World Leaders Back Ukraine During Peace Summit, Russia Not Taking Part

World Leaders Back Ukraine During Peace Summit, Russia Not Taking Part

Harris thank you thank you [Music] [Music] you [Music] we are here today for the sake of diplomacy and Ukraine has always believed in the power of diplomacy war is not our choice it’s Putin’s choice at the peace Summit today we will do everything we can to start moving towards real peace through [Music] towards real [Music] peace children the views ideas and Leadership of each Nation are equally important to us and everything that will be a greed upon at the summit today will be part of the peacemaking process that we all need I believe that we will witness history being made here I am here in Switzerland to stand with Ukraine and the lead leaders from around the world in support of a just and Lasting peace as we look forward to that piece and work toward that the United States is committed to helping Ukraine rebuild to that end today I am pleased to announce that the United States will provide more than one and a half billion dollars to address Ukraine’s humanitarian and energy needs and to help relieve the suffering of the people of Ukraine [Music] prime minister what’s your what message does this Summit send to Russia well I’m pleased to be here in Switzerland at the Ukraine peace Summit and I think the very strong ter out as today’s Summit demonstrates the determination within the International Community to see an end to the war in Ukraine an end to the suffering peace returned to the European continent the war has impacted people in so many different ways including at home with energy bills so it’s right that we find a lasting peace on terms that is acceptable to Ukraine based on the principles of a territorial Integrity in the UN Charter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] r well ex accept the invitation I think he made a mistake not being here this whole process started a year ago with 145 National Security advisor and here we are today with half of the UN at the leader level in many cases of many countries and uh and he is preparing for a state visit to North Korea so this is your story for for [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] first post reports from the world’s second largest continent hello I’m Alison lrange a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we get you the news and the newsmakers from Africa from elections to climate change to Innovations and opportunities as the world’s attention shifts we report from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on first [Music] post for

World Leaders Back Ukraine During Peace Summit, Russia Not Taking Part

World leaders meet for Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland. The two-day summit in Buergenstock, attended by leaders and officials from more than 90 countries, will conclude on June 16. The talks are focussed on broader concerns like food and nuclear security. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky voiced hope for garnering a peace agreement. He added that agreements from the summit will be a part of the peacemaking process. US Vice President Kamala Harris vowed $1.5 billion in humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Most attendees voiced strong support for Ukraine, demanding β€œjust peace”. UK PM Rishi Sunak hailed the “very strong turnout” at the summit which was shunned by China and dismissed as a waste of time by Russia.

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  1. the criminal world organization of the USA and the West are going on again, (ICC does not count) for Palestine, because they know that there is a good chance that Ukraine will lose the war, why is there no peace plan for Palestine , about the baby murders

  2. Yes, as a matter of fact Zelenskiy WAS a comedian, who actually performed in Kremlin. Zelenskiy is not a President, he is NOT even a Ukrainian. He is a PUPPET, a comedian. Ukraine needs a strong leader with common sense.
    And by the way, USA is going to the same direction (very unfortunately). USA needs a strong leader!!!

  3. All these comments are a joke!!! Of course Putin is not invited as he is the crazy guy ordered invasion of Ukraine and murdered so many innocent civilians! Putin and Xi are the criminals!!!!

  4. All the countries that voted for Ukraine at the UN should send a clear message to Russia that there is no peace deals with Putin. Only deals will be with the opposition leaders of Russia because Putin is a Criminal we need to brake his power no deal with Putin.

  5. This group has to brake Putin’s power by refusing to do any peace deal with z Putin. Only do deals either the Russian leaders who went through Fake elections. Putin is a Criminal so no deal with z Putin.

  6. The whole world knows nothing gonna happen on the peace matter ,because it's arranged to fool the west world people as if they tried all the odds – in reality the Ukraine peace is just nothing but a Joke created by bunch of jokers for the joker president!

  7. We have 195 countries total all over the world. And 193 of them is the UN. And only around 80 countries seems show their support for Ukraine? And almost 50 of them are so called western countries controlled by America. On around 30 non western countries willing to side with Ukraine? It's a very low number. It's a shame to America and Zelensky agenda under American instruction has failed miserably to gather support. World majority seems siding with Russia & China.

  8. Ukraine is old news nobody cares so what Ukrainians are dying there leader wants them to die so why should we care. Don't cry me a river now did you forget 2014 acting like it was gonna be a movie act than cut an go home afterwards πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… it doesn't work that way here on earth so my advice is move to the moon cause you knew the outcome so why are you acting surprised now sorry i forgot your president thinks he's still acting on a set πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  9. 2/3rd of world population rejected this summit and major nations like India Saudi Arabia, bricks members (all 12 ) and many south east Asia also rejected this
    Even Switzerland’s own ministers called it a failure
    Thus is nothing but a western imposition of a narrative masquerade as global opinion

  10. Putins choice? the people in this room have pushed Russia to the edge and they say war is Russia's choice. this is just ridiculous at this point. I can't believe many millions of people take these people seriously. I feel so so bad for the people of Ukraine and the all the young men (including the Russians) who have died and their families that now must live with the circumstances. Its truly tragic! What is wrong with our leaders? Something has gone so badly wrong!!!

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