Moment UN security council endorses hostages-for-ceasefire Gaza deal

Moment UN security council endorses hostages-for-ceasefire Gaza deal

I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document s stroke 2024 stroke 448 please raise their hand those against abstentions uh the results of the Voting is as follows 14 votes in favor zero votes against one abstention the draft resolution has been adopted as resolution 2735

The UN security council has adopted a resolution calling for Hamas to agree to a three-phase hostages-for-ceasefire proposal outlined by Joe Biden, in a rare show of consensus by major powers.
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Fourteen council members voted for the resolution and only Russia abstained on the US-drafted resolution, which calls for an initial exchange of elderly, sick or female hostages for Palestinian detainees held by Israel in the course of an initial six-week ceasefire. The ceasefire would evolve into a permanent end to hostilities and the release of all hostages through intensive discussions between the two parties. A third phase would involve the launch of a major reconstruction effort

UN security council endorses US-backed hostages-for-ceasefire Gaza deal ►

Blinken urges Middle East leaders to press Hamas for a ceasefire ►

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#Israel #Gaza #UnitedNations #Palestine #Ceasefire

  1. “[Supporting Israel] is the best $3 billion investment we make. Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”
    -Joe Biden

  2. I still wouldn't trust the Isntreal and UN, and how would they enforce this ceasefire? They havent stopped anything for 7 months now

  3. "Yet another UN Security Council resolution that seems to have no effect, just like before. Hey Blinken, if you want Hamas to accept the deal, put it on paper instead of just talking, for Christ's sake."

  4. Bad idea. Anything came out from US BACKED-deal in UNSC is bad idea. Cease fire meaning IDF and US can still attack Gaza at will when deal expired. Bad idea. The deal won't last. 70 years of conflicts, none of previous deals ever last long. UNSC is truly a joke.

  5. Cease fire will allow both side to rearm for future conflict. Ceasefire given US excuse of not allowing Palestine independence. US must have full control of ME. Palestine independence will cease US dominance in ME, and that's what US government cannot accept.

  6. UN is a Joke. World know If this was a Resolution for example against Africa, South America, Russia or Iran, Arabic states, then….US and servant UK already would prepare for WAR.

  7. "Israel will not engage in meaningless and endless negotiations which can be exploited by Hamas as a means to stall for time."
    –Israel's representative to the UN, Reut Shapir Ben-Naftaly, speaks at a United Nations Security Council meeting focused on ending the conflict on Monday, June 10.

    The senior diplomat said the war would not end until all hostages were returned and Hamas' capabilities were 'dismantled,'
    accusing the Palestinian militant group of using "endless negotiations… as a means to stall for time."

  8. What is the point of the UN? Complete & utter waste of public money. No one pay's any attention whatsoever to anything this corrupt bunch of officials say or do.

  9. The UN should mind their own business. The UN is a globalist entity, and therefore is disqualified from any input into this situation.

  10. In smart suits and aircon comfort for months while atrocities go on as these slow-mos speak. No boots on the ground in war zone, so cut off from reality. Do these bureaucratic institution have any teeth?

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