Rishi Sunak says Putin has ‘no interest in genuine peace’ in speech at Ukraine summit

Rishi Sunak says Putin has ‘no interest in genuine peace’ in speech at Ukraine summit

to return to that Ukraine peace conference the prime minister is speaking it is a cruel Paradox that the things that make life worth living are also the things for which brave men and women are prepared to die for family for freedom for the ability to shape one’s own future we salute them all just as we abore all of those who have pushed this fate upon them I recall my first visit to Kei when I saw the explosive devices that departing Russian soldier has placed in children’s toys and footballs there can be no justification for that there can be no justification for escalating nuclear rhetoric there can be no justification for disrupting Food Supplies to tens of millions of vulnerable people now there will be of course A diversity of views around this table but I commend and thank everyone for their participation here today demonstrating that you all seek a genuine peace to this conflict because Putin has no interest in a genuine peace he’s launched a sustained diplomatic campaign against this very Summit ordering countries to stay away and we should ask why does Russia feel that they are so threatened by a summit discussing the basic principles of territorial Integrity food security and nuclear safety instead Russia’s representative at the United Nations recently said the only topic for any International meetings on Ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the KE regime well that will never happen because aggression cannot and will not Prevail instead we must set out the principles for a just and Lasting peace based on international law and the UN Charter that is the path to a permanent cessation of hostilities showing that we will always protect the right of all Nations to determine their own future and this Summit is the chance to start down that path to respond together to the global impacts of the war in Ukraine to send a strong message from the International Community to Russia and beyond that we want to end the suffering we want to see an end to this war and we want to make this the day that the path towards a just and Lasting peace in Ukraine became that much closer thank you [Applause]

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has