Strikes Exploit A Weakness | Putin’s Ultimatum – Ukraine Map News Updates

get Legends happy Saturday and I hope that you’re having so far a fantastic weekend now today as always we have a lot to go we need to look at some drone attacks against fighter aircraft as well we’ll talk a little bit extra about fighter aircraft and some claims in other areas we need to talk about missiles and something we spoke about maybe a few months ago about some missiles maybe getting upgraded and Laser designating targets from drones of missiles we’ll look at the maps and then we need to talk about shells and the amount that North Korea potentially may be sending to Russia and the amount that Europe is saying that they’re going to develop for Ukraine next year and to refill then their own stocks now of course currently this weekend the big news in this war going on is the peace conference happening in lucern in Switzerland at a luxury resort now as we know China’s not there Russia’s not there Biden’s not there carel Harris is stepping in for Biden what will come of this well it’s just post the G7 Summit we know Ukraine Got a lot of promises and um proposals at then the G7 Summit for security guarantees and this and that and billions of billions of dollars a lot of that coming from then the Frozen Russian assets and then it comes into this to then convince other countries to maintain or increase support to Ukraine but as far as will we see peace come out of this Summit no because peace in this war from the goals set by Ukraine and the goal set by Russia are reliant on Military victory for Ukraine pushing through to the 1991 border for Russia pushing through and then getting the oblasts of dones zap hon Lans at a minimum I would say for what theyve set as their goals and forcing Ukraine’s hand for some sort of negotiation now as you’ll be aware Russia Russia’s President Vladimir Putin put forward a peace proposal yesterday a day before then the peace conference happening in Switzerland to throw a spanner into the works and this Twitter exchange here I think sums it up perfectly now if you want to see my full breakdown the video before this one talks exactly on that this guy says Russian forces don’t occupy 40% of dones 25% of Zap 25% of hon and 1% of luhansk so what Putin’s proposal was was Ukraine withdraw you don’t join NATO and you lift the sanctions on us we will take the hon oblast we’ll take the remainder of Zap dones luhansk but the war will end and will let you withdraw out of here but for a full end to the war now of course Ukraine was never going to accept it but on the flip side of this and of course Russia doesn’t occupy all of those areas but this guy says this well zalinsky does expect Putin to abandoned whatever percentage he does occupy and this is the The Diplomatic negotiating graveyard that we’re in is Putin is expecting then zalinski to give up areas of which are not occupied but on the flip side zalinski is expecting Putin to give up areas of which then are occupied and I think that exchange summed that then up well but I got some uh feedback from the video yesterday from one of my guys very knowledge I thought I’d just read this and begin with this bro saw your last video on the latest Russian sanctions it was good um the only thing I’d add is these sanctions are going to affect Russia’s economy as companies in Russia will still need to access the US dollars as the Yan is not a reliable means of exchange this means that companies will have to pay more to trade in US Dollars thereby increasing the costs of Russian Goods in Import and Export markets by contrast if the Ukrainian economy was the Titanic we have well and truly hit the iceberg the light in the dash are flashing red and some are going out while all while the G7 debates what color the captain’s hat should be you hit the a nail on the head regarding the energy crisis most production has been hit hard and the Russians are starting to hit the Grid at large in response the government has told businesses that they must produce or purchase 80% of their energy the damage this will do to the economy will be immense the cost of all Ukrainian exports is going up only the business business that are self-sufficient or connected to the government Will Survive Ukraine is facing not just an ongoing recession but an impending wave of unemployment this has already affected steel workers and the KE Metro so like we spoke about yesterday with Russia hitting the energy grit very hard and what DTE has said is it’s going to get worse before it gets better heading into winter and then the critical infrastructure that also relies on that such as seage and hospitals and other areas too then there’s going to be a huge shortage and as well everything running then on generators then could have a fuel problem as well or and Frontline areas create more of a thermal signature so that is a large problem with the electricity grid there and as well as affects the economy what can affect then people leaving the country and attitudes and morale and all of this so interesting to think about and I always like to get some criticism on uh and feedback on what I have done rather than just call me a knob like the majority of people now let’s have a quick talk about shells and then we’ll look at some geolocated footage of Fighters and this and that as I believe this is fairly major so then Soul has said um Kim Jun sent Russia millions of artillery shells from South Korea of course Kim is North Korea has sent containers to Russia that could hold nearly 5 million artillery shells we don’t exactly what is in then those containers Shin Jui said in an interview with Bloomberg news that Soul has detected at least 10,000 shipping containers being sent from North Korea Russia which could hold as many as 4.8 million