainian borders including Crimea unfortunately no video survived showing this very event but I got a bunch of different footage showing just how much Putin can be trusted for for as you can see there’s really no agreement the war criminal Putin hasn’t violated so far and the Very fact he insists so much uh on Ukraine not becoming a NATO member is a clear indication of his further intentions which is reorganizing regrouping and attacking Ukraine one more time he cannot do much right now for different re prisons uh like his foreign recruitment campaign failing in Nepal China and African countries they brought uh no significant results also his terrorist groups cannot continue attacking uh without proper support of their vehicles in order to solve these issues he only needs time uh he also needs time to develop new informational strategy to destabilize countries supporting Ukraine and so Discord among his ad iers Aries also he probably realizes the results of the upcoming elections in the US that will not be beneficial for Terror Russia in any possible way that’s just my assumption Putin uh didn’t say a word about sanctions of course because uh he anticipates that bricks will probably save his failing economy that’s why he doesn’t care much about the Western Market however there’s one more thing that I really really find dangerous the demands to Ukraine were revealed literally days before the Global Peace Summit which takes place in Switzerland very very soon with hundreds of international Representatives expected the summit will be dedicated to the Ukrainian peace formula which addresses the ways Ukraine can achieve this Victory and punish Russia for its atrocities committed against the Ukrainian citizens and there’s no doubt that Putin’s conditions will be dis discussed or maybe promoted by some of the countries to summarize I can say that the Russian demands to Ukraine are a clear sign of Putin’s weakness who bit more than he could swallow and is now trying to win some time for his army and improve the misinformation campaign that is already taking place in your country right now I’m sure more than ever that the terrorist Russian regime can and will be defeated with the following raer ations paid not only to Ukraine but also to the respectable foreign taxpayers who support Ukraine with that my friends I wish you a beautiful day I’m operator starski as always be safe also subscribe share and leave your opinions in the commentaries because they’re very very important guys we’ll see you next time goodbye

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  1. Putin quote on Crimea


    "Crimea is not a disputed territory. There is no ethnic conflict. And Russia recognised the current borders of today's Ukraine a long time ago. The question about targets for russia only serves as provocation.There are complicated processes going on within the society in Crimea. Crimean Tartars, Ukrainian people, russian people, and the Slavic population in general. But this is an internal political problem of Ukraine itself."

  2. "give me the land I stole"
    "you can't join alliances to protect against what i did to you again"
    "don't punish me for militarily invading mainland europe"
    That's not gonna work

  3. But Ukraine needs these territories as a buffer against a very aggressive and criminal neighbour. No thank you Putin you give up parts of Russia.

  4. DO NOT Trust Putin !!! He just wants to rebuild his army while they "Talk" Bullshit !!! Tell them Get the Fuck OUT and then there is no need to talk.. Slava Ukraini !!

  5. Ukrainian counter offer: "1: Remove all Russians and equipment restoring 1991 borders. 2: return kidnapped children and POW's. 3: Russia can keep the toilets (but return raccoon).

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