Russia-Ukraine war: Putin lays out terms & conditions for ceasefire & peace talks | World At War

[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to this edition of World at War I am your host jna Kumar at least nine people were killed and 29 injured in a Russian bullistic missile strike on Ukraine’s southern city of kvi on 12th of June now not only is kvri Ukrainian president vadir zelinsky’s Hometown but it was the deadliest Russian attack on Ukraine in weeks a day earlier Ukrainian president zalinski said that Russia had destroyed half of his country’s electricity generating capacity since it began puming its energy facilities in late March amidst this Doom and Gloom some much needed good news came from pulia in southern Italy where G7 leaders agreed on a new 50 billion loan for war ravage Ukraine using profits from Frozen Russian assets it’s definitely a shot in the arm for Ukraine but will it be enough in countering Russia our next report brings you the details [Music] in what is being described as a historic and potentially game-changing step the G7 leaders agreed on the 13th of June to use frozen Russian assets to raise $50 billion for Ukraine to help it fight the invading Russian forces it is a strong signal that uh we are sending to Ukraine that we will support Ukraine in its fight for freedom for as long as it takes it is also a strong signal to Putin that Putin cannot Outlast us you should keep in mind that there’s a European um support of 50 billion euros there’s the American Support of6 billion and now comes on top a G7 package of $50 billion and the message is also um that it’s not the European taxpayers that are paying for the damage that Putin is causing with this war of AG russan but it is Putin because um it is the windfall profits from the immobilized Assets in Europe that are serving this 50 billion loan for Ukraine also at the G7 Summit pledging long-term support for Ukraine in its war with Russia the US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski signed a 10-year bilateral Security deal which KF helded as historic following Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 some 325 billion worth of assets were frozen by the G7 alongside the European Union that pot of assets is generating about $3 billion a year in interest under the G7 plan that $3 billion sum will be used to pay off the annual interest on the 50 billion loan for the ukrainians taken out on the international markets the money though is not likely to arrive before the end of the year which means it will have little impact on the current course of the war but it is being viewed as a long-term solution for Ukraine’s war effort and Revival of its economy a day after the G7 agreement Russian President Vladimir Putin Den the move as theft and wout that it would not go unpunished the countries of the West have Frozen now a part of Russian assets and foreign currency reserves now they are thinking about any sort of legal grounds allowing them to finally appropriate them despite all the shikary theft will certainly remain theft and it will not go unpunished additionally on the eve of a peace conference in Switzerland where Russia has not been invited Putin laid out a series of conditions for ceasefire and for entering peace talks the conditions are very simple Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the dones and luhans people’s republics the Kon and zapia regions and I draw your attention from the entire territory of these regions within the administrative borders that existed at the time of their entry into Ukraine as soon as ke declares that it is ready for such a decision and begin the actual withdrawal of troops from these regions as well as officially notifies that they abandon plans to join NATO and order to ceasefire and begin negotiations will immediately follow from our side literally at the same minute on the other hand Ukraine urgently needs more weapons primarily air defense systems to blunt Russia’s missile and drone attacks on its cities and power stations as as well as long awaited F-16 fighter jets power disruptions have become increasingly common since Russia began fumbling Ukraine’s Energy Systems in late March cutting out half of its generating capacity consequently streets are frequently plunged Into Darkness the harm of private generators can be heard again and people are seen carrying flashlights to get [Music] around for cooking we also had to adjust and purchase a small gas camping stove to heat stuff up this is common many key residents many ukrainians deal with shortages in this way I think our situation is not the worst but with the baby it seriously complicates our reality judging by Russia’s belligerant the loan is unlikely to force a Russian u-turn on its war in Ukraine but the West’s decision to punish Russia in this manner surely sends a strong message the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir has been a flash point between India and Pakistan for over seven decades the Himalayan region has been roiled by militant violence since the start of an anti-indian Insurgency in 1989 that left tens of thousands of civilians soldiers and Rebels dead Al the violence recently had tapered off the troubled region witnessed a spurt in mil attacks beginning on the day a new government under the leadership of Narendra Modi was sworn in as many as four Terror attacks in 4 days resulted in the death of at least 12 people besides injuring dozens thereby putting the spotlight back on the rest of region our next report explores more nrai barely an hour before rra Modi was sworn in as India’s prime minister for the third consecutive term on the 9th of June terrorists ambushed a bus carrying Hindu pilgrims in the ri District of jamu and Kashmir nine people including the driver and the conductor were killed and at least 33 wounded in the firing which resulted in the bus plunging into a deep gorge the unfortunate incident it’s a very unfortunate incident that happened initial reports suggest that militants were waiting there in an ambush and they fired on the bus the bus was moving from shiv Ki towards Katra City the driver lost control and the bus fell into the deep gch the bus was on its way to the base camp of famous Hindu Shrine Malta Bishi when it came under a attack reportedly the militants kept on firing even after the bus fell into the gorge our bus fell into the gorge due to the firing after tumbling down five to six times the bus got stuck on a large Rock everyone was injured in the fall passengers were lying here and there some unconscious and some thrown out of the bus even after the fall the firing continued for 10 to 15 minutes Pakistan backed the resistance front an offshoot of the terror outfit lashkar at Toba claimed responsibility for the attack India designated the resistance front as a terrorist organization last year the terrorist organization was founded in 2019 following the abrogation of article 317 which granted special status to jamu and Kashmir the jamu and Kashmir police released a sketch of one of the militants and announced a reward of 20 lakh rupees for Fruitful information about him leaving no stone unturned the search operation to NAB the terrorists has been extended to far flung areas of the rii district including arnas and mahor areas notorious for providing Safe Haven to terrorists between 1995 and 2005 as many as 50 people have been detained so far in connection with the terror attack the Mayhem continued couple of days later on Tuesday when overnight gun battles in katua killed two militants and a paramilitary soldier besides injuring a civilian and six security Personnel the same night in dota’s tourist spot chat Gala militants targeted a joint police and army post injuring five soldiers and a special police officer hours later in the same DOTA District’s Kota top area near gondo a special police officer was injured after a joint team of police and paramilitary forces came under Fire from militants it was the fourth such incident in jamu since Sunday on Wednesday during the search operation in katua the Indian Security Forces recovered a huge stash of arms ammunitions cash and other supplies and blamed India’s arch rival Pakistan for the recent spurt in Terror attacks our hostile neighbor wants to damage our peaceful environment this infiltration appears to be a fresh one the sudden rise in violence is of concern considering the number of local militants was dropping although 70 to 84 militants are still believed to be active also noteworthy is the fact that the reason attacks come on the heels of a large voter turnout 58.6% in the recently held parliamentary elections which is the highest in 35 years New Delhi has long accused Islam Abad of harboring militants and disrupting peace in the region a charge Pakistan denies given the recent spurt and attacks in Jammu and Kashmir immediately after successful elections Pakistan will find it tough to deny its role as an agent provocator bueno’s airs was rocked by violent clashes between Riot police and protesters outside Argentina’s National Congress on the 12th of June as the Argentine lawmakers debated a sth of liberalizing reforms hundreds of Argentine Riot police fired rubber bullets tear gas and water cannons at demonstrators in a bid to disperse them the Define protesters pelted Stone said cars a blaze and threw Molotov cocktails fearful that the proposed measures will hurt millions of argentines the local media described the scene on Wednesday as resembling a battlefield the president’s office too struck a defined tone describing the protesters as terrorists attempting to carry out Auda finally in the early hours of Thursday Argentine president Javier M’s controversial economic reform package won Senate approval our next report brings you the details a debate that instigated a riot as Argentine Senators began to debate a controversial economic reform package proposed by the budget slashing president Javier mle on Wednesday scuffles broke out outside the Congress between the protesters opposing the proposed reforms and the riot police Yi protesters tried to bypass fences set up to prevent them from reaching the Congress in no time the clashes turned violent with protesters lobbing stones at officers who pepper spred them reportedly at least 40 people were treated at the scene after being pepper spreed as the shield bearing officers pushed back the protesters the angry protesters overturned and set glaz two cars nearly 15 protesters were arrested and at least five opposition MPS in the crowd were hospitalized the controversial reforms aimed at bolstering the country’s flagging economy include declaring a state of economic emergency cutting pensions and diluting labor rights leftist political parties labor unions social organizations retirees and teachers are bitterly opposed to the reforms this is a disastrous law for the Argentine people where there is a labor reform without sance pay where workers pay the salary tax again where president Terminator is empowered to take any measure for one year where International corporations are empowered to invest in our country with a 30-year grace period on taxes this law attacks all workers in Argentina I am a retired teacher and I do not want to be the last generation of of retirees in my family I want my sister who is a doctor to be able to retire my niece who is a student and my daughters who are professionals and who will not be able to retire if the pension package passes today after hours of debate the vote was opened the motion which was initially tied 3636 in the Senate was preliminarily passed after the head of the chamber vice president Victoria vadot the ti for those argentinians who are suffering who are waiting who don’t want to see their children leave the country for those argentinians who deserve to regain the pride of being Argentine and always thinking of everything for Argentina I vote Yes the Bild separate articles were then addressed Point by point and approved with modifications in a full vote in the early of Thursday for a final green light the measure now again moves to the lower house the highly divisive bill was initially rejected in its original form and only approved with major changes by the lower house in April Javier mle a right-wing Economist came to power in November last year after vowing to take a chainsaw to public spending he has since then cut the cabinet in half slashed 50,000 public jobs suspended new Public Works contracts and ripped dipped away Fuel and transport subsidies but despite such harsh measures annual inflation currently is close to 300% with more than half the argentines now languishing in poverty the first 6 months of M tenur haven’t resulted in Improvement in Argentina’s economy which begs the question can melee a self- declared anarcho capitalist solve Argentina’s worst economic crisis in two decades [Applause] close to 120 civilians were killed over a fortnight across the troubled province of North kevu in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo reportedly Islamic State linked Allied Democratic forces are to be blamed for the recent Spade of attacks ADF has been present in Democratic Republic of Congo for three decades and frequently carries out attacks in the provinces of North kivu and iuri against conges Army and villagers the Central African nation rich in valuable mineral resources has been plagued by 120 Rebel groups in its east fighting with national Armed Forces for power land and mineral resources the violence has uprooted nearly 7 million people with Aid inaccessible to many of them our next report explores more Islamic State linked ADF militia targeted several Villages surrounding the city of Benny in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on the 7th of June killing at least 41 people Friday’s attacks on The Villages of Masala mahini and Kim were carried out by armed militants who used guns and machetes to attack residents of the villages in North kibu Province nine others were wounded and a local Health Center was also set Ablaze the as salant arrived in the village during the day they came from the bush where they started killing people before arriving here at the center when they arrived at the hospital where we were we heard the crackling of bullets and that’s how we fled Red Cross volunteers and Village youth searched for bodies following the dastardly attack members of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo led by Lieutenant Colonel mag huk went on a foot patrol on Sunday urging villagers to remain in their homes a visibly shaken Maurice who lost members of his family fleeing the attack pleaded for protection we learned that our fleeing family members were killed along the way here we have two bodies a girl and a boy look how they were killed I asked the authorities to continue to protect us because we don’t know exactly where we are allegedly the ADF is responsible for another attack that killed at least 16 people earlier in the week bringing the total toll in the region to more than 80 since Tuesday the horror run continued the next week with ADF Rebels killing over 25 people including six women in the village of mikeno in lubero territory on the 12th of June the ADF now based in eastern Congo originated across the border in eastern Uganda in the 1990s it took up arms against the country’s long- serving president yui musini alleging persecution of Muslims by the Ugandan government it forged an alliance with the Islamic State about 6 years ago though analysts are of the opinion that those links are tenuous joint military operations by the Ugandan and congales forces against the ADF Rebels began in 2021 but they have so far failed to put an end to attacks on civilians another Rebel group M23 largely dormant for nearly a decade staged a comeback in late 2021 and has captured large swats of territory in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo since then the largely Tootsie Rebel group has been linked with neighboring Rwanda though Kigali denies the charge the big question is can the impoverished Nation among the five poorest in the world emerge victorious in its battle with Insurgency in its East and that’s all we could pack into this edition of World at War thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

Putin lays out terms & conditions for ceasefire & peace talks

Pakistan again playing agent provocateur in Jammu & Kashmir

Argentina rocked by violent clashes between riot police & protesters opposing controversial economic reforms

And Islamic State-linked Allied Democratic forces kill nearly 120 people in troubled North Kivu province in Eastern Congo.

Jyotsna Kumar gets you an in-depth analysis of the world’s biggest warzones of the week in #worldatwarshorts

#russiaukrainewar #russia #wion

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  1. only looser will proposed a ceasefire , when PUTIN proposed these terms it will be wary that he admit weakness and lack of trained and combat personnel aside from that the military equipment and now Ukraine has the right to use the WEST and EU aid without any ban of striking wherever they had to inside russia.

  2. Putin is a clown. Russia wants everything they couldn't take by military force for the last three years? He needs to lay down the vodka. Putin is a laughing stock around the world.

  3. Well Russia bet $300B but the west is now betting $40Trillion, and asside from that there are $298B western assets in russia that could be confiscated so I don't think its a win from the west definitely a defeat.

  4. Iraq leader wanted gold for oil ..Saddam framed for killing his own people by U.N and America…Gaddafi Hiliary gave stinger Missiles..Syria Assad said no to a Pipeline framed…Still a Pipeline through Syria…Zelensky placed by the United States for Control Ukraines Resources…Hello ?

  5. Thank you for your hard work getting the news to me here in America. We The People do not stand with Biden on the wars. Biden is the worst that has ever sat in the Oval Office. The United States is looked down on by other countries with Biden in office.

  6. Why is there a hindu temple an a muslim state/country thats so small. It doesnt matter islam allows but keep it in the inner city. But for sure this temple was definitely holding or more of there hindu millitants trying to occupy Kashmir

  7. Clearly western show their true color the western and it allies couldn’t resist economically for protecting their interests in Ukraine war against Russia. But they use Russia asset to assist Ukraine for supply a military equipment to against Russia.

    Attention please every nation has its own interests investing in the western and it allies it very dangerous easier to stolen it and the demonstrate axis’s by actions seize any nation asset to protect their interests.

    And they forgot this asset belongs to Russia innocent people this clearly Genocide

  8. yes, europe is not paying for the damage the russians do, very true. we pay for the damage ukraine is giving russia. all of it. my fucking bills have doubled. DOUBLED! and if i complain about that, i'm immediately called a putinist or something like that.

  9. Don't blame anyone. Reevaluate what you are doing. Otherwise, things won't go away. Trust me. There must be dismay and frustration. Work on that.
    When the violence started as soon as swear in, that tells a lot if you think clearly. Don't be arrogant about it. Work hard to find the cause of the violence. They had expected something. That is you need to work instead lazy excuses. You must look yourself. If you don't that you will suffer more than you imagine.
    I am telling you, because I don't want you to go back square one.
    Look into it and resolve the cause without wasting time. That is my advice to you.

  10. How on earth will the Ukraine be able to pay back this money? Was all of this worth it? Just abstaining from Joining NATO would have prevented this. The Ukraine will never ever be the same again it will just be another failed state as it was but worse.

  11. Nato started war against Russia door step and give ammonition and help the opposite side its clear they wants expansion their borders further east toward Russia borders this made Russia mad and inescapable . It's furthermore likewise overthrew Tasar imperial last century to replace communist regime Putin knows what is going around comes around. This means regime change what so ever it takes nukes or conventional war.orrather tactical nukes we will await and see who has the capacity to wine .

  12. You wont ever see putin near Ukraine. He got shellshocked already and now stays hidden in a bunker built by U.S. contractors in the 80s. Putin has been the worst thing ever happen to Russian Citizens

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