artillery shells of the likes that Putin has used in his bombardment of Ukraine that is a hell a hell of a lot of shells remember the 2023 promise of shells to Ukraine was 1 million shells that we only managed in the west to provide about half of that number what of course led to the Shell shortage that Ukraine is still recovering from but mostly in the beginning of 2022 and we haven’t seen that cze shell initiative really come into play yet as I can’t remember the amount but it was a huge amount of them needed extra work as they weren’t in operating condition now this continues here the 10,000 containers being shipped from North Korea Russia uh pyang also sent dozens of ballistic missiles that Moscow troops launch against Ukraine with evidence that some have been fired before in exchange and this is where I think the concern should be is what’s going back the other way Russia reportedly provided North Korea with technology to help it deploy spy satellites as well as tanks and aircraft so of course Russia has a lot more modern tanks a lot more modern aircraft and a lot more modern technology as far as satellites Communications and what pops into a lot of people’s brain is something with a large bang of course that is that North Korea is has been trying to develop for a long time I think Iran we need to look at that too Russian President Vladimir Putin will reportedly visit Vietnam and North Korea soon he will probably want to receive more shells during the trip and seek to strengthen security cooperation with Pon yangang so it is very interesting and these they’re saying are from the 1970s that said we know that these countries can produce a hell of a lot of dumb weapons especially with trade being so much cheaper and labor being so much cheaper just to produce mass of equipment it is there and that is one of the things holding back just producing massive amounts of equipment is our own privatization of the military industrial complex of course this employs many people you have great technology all of this but it means everything becomes very expensive and people trying to win then um defense contracts they try and up the technology up the technology to look better on paper but it may if it gets jammed just be a expensive weapon that you have fewer of rather than just a heap of dumb bombs the European Union has accelerated production of shells and over the next year it will come up with Russia in production capacity Britain noted at the end of the year EU plans to reach the level of 1.7 million shells per year and in 202 5 reach Russia’s capacity of 2.5 million shells per year so still talking 18 months away if it’s reached we have accelerated production of ammunition in March 23 we were producing half a million shells per year in Europe and are already better than the Americans who are producing 300,000 now like I’ve said a million times we’re lucky that we found out this issue in this war rather than a wider War because if this wasn’t just two countries going out at isolated imagine how quickly we would have completely just run out of shell now I know people like tanks and they like fter aircraft and they like pissing in the wind the most amount of casualties are being produced from shells artillery is still the King on the battlefield this need is shared by many EU member states and can benefit our defense industry but it must be able to supply weapons to the European Army on time so not only to Ukraine but also backfill the amount that Europe has also sent to Ukraine out of its reserves and artillery is going to be a huge problem leading further and further down the line on this war how can can Russia continue to produce them can Iran and North Korea continue that production to Russia to keep capacity and can we keep the capacity to Ukraine as well now just reaching parity on those is still an issue when Ukraine is going to have to launch an offensive at some point and part of that is going to have to be overmatch of artillary and of course not only in range accuracy distance but also just in the sheer amount of it now let’s have a look at a few figh aircraft that have been reportedly damaged Andor destroyed depending who you listen to but there’s been two strikes reported on the strikes yesterday on the telegram but we didn’t know what the damage outcome was so two strikes one this Airfield down here this is within Russia let’s Zoom right out here of course this is Ukraine so on the Airfield down here as well as then a substation then here let’s show you the substation first these images and stuff are from Brady Afric this is the substation on June the 4th and then substation then on June the 14th you can see then the burned area here hitting that electricity grid my father works for an electricity company but I don’t know how much damage that would actually cause then we come down then to the Airfield and this is where then the main uh damage taking place trending over twit Twitter Twitty has taken place so let’s have a look at then this so we see here on June 4th then five s34 aircraft sitting out in the open here then we skip forward to today oh so yesterday June 14th we then see what looks to be burn or spill Marks here unsure that wasn’t there before but it looks like almost something spilled from here we’re not sure and then we see this roof here has been blown off and it does appear that there are two Su 34s within then where this roof has been so this is the before this is the after so it does appear that the two aircraft have been moved into cover here and that roof has been blown off and you can see the debris from that roof there now how much damage has been caused here this photo doesn’t tell us anything people are saying they’re likely destroyed people are saying they’re likely fine we cannot tell from this