Putin Demands Ukraine Abandon Four Regions for Peace Talks

Putin Demands Ukraine Abandon Four Regions for Peace Talks

украинские войска должны быть полностью выведены из Донецкой Луганской народных республик Херсонской и Запорожской областей причём обращаю внимание именно со всей территории этих регионов в пределах их административных границ которые существовали на момент их вхождения в Украину как только в Киеве заявит о том что готова к такому решению и начнут реальный вывод войск из этих регионов а также официально уведомит об отказе от планов вступления в НАТО с нашей стороны незамедлительно буквально в ту же минуту последует приказ прекратить огонь и начать переговоры

Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Ukraine to withdraw from four eastern regions partially occupied by his forces as a condition of peace talks, ahead of a Kyiv-backed conference on the war to which Moscow hasn’t been invited.

Putin said Ukrainian forces should pull out from the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of the country in return for a cease-fire by Russian troops. He also demanded Ukraine give up its bid to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in a televised speech before Foreign Ministry officials on Friday.

Putin’s statement came on the eve of a Swiss-hosted peace conference aimed at promoting Ukrainian demands for a Russian withdrawal from its territory. His offer amounted to a call for Ukraine to surrender its territories in return for peace talks, something Kyiv has consistently rejected since Russia’s February 2022 invasion.

Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-14/putin-demands-ukraine-pull-out-of-four-regions-for-peace-talks?sref=omvmmwIg

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  1. If Mr. Putin is open for Peace Talks we all should be helping to stop the War and help the Russian’s our Friends to recover Ukraine plow the land pick up everything that was damaged then regrow the Crops! Peace is Vital as we have a Space Program that the Russians and U.S Operate for the Betterment of our Peoples of both Nations! The people of the U.S. want Peace with the Russian people as we have similarities on every issue from Medicines to Food Production and General every day living!

  2. So it is time Zelenskyy stops asking us U.S Tax payers for money and stop giving any weapons. We need our own weapons that we are short on. All American soldiers need to be brought home from Europe we don’t need NATO or any other Organization that tells us how our dollars are spent and sure in the hell not War!

  3. And still no one mentions the 14000 people killed ( well i think i saw one comment!) in the east of the country prior to the Special Operation or people trafficking or the host of US biolabs( found by the Russians) that Victoria Nuland admitted to , being in Ukraine(Why?) ?
    Also, why was Joe Byden , John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi children involved in corporate business in Ukraine (corruption?)?

  4. Ответ на «мирный саммит» который устроили что бы ставить ультиматумы не пригласив на него РФ 🇷🇺. Четкий и всем доходчивый ответ мира! Только на таких условиях могут быть какие то переговоры! Точка, больше обсуждать нечего…

  5. Hilarious. Yesterday's man who doesn't realise that tomorrow's already here. No demands, no surrender, no dictating terms. Just get your murderous, convict army out of Ukraine and only then can peace negotiations begin.

  6. 😂 he is a clown 🤡 🤣 as soon as Ukraine withdraws from those regions, his army will take those new region's and talks will stall and than what. In his demand ukraine doesn't get anything from his talks.

  7. I Q of Putin 3× that of jewish actor Zelensky put in place by Us and easily being manipulated by the West. Wrong choice Us elite. Reclaim your land like thexUs did with New Mexico.

  8. Он врёт. Он опять нарушит все договоры и через несколько лет опять пойдёт с войной на Украину , потом на Польшу а потом и на Германию . Он сумасшедший.

  9. Он диктует свои требования чтобы с него сняли санкции . Очень хитрый , " мы убили миллион Украинцев, отдайте нам земли , и снимите с нас санкции за это " . Он сумасшедший.

  10. Only after he does to himself what he has done to so many others, and Russia withdraws to the borders it promised to respect in the Budapest Memorandum it signed in 1994, can there be peace. And it's going to happen, if cancer doesn't get him first.

  11. Putin has been waging war in Ukraine with 52 countries for the third year under sanctions. Russia defeated the Nazis in 1945 and will defeat them in 2025. The truth is behind the Russians. Forward Russia!

  12. How does he keep a straight face.
    You speak with fork tongue.
    When Ukraine disarmed and give you its nuclear arsenal you signed along with UK and usa to protect Ukraine, then you invaded it.
    Come on get real.
    Slava Ukraine love from England

  13. Putin never wants peace he wants time to get more forces weapon's and tank's he's loosing and won't admit it using verbal threats because that's all he has except nukes.

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