Are Britain and the US at WAR with Russia ALREADY? UK warned ‘EVERYTHING could go wrong!’

Are Britain and the US at WAR with Russia ALREADY? UK warned ‘EVERYTHING could go wrong!’

welcome back to the Neil Oliver show us officials have played down the arrival of four Russian naval vessels in Cuba for military drills uh they’re anchored in Havana Bay some 90 mi from the US state of Florida the vessels which include a nuclear powered submarine and a frot are being seen by some as a show of force amid moscow’s continuing tensions with the West over the military operations in Ukraine meanwhile G7 leaders have this week been engineering a new 50 billion loan to help Ukraine uh funded by the interest earned on profits from Russia’s Frozen Central Bank assets joining me to consider all of this and to give his take on the situation is political scientist and former professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent Richard Saka thank you for joining us Professor my pleasure now Professor are Britain and the United States already at War with Russia or not well not at War as such of course but we’re moving that way uh the Russo Ukrainian war is gradually becoming a NATO Russia War and the UK and the United States and Germany and France of course in the lead of that and and of course Italy so uh it’s it’s widening um and of course this was always a danger uh initially Biden tried to avoid that by placing limitations on the use of weapons supplied to Ukraine but as we’ve seen more and more of these lines are being moved including giving permission to use these weapons uh inside Russia itself it’s it’s my contention that we have the worst of leaders uh at the most dangerous of times uh certainly in Europe certainly in the west um as you see you the Russians are in are in Cuba uh there are uh American attacks in Ukraine um what could possibly go wrong at what point do we does someone does some sort of wise head in the room contemplate deescalation instead of continually turning up the heat AB absolutely everything could go wrong it’s uh it’s it’s very dangerous com compared to the the Cuban Missile Crisis when there were uh very um wise leadership obviously John Kennedy and his team uh compared to that time which they managed to negotiate and manage a dangerous crisis at this point we have no one in the west showing any serious leadership qualities uh we in M MRA in France is escalating the United Kingdom as always uh seems to have no limits and is pushing and pushing and pushing uh this cold war up the foothills of the third world war and of course in Germany we have the foreign minister Bok and others also militantly uh in other words they they they are suggesting that Russia is bluffing when it threatens uh response some sort of asymmetrical response uh and of course when Russia doesn’t do anything they say well it’s just a bluff well Russia has some of their commentators they say they’re bluffing until they’re no longer bluffing and his visit to Cuba is a sign of the fact that uh this war is escalating into possibly uh elements as I say it’s a foothills of the third world war at this moment in time so far the Foothills but we’re going up that mountain quite fast uh Greg Swanson no wisdom in the west uh what what what hope is there are we dependent actually contrary to the way in which he’s generally perceived or or or presented in the west are we are we dependent upon Putin being the the the calm head in the room that I mean ironically that might be the case when you look at Biden you look at macron you know Biden is is hopeless and he’s he’s yes at the beginning of the war he was trying to to have use some kind of restraint on the weapons and and how the weapons can be used but it’s been basically incrementalism doesn’t help anybody when he when he puts the handcuffs and to add a real dose of cynicism here the reason he didn’t want the ukrainians to fire into Russia and damage oil refineries or oil production is because he didn’t want oil prices to go up he his war on energy in the US really has caused the escalation in oil prices and natural gas prices it wasn’t Russia invading Ukraine it was Biden’s war on energy and Reckless spending that caused inflation which naturally raises oil prices so he was he was very much against the use of weapons so you know whether you agree with it or not the the the reality is it wasn’t saving lives or preventing more Carnage it was oil prices Professor Saka was it ever legitimate to call Putin’s invasion unprovoked was that ever the case no it was this is perhaps one of the most provoked Wars uh of our times uh we can go all the way back to Nato enlargement and then specific actions uh in 2020 2021 uh of course the uh the enforced or coercive regime change in in Ukraine in 2014 uh and so on and of course um the the fact that Russia security concerns were never taken into account as if they didn’t matter so uh this war this idea of unprovoked on the other hand of course when you Prov voked you don’t always have to react and so there’s ways and different ways of handling it but certainly uh the war was uh massively provoked including of course the HMS Defender incident in March 2021 which people tell me absolutely enraged uh Putin when the ship entered into Russian Waters around Kier it’s interesting is it not Professor Saka that if the shoe was on the other foot uh you know if you were to consider for example the Monroe Doctrine you know an America’s determination that Nobody messes with the with the Western Hemisphere you know what would what would have been the the the reaction of the US had Russia or indeed China uh embarked upon a program of planting uh a hostile presence in Central America yeah we know what the uh response would have been because we saw it in Cuba in October 1962 uh when the response was absolutely robust this is not allowed uh and and so uh what we’ve had is a sort of a universal Monroe Doctrine where Russia’s security interests uh simply we’re not even talking about spere a sphere of Interest we’re talking about a sphere of security uh and of course what’s happened is that the situation became exacerbated and finally exploded in 2022 Greg it’s my contention that the whole world and certainly the likes of M cron and and sunak and and the rest they urgently need a history lesson a relatively recent contemporary history lesson going perhaps going no further back than 2014 but you certainly we should all be paying attention to what happened in 1962 absolutely and and if you look at what happened later in between in the in the late 70s and early 80s the the deterrence Factor was important and whether or not you’re for defense buildup or proxy wars like we saw in Nicaragua and El Salvador at the time there was a massive defense buildup with the intention of never firing a shot Reagan hated nuclear weapons he hated them more than anything and yet he realized that there had to be an economic expansion to support this there had to be a defense spending expansion and there were no Wars and it worked now b i I think Putin is looking at Biden right now and saying here’s a president not only is he senile but he he’s cut defense spending in the United States three years in a row by 3% you have defense spending at 2.9% it’s the lowest since 1999 which is very peaceful time and we were still enjoying the peace dividend so now you have 2.9% if you if Biden were to win it would be at 2.4% by 2034 this is troubling for the world INF for NATO troubling for the world in foro indeed it is thank you Greg for those comments there thank you Professor Richard saaka