aircraft this spill burn mark here that’s interesting as well but it looks like whatever was here whatever this thing is whether it was fuel or oil or something has been hit but yeah we don’t know but people are claiming that they are destroyed here now we do have a couple more photos and F bomber as well but I want to look at this because cillo buinov has said as well that more than 70 Ukrainian drones were part of the latest attack on the air base so one thing with this is okay 70 took took place we’ve had a couple of hits as well as the hit on the substation so everyone says like Russia’s interception of drones can’t hit them blah blah blah well what say to this is well it does look like the majority of those drones were intercepted by ew spag or um or um some level of AD so yeah it but it does show some hits but if 70 hit this would look significantly different so there is definitely some interception there the base will be attacked again as he has promised so very interesting to see that at that base now we have another photograph here showing what some are saying are burn marks and also some others are saying is oil on um the tarmac and where things are dirty from left over again nothing is like completely definite here that there was completely destroyed aircraft now one thing I will say with these drones drones move very slow in the air it can be hard to hit them but they do move relatively slow so the ability to move aircraft on the ground or get them up in the air which is the safest spot against the Drone is there as well that it’s not their say on a ballistic weapon system so again the level of damage here not actually sure what does this definitely tell us well it definitely tells us the number of drones came in and all the aircraft have basically then bloody moved from here by a couple sitting around so we know there’s been some strikes the damage of those we don’t know F bomber has then said this the Airfield was empty uh there were no planes there for breaking the roof of course you’ll get was so breaking the roof that there something in there maybe under maintenance timely recovery from Attack is the key to entire aircraft removal from Attack is only the effective method of rescuing aircraft in the absence of reinforced concrete structures so saying if you don’t have reinforced concrete structures over the aircraft what you have to do is get the aircraft away from that Airfield now of course with the amount of electronic warfare a lot of these drones will be preset to strike an area so imagine there was an aircraft here it’s probably hit the same spot even if the aircraft has gone or not we’re not EX sure how well the targeting has worked now I can’t find the footage but yesterday floating around there was footage in Russia of a um an okay industrial facility on fire said to be UAC now UAC build things like the s34 S 57 these type of aircraft now UAC on telegram has then said this over the course of the night and morning many incorrect reports came out about alleged fire on the territory of SEO design Bureau in this regard we inform there was no fire in the territory of SEO uh design Bureau the the fire broke out in the adjacent territory of the this plant uh there is no production activity in the area where the fire OCC uh occurred it has been long um it has long been moved from the other s the SEO design buau was is and will be present not the former as unfortunately some authors of nightly publication stated work is proceeding as usual new equipment um needed by the country is being created so again not 100% sure there uh when bismar said if you want something confirmed wait for it to be officially denied but regardless now let’s have a quick look over then the maps of course we have Ukraine the center the capital of keev red area is occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and of course the green areas where Russia has been and has either withdrawn out of although there’s still I check this every couple of days this up in here still should have just at least a little bit of green where the Russians actually did cross over more recently but doesn’t yet show it now no changes up involved chk no changes up in the north the first changes we start seeing on this map are in Buck moot just in here now this area we have said previously that likely this has been unoccupied by Ukraine anyway just due to where and sat in here for a long time that’ll be a hell of a long way into be still having forces but we know that there’s definitely been an increase around Chiva then we’ll pull down into then aiva now this of course is the ntio front the this is closing up in this Gap by the Russian forces as well as closing up this other envelopment out of Novo popovski as well out from the west of sea just as we have seen these envelopments taking place and sort of what we have said and we’re seeing this updated on this map of course then we don’t have a uh what’s it called suriak Map update in here hopefully we will get one then soon so let’s have a look down on this Southern one here now this is umansky just here it can be difficult to see so umans here and then Above This showing more of a fill in gap above omk right across in this region so again see this road this is said Road right here that Noel reports this map is showing that this in here is getting filled in by the Russians which is what we would expect when you actually have a look at this and go well would there be defensive work sitting well back in here the issue is here here is the lines of defense that were built here since a divka remember this has been on the front line for now 10 years that those defensive Works fell and multiple other areas have fallen back in here as this grinds forward towards then bov and other open areas which could collapse