Putin peace terms slammed at Ukraine summit | BBC News

world leaders will continue their meetings in Switzerland in the coming hours at the Ukraine peace Summit late on Saturday night local time a draft communic was issued it reaffirmed the territorial Integrity of Ukraine and stated unambiguously that any threat or use of nuclear weapons against it was inadmissible it warned that food security must not be weaponized in any way the draft also called for a complete exchange of prisoners of war and for the return of displaced Ukrainian children and civilians more than 90 heads of state and governments are attending it makes it the largest world leader Gathering solely focused on Ukraine since the evasion began more than two years ago but Russia has not been invited and China is not attending Sarah reinford filed this report from day one at borock shattering the Peace of a Swiss mountain side for the cause of Peace in Ukraine Vladimir zalinski came to meet delegations from all over the world world coming together here to begin seeking out a path towards ending the war waged by Russia talking peace is New Territory for Kev but now it’s seizing the initiative hoping for a broad Global Alliance that can help push for a settlement on Ukraine’s terms 101 States and international organizations are now at the summit and this is a tremendous success our success the common success of all the those who believe that a United World United Nations are stronger than any aggressor Russia wasn’t at the summit because Ukraine believes scenes like this show Vladimir Putin’s not interested in peace just destruction and domination only this week he called on Kev to capitulate if it wants a ceasefire do you think that the West has been too scared of Vladimir Putin to actually help Ukraine defeat him well I’m pleased that the UK has played a leading role in providing support to Ukraine the first country to provide lethal Aid more recently under my leadership the first country to provide main battle tanks longrange weapons to train Air Force pilots that demonstrates the strength of support for Ukraine Ukraine’s close allies will have to go on doing all that even as they support the stirrings of a peace process that would have to involve Russia too at some point we are looking for the possibility if this joint plan will be ready it will be possible to invited representative of Russia and represent this plan but this is a very important together with all countries maybe just more and it will be open dialogue the gulf is huge the chances of bridging it seem so remote but far from the devastation in Ukraine perhaps there is a faint glimmer of hope Sarah BBC News Lake lern well let’s speak to Paul denir who’s a professor of political science at the University of California Riverside thank you very much for being with us what do you think this Summit can achieve well it’s it’s not a peace negotiation because of course the uh the other combat bat isn’t represented but it’s important um in that a very significant number of countries has gotten together to reaffirm what has essentially been Ukraine’s uh position on a peace negotiation for quite some time which is that peace has to include um you know Ukraine’s territorial integrity and so that’s a pretty important marker uh to be putting down at at this point in the war you mentioned the absence of Russia what about the absence of China how much does that make a difference well I think it’s symbolic of the extent to which China is choosing to to um take Russia’s side in the war I don’t think it’s especially surprising um this is uh this is really a gathering of countries that uh that support Ukraine or at least or at least willing to think about supporting Ukraine um a and so China clearly is supporting Russia in this war and so they’re not going to be there and the measures that they’ve announced so far how easy would they be to enforce some of the some of the things they’ve come up with well these are statement these are goals right things like not using food as a weapon of War not using nuclear threats the Russians have been using food or food insecurity as a weapon of war and they and they have and I think they will continue to use nuclear threats not only in some of these statements they’re making about nuclear weapons but in the fact that they they are controlling this uh nuclear power station in Zaria that’s really in a very hazardous condition so these are these are statements of intent um but they’re you know they’re not statements of things that are necessarily easy to achieve now this comes as a backdrop of uh elections coming up in the US the UK France how important are those as part of this geop geopolitical kind of mix here I think these are very important because because uh the sides if we just take Ukraine and Russia they’re still very far apart and I think part of what what Russia is waiting to see is how long the west or and Ukraine’s allies will continue to back it whereas the the west and Ukraine’s allies are trying to see how long you uh Russia uh can and will keep on getting as as many of its people killed as it’s getting one big part of that of course is is who’s in power in these countries and I think Russia hopes that election will put some people in power who will be more amenable to to um resolving the the war on on terms favorable to Russia and how much do you think the what was set out at the at the G7 Summit the US Ukraine bilateral deal if you like how much will that uh cement in equipment and so on coming to to Ukraine and perhaps mitigate the effects of an election change yeah this is a really important point because I think there’s a lot of fear that if Donald Trump wins this election that he will cut Aid to Ukraine I I’m actually um less certain about that than a lot of people are um but what this agreement is is doing in a way is trying to make it harder for a for another Administration in the United States to walk away from Ukraine because VI terminating this agreement would be seen as as capitulating to Russia and so it’s a a lot of what’s going on in this war now and the background to any negot ation that could take place is both sides trying to convince the other of their willingness to stick with it for a long time and endure a very high cost and that uh that 10-year commitment is a very important commitment in that respect Paul D thank you very much indeed for your analysis thank you you’re welcome

More than 90 countries and international organisations are attending the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland, aimed at creating the broadest possible backing for a process that could help end the war in Ukraine.

On Friday, Vladimir Putin claimed he would agree to a ceasefire if Ukraine withdrew troops from four regions which Russia partially occupies and claims to have annexed.

Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni called the Russian president’s plan “propaganda” which effectively suggested that Ukraine “must withdraw from Ukraine”.

Russia has not been invited, and its biggest backer China is not present, leading some to cast doubt on the summit’s effectiveness.

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  1. They summit with arms, weapons and lethal weapons to support Ukraine not to end the meaningless war. Because each Russia and western countries are trying to prove "we are undefeatable" like Nazis in 1939, but they're didn't commit to save millions of innocent peoples. Because of their egos.just Imagine our modern society and how ugly it was.

  2. I thought Zelensky's legal democratic mandate ran out a week or so ago. Shouldn't he be taking any peace proposals to his people for the vote instead of going off on jollies to meet the elites in Switzerland. Not very democratic, is it.

  3. Why do people in the comments think that every country in the world needs to participate in peace talks? THE COUNTIES OF THE WORLD HAVE NEVER WORKED THAT WAY. In the 1600, the countries of Europe’s got together and divide up the entire world amongst themselves. We have come pretty far since then.

  4. What an irony. Zelensky slammed Putin's peace plan that had no mention of carrying on fighting if all of his terms are met, all meanwhile participating in the peace-imitating summit that all it talks about is arming Ukraine even further.
    This just shows who's truly interested in ending the meat grinder and who's benefiting/enriching himself from the pain of his very own people

  5. What is so speacial about Zelensky and Ukraine. The whole world is paying the price of this shyteeee. Under little rishi the whole of UK is paying for all these donations.

  6. A peace summit without the other party being present (were they even invited?) is hardly a Peace Summit, and having some countries attending who do not put their name to the final communique is hardly endorsing what was basically a talking shop and demonstration of endorsement of the recognition of Ukraine as a Unitary State, and Russia as an illegally acting Aggressor State.

  7. China πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ is a bad jealous security on Taiwan πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό , Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ and other Asian countries. But Allies LIKE US πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ , Japan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ , UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ and other will continue to protect the country's territories.

  8. And all you need to do is agree to no further NATO expansion where missles are stationed on the border to Russia. The US did not put up with that in the early 60s in Cuba.

  9. Ukraine should accept the generous offer from the Russian president, because if Donald Trump came in to power, Ukraine will not exist as a sovereign country.
    Both Russia and Republicans are helping each other. The deployment of a nuclear submarine in Cuba will create a sense of insecurity in the American public and they will held Biden administration responsible for it.

  10. Can the UK and western power tax paying public see the accounts books from the Ukraine and see how our tax money is being spent or saved by certain individuals in their private retirement accounts.

  11. Don't forget Ukraine is still blackmailing the Biden crime family and lots of other corrupt US Democrats and Mit Romney. So the cash must flow freely, no money to be made from Peace, No Deal.

  12. The NYTimes articles yesterday about the Peace Plan from 2022 (which was signed by Ukraine), makes it clear the US and UK were instigators of this war and are hardly disinterested neutral parties in any negotiations. They are complicit ; far more than Iran, North Korea, or China. For the US/UK to point at China and say "you are helping to keep this going" is a level of hubris and hypocrisy beyond all imagination. It is staggering really…

  13. πŸ˜‚ so many ruzzian Ivans/πŸ‘ beeeeee here -who let orcs out ?πŸ˜‚:your putler is cornered rat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ

  14. No Russia, China, India, Brazil, S. Arabia even no US president. Only some western bankrup western countries and another poor beggars participates this clown Zelensky’s summit

  15. La Germania prima aiutava i profughi ucraini dalla guerra, adesso vuole togliere l'assegno di cittadinanza agli uomini che sono abili alla guerra…….. hai capito!!! Prima ci sciacquiamo la bocca dei diritti umani, e poi viene fuori che l'obiettivo Γ¨ continuare la guerra per procura……. Che schifo! Ecco il video su you tube:……………….
    AIUTI AGLI UCRAINI? Sì finché vanno a MORIRE AL FRONTE | la Germania non intende aiutare i profughi

  16. There are many young Ukrainians being press-ganged to fight. They know they will die. Its horrendous. Think how many more would have lived had a peace deal happened over a year ago…..which Boris Johnson scuppered. It would have made Ukraine a neutral state like Switzerland so not be a threat to Russia and it could have then lived in peace. Putin knows the games played on the World stage. People seem to forget that it was the West who helped support a coup to oust a democratically elected President of Ukraine BEFORE Zelensky who was pro Russian. Zelensky is not on the front line fighting. He wanted to go to the Oscars year before last whilst the fighting was going on! He was named in the Panama Papers as having money offshore. Need I say more? I was told that the US/West wanted to weaken Russia but its also about the Lithium and Uranium Ukraine has. Zelensky proudly announced about a year ago that he had signed business deals and Ukarine was 'Open for business'. In the same speech he mentioned JP Morgan and Westinghouse. Westinghouse makes mini nuclear reactors. For the truth on Ukraine watch the video interviews with US Professors Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer. Brilliant.

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