Professor Sakwa slams the UK government for its belligerence towards Russia.

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  1. Sakwa is a snivelling Russia apologist – a well known pro-Putin propagandist who is likely on Putins Mafia payroll and should be sanctioned.
    Exactly what is west supposed to do? Stand back and let Russian take Ukraine and grovel and plead with Putin – i sthat enough?. You seriously think he would stop there? He's essentially said he wouldnt

  2. 1:47
    ..since attacks were made on Russian infrastructure in 2022 and since atacms are now being used to attack ‘old’ Russian territory – Britain is certainly warring against Russia and without provocation. The distinct notion of a state of war which is historically based upon a declaration itself depends upon an active system of international law of a constitutional nature. This however has been over-ridden by the globalist order centred in the US which has assumed invincibility upon the calculation of the power to subvert the economy of any opponent and prevent arms production thereby. The need to declare war has (had) thus been obviated. At least in theory. Of course events in Ukraine are showing this as an almighty miscalculation. I’d say that we are vassalled to participation in real tho’ undeclared war.


  4. BS – the only reason Russian Warships are in 'drills' around Cuba is they are hiding from being annihiliated into oblivion in the Black Sea – like the rest of the fleet by Ukraine – which doesn't even have a Navy. The reason why they have wheeled out these pro Russian propagandists is that Putin is obviously geeting more desperate. 'SHow of Force' – my arse.

  5. The Americans have always been at war with the whole world, they are ruled by their elite. They will attack any country who they deem are a threat. If you think that they would never drop the first bomb, you are delusional. 😢

  6. We have loads of cannon fodder in the UK we could send to the eastern front, long term unemployed (depending on their situation of course) and anyone wanting british asylum need to prove their worth. Better than the Rwandan deterrent me thinks.

  7. We are not at war with Russia. The globalist puppets in Parliament are, like they were with Afghanistan and Iraq. We won't be pulled into that again…..Send the politicians to the front.

  8. "De-escalation" is an utterly meaningless term. What can it mean – apart from granting some sort of concession to Putin, the man who is 100% to blame for this war? And if that implies hiving off bits of Ukrainian land to the New Russian Empire, then Tyranny will have triumphed, while the principle of resistance to all unjustified aggression is severely weakened. As for Russia's moving warships to Cuba – big deal! There is only ONE path for the West which is both expedient _and _ moral, and that is to do everything in our power to bring an end to this conflict as soon as possible – by giving Putin such a bloody nose that even the power-brokers in the Kremlin will have had enough.