quickly now ryar has put out a weekly update on then the Aviva Direction and this lines up similar to what we’re seeing if we combine this with then the Noel reports map so this is the umans front down the bottom here and we see the closing up and by June 13th it looks very similar to what we’re seeing on then the noell reports and no real change up in Nova poovi oh sorry Nova poovi as far as the Breakin as well uh ryar is reporting very similar as well as some other fronts coming out which is no different to what we’re seeing amongst a lot of the maps in here some may come earlier some may come later as things DP feed in but regardless still looks fairly similar now let’s look at some strikes and some things we’ve spoken about previously too now we know there was mass missile strikes again towards Ukraine last night now we’ll talk about where they’re heading but it’s no shock now shot down Ukraine is claiming seven of 10 zero of the ice scander zero of the k47 a ballistics and all of the Shahed drones so not intercepting a lot of these types here now what we always ask is well they’re not intercepted did they hit the targets of course we don’t get the satellite imagery over Ukraine and we don’t get anything off the front because Ukraine has got it absolutely locked down of anything on these strikes but what we can see is this kitki they’re all going for that air base now that air base is most likely most likely the place where we we would see those f-16s come and most likely the area that has been built up to then receive them obviously if Russia’s going to send multi millions of dollars worth of weapon systems they’re not going to send it into just the abyss even if it gets struck taken down ew hits and it misses the overall location of where it’s going they must have some Intel on what is then here or trying to destroy build up of that before those better aircraft come in so that’s interesting to see now down said to be here so just to the east of Zap so of course if we look at where kopani uh roboty these areas so you can get an idea of where we actually are that we have seen video claimed to then be then from an is scander so a Russian is scander against a m270 so AKA a high Mars system could be fing High Mars or ice scaners what we don’t see here is really clear secondaries cooking off that we typically would see with a system like this so again some are saying it’s empty some are saying it was a decoy some are saying it’s legit again we don’t know I’ll just show you on here but what we are seeing is these drones operating a fair while behind the line and potentially laser designating these in now that’s our scanda we’ve talked about could the tornado more be laser designated we spoke about this before and a guys has said to me the gr four laser designating targets just as we suspected because we have seen some of those weapon systems their kill chain between time of scene time of hit has shortened a lot and it’s like is something designating here and one of my guys we’ve read this before did reach out and said a few weeks ago stumbled upon tornado s um ammunition circuitry video notice the circuit had too many jumper wires and this is something you typically don’t want but there’s no reason for these this makes me think a modification to the circuitry is made last minute remember this guy’s a PhD uh in engineering um but plausible that Russian Engineers have mive an extra sensor to make the missile laser guided the hardest part of such modification would be bureaucracy these systems could be tested properly before handing them over the troops but in Wartime Russians might have pipelined their testing grounds into combat Fields something we’ve seen we’ve seen many weapons been tested by Ukraine and Russia on the front lines that are still in testing phases in other areas around the world the video is referring to is this money if you’d like to go and have a look for yourself I’m no PhD in engineering but could that be happening well we speculated on this a few months ago when we saw a lot of those strikes against Choppers and stuff of typically glown as GPS guided weapons have set forget go and we’re going well there’s a drone why then would a drone be in place other than for PR reasons could it be are designating on some of these weapons could that be then upgraded put on there and the guy said to me in the last part of the email I don’t think I have it there if he’s like you know if you just take away your biases could the could Russian Engineers do this yes absolutely it could then happen is it happening well that’s up to us to speculate Legends uh shorter one today but I hope you’re doing well look after yourself and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. WIILLY…FFS…… do you actuallt talk ANT sense? 24/7 you ARE NOT reporting ANYTHING good on Ukraine Just how you seem to explode Inside with pleasure,ally EVERY SINGLE time, you are soooo hyper-focused with you NON STOP RUBBISH, especially when you zoom In as far as you can and be like "Russia have taken an Inch of territory, NOTHING even remotely positive to say about Ukraine, even though being outnumbered 10-1 The Ukranians atr doing amazing, all this considered. Every time It's "I know a bloke over there and he told me this and that or "My mate wtote me a letter and said". FFS Willy, you seem to be so far up Putin's BUTTHOLE, he can feel his spine tingling!!! Look, RUSSIA will, EVENTUALLY try to get back ALL of Europe, but oh noooo, Willy the head of Nato, Willy the Inside man once the head of the SAS, DELTA FORCE, the Seals…..The head Honcho of THE world, knows, he JUST KNOWS IT ALL!!!! Susw, take a second to how DELUDED you are and read Just a FEW of the comments about your fake-ass, PRO RUSSIA Is being scoffed at on REALLY full of BS you really are:

    "I stopped watching him pretty soon after that amnesty International report came out. They felt similar in that they are not incorrect factually per se, but treat russian and Ukraine like they are similar sized opponents on similar footing when they are not. Neither sat right with me. "


    To respond to your point 4, that you stated was the best example, you are using a bit of a false equivalence. You compare people talking out against the war in the west and in Russia. But ukraine is not the west. It is very much illegal to talk out against the war there. You can't even discuss or even speculate on the numbers of Ukrainian casualties. I think that may even be something willy himself ran into while there, with his focus on presenting a realistic picture.

    Also, all of your points are from one video, so yes maybe he just watched some Ukrainian propaganda channel that pissed him off because it represented itself as fair and balanced.

    Let's just be honest though, ukraine needs to have its propaganda spread far and wide in order to both combat Russian propaganda efforts as well as keep the public both in UK and the west engaged and hopeful about winning the war. Can't afford any loss of support.

    With that in mind, you are right that what willy does is not helping if not outright hurting ukraine, especially when he does swing a bit too far into the "both sides" game. Everyone knows russia are the monsters (some of the individual soldiers and especially the leadership), but as others have said, war blurs those lines.

    However, willy content is not really consumed by the public at large. He probably has had no measurable effect on the effectiveness of Ukrainian propaganda. His viewers are people that already come in with some understanding of the nuances of war, I would think. They want to actually know what is going on over there. Most people see the mainstream coverage and think no more about it, but people that look for more come across willy. And there are not many, not any I know of but I know I just haven't found them, actually trying trying to give a real picture. So to me, willy's work is invaluable. Even though I have also had the thought in the past that he has swung a bit too far to the other side for some periods of time. Including for a period right around when this post was made
    "Thank you for writing this and also your articulate responses to all the other comments below it. I'm Australian, and still have a whole bunch of family in Ukraine so your sentiments provide me so much comfort as I've been feeling this about him and his coverage too. "

    "Im so glad I’m not the only one that feels this way about him"

    "I think I remember watching ONE video or interview with this twat and what you describe was immediately obvious to me as well. He thinks he's intelligent because he might have some military experience or something. I'd say he hasn't nearly the understanding of the situation that he thinks he does. "

    "He is quite the traitor, I tried listening a few times early on but he’s so pro Russian he scared me. Demeans and degrade Ukraine soldiers. After giving. Russians their Verbal rewards he then he goes physcho and loves a little on Ukraine and then bashes them all over again. After Speak the Truth had him on…I couldn’t watch Speak the Truth anymore. It’s so easy to loose your way In this maze. "


  2. Putin wants time out to rearm (NK trip) why he’s making this offer.

    NK supplied 5 million shells.

    Nobody believes the international war criminal for child trafficking. Russia has lost all credibility since violating the Budapest Memorandum and continuous invasion of European countries.

  3. Your "expert" commentor is projecting his beliefs regarding Russia's need for the USD which he contends is because the Yuan is not a reliable currency.
    This is western exceptionalist indoctrination manifested.
    The brainwashed 🐑 of the west are in for some very harsh lessons in coming years.

  4. 5 million shells used by what? According to stats, if you believe one account or another, they will be chucking them with their hands soon.
    Ukraine was digging shells from the mud and ponds some time back.

