Where to go by train from anywhere in Europe?

Where to go by train from anywhere in Europe?


by naturespots

  1. Headline is shit. Why is there only four spots in Ukraine? It is in Europe, and every town is connected by trains.

  2. Portugal as isolated from Europe as Ireland, but Portugal ain’t an island :/

  3. Sadly Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia are not connected in this chart to showcase once great Yugoslavian railway system. Yugoslavia had some of the best railways in human history built by our hard working grandfathers under youth labour action communist regime (equivalent of Chinese state railways today). Even Eastern Asians took note (Japan, China, etc.).

  4. This highlights how isolated Norway is from the rest of Europe, we are practically an island.

    I have sometimes wondered if it could be possible to build a tunnel underneath Skagerrak from Denmark to Norway, but I guess the population in Norway is to low to justify such a project

  5. I took a train from Milan to Paris last summer and it took 6 hours but a landslide in August obstructed tunnels and tracks. Now that line is still blocked but the new high speed track opening in the 2030s will only take 4 hours for the same trip.

  6. What happen to the Balkans? I’ve always wanted to visit those countries by train

  7. If you want something even better, go to chronotrains.org it shows where you can go by train from anywhere in Europe within 8h, 7h, 6h ,5h, 4h etc.

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