  9. It’s up to both the western leaders and the Russian leaders how ‘public’ they want to go with it. But it’s looking likely. Things are happening behind the scenes

  10. Andrew Bridgen said we are already at war with Russia a few weeks ago in an interview, he said that’s why the general election was called as Rishi doesn’t want to be a war time pm. It will be announced in mid to late July we’re at war

  11. Sorry but Yes.. the war is ongoing and has been since 2014
    When NATO built its 8 bases in Ukraine
    And the CIA admitted to their 12 operational bases.
    Troops have been there and continue to be there from U.K. and USA ., and the rest .

    You can’t have a “” peace plan”” if the people you want peace with aren’t allowed to attend .

    The war ships were according to military ppl in USA , not the faces on msm was planned awhile ago.

    The timing is fun .. and the statements by president Putin , should be taken notice of .

    War ships/ submarines are armed , and can use the weapons
    Cubs has long had ties with Russia
    Cuban missile crisis , again because usa armed Turkey with nuclear weapons , so Russia defended itself..

    The lack of “” official “” declaration , means nothing to these leaders
    “ permission “” given by both USA U.K. to use weapons to strike Russia, which is an act of war ..

    If a country in a conflict fires weapons on the opposing country, why would permission be needed? Unless some one else is running the show ..

    NATO already mobilising and it is in a lot of quarters usa are preparing to strike..
    As they don’t believe there are consequences.
    Russia just moved 700.000 troops in readiness , think that’s a bit of a giveaway ..
    The USA senator made it clear
    “” there are trillions of dollars of minerals in the ground in Ukraine . We support Ukraine against Russia to stop them getting their hands in it. No matter the cost ..

    The USA corporations having bought up that land ( donors of such senators) are heavily invested .
    And would be staggering loss.

    At all costs… to stop loosing the investment ..

    Cost of Ukrainian / nato troops. Lives
    The cost of Russian lives

    The cost of retaliation of nato countries populations ..

    That’s at ALL cost..

    That’s what our leaders are willing to gamble on.. all our lives.

  12. WE Don't want war with Russian-
    Sun Tzu's quote, “An evil enemy will burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes,” highlights the grave consequences of leaders who lack empathy, morality, and compassion for their people.

    Media will work to demonize all who support these England's patriot and their events to unite people.

    This is just the start of their campaign to discredit people they say are enemy of the state and Must LOVE Islam, muslimness and sharia halal.

    STAY strong and respectful… we have to win, our children's future depends on our acts and action today and tomorrow. United we stand (white, Brown, Black, pink) -United we will win ! Divided we will lose our England and home.

    Trojan house within ! Today Islamic population in England is over 5 million out of 57 million England's population and growing rapidly and predicted to grow to 8-9 million by 2030.

    These should be worrying signs for us ALL, who are asleep walking toward a halal slaughter house. –

    Just look at our supermarkets selling sharia halal foods? Tesco, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Aldi, Marks & Spencer -all most all. Restaurants across England and Wales – with sharia halal meat and food offering. You and I, WE are paying Islamic elements to support MORE Islam over us all !

    Those promoting and selling sharia halal meat, foods are the most generous contributors to Islamic originations to promote Islamic ideology into wider English communities, schools, colleges and Universities, Public spaces, work across England Wales.

    Don't under estimate Muslim unity and resources and support.! They have nothing to lose – all to gain – WE are trying save our HOME -England.

  13. Thank you for telling the truth about this issue and asking the questions that need to be asked, regarding the NATO/Russia conflict in Eastern Europe.

  14. I'm sick and tied of hindsight arguments. The best solution can always be found in the past. The point is what do we do now with an aggressive axis growing in the east. All I see now is appeasement and more appeasement. What are our Western values worth. What we do have is weak leadership in the West. I think it is already too late to step back from the brink. Even if the west does nothing, we will become insignificant, and a dangerous new world order will take our. What do people prefer? Our only options left now are to stand up for what we believe in or allow ourselves to be dominated by an authoritarian world order.

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