    Would you trust a shell that can destroy its own barrel?

    Mr. Putin wants his personal Ukraine, that's it.

    Thank you

  5. Artillery has always been the King of battle. When tanks find something they cant fight, they call arty. When helos find AD they cant touch they call arty. When infantry get in the shit they call arty. The main threat to arty is other arty. Combined arms fights within the arty bubble. So you cant have too much artillery, and you cant have too many shells to go with it… Ask any general how much arty they want and the only correct answer is "more". Build more guns, build lots more shells and do it now, fuck shitbox F16s…..

  6. The "Peace Conference " is a Council of War. Lying, hypocritical, blood soaked war mongers attended.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" — Eph 6:12 @Willy OAM

  7. Russia’s position has weakened.

    F-16s incoming, funding from the West and Ukraine no longer fighting with a hand tied behind their back.

    Europe is also prepping for future Russian invasions, this is bad news for Putin ambitions (USSR 2.0).

    Since its founding in 1991, Russia has invaded, occupied or annexed parts of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.

    Annexation of part of whole of a country violates the UN Charter.

  8. War is trying to solve a problem by force.

    In Ukraine case the problem is this:

    Can "oblast" declare independence?

    UN Chart says it can, based on the right of self-determination.

    Can "oblast" declare independence without a consensus with the central government?

    Decision of ICJ in case of Kosovo says it is legal.

    Must then the centre accept the results?

    No, it is not obliged.

    From the russian point o view is Ukraine agressor.

    From ukrainian point of view is Russia the agressor.

    The problem exists since 2014. Minsk Accords were ment to solve the problem. All Ukraine had to do was to execute elections in Donbas, combined with some kind of referendum. But there was no will to do this. So Donbass had to to it independently.

  9. @Willy OAM "We're lucky", to learn Western Artillery shell production is a tiny fraction of what Russia has and produces?

    No. We're not lucky in the US to have incompetent generals. The US had Four 4-star generals during WWII. Today, the US Army has 44 4-star generals.

    Like we did before WWII, the US needs to fire every general officer. Yes. We sacked almost every single general prior to WWII… Because they were stuck in WWI thinking and incompetent for WWII.

  10. Para ver el daño que se produjo a los S 34 solo hay que ver la calidad de la primera foto ( que se ve nitida, mas pixels ) y la segunda que esta muy borrosa menos pixels . Aun asi se puede apreciar un derrame o restos de incendio o explosion, seguramente uno o dos cazas han sido dañados, si fuesen mas veriamos restos de la explosion sobre el asfalto.
    No entiendo como Rusia auno se ha tomado en serio la construccion de bunkers y hangares en la zona de alcance de Ucrania, van a perder valiosos aviones que no costaria tanto protegerlos, no digo al nivel de Iran ( bajo una montaña en tuneles ) pero si algo mas trabajado que tener los cazas a la intemperie.

  11. The American was clearly writing here. Russia has no great need for dollars, it does not trade with the countries of the dollar zone. And it will certainly be difficult for you to find yen in Russia. If you are interested in currency turnover, look at which countries are involved in trade. There were times when the dollar participated in almost all trades. But the United States made an effort and those times are in the past. I guess that guessing what's in the North Korean container will become a new popular activity.

  12. Yes Willy that was one of the true real reason for this war. The West needed to test War weapons and strategy. Ukraine is the proxy or test dummy to figure out "if the car"/ war plans really work. Turns out Nato needed an update our warfare patch; to include drones, anti air, Hell of alot of artillery and most important Manpower. If this war didnt happened alot of westernes wouldve died trying to do big arrow offensive on a modern battlefield.

  13. Truth: In 2020 Russia was the 11th largest economy in the world. Today Russia is the 4th largest economy. Further more Russia has moved to a closed system economy sanctions will not work.

  14. The politicians of the west need to stop supplying weapons to a country that is sending anyone to the front lines to die and Russia is a country full of its own resources that will continue to grow and take all Ukraine with force they need to accept the peace deal instead of cannon folding and more

  15. We have a bigger issue at play. Populace keeps thinking that Putin is Hitler, so sooner or later Russia will lose. But history has many examples of aggressors winning a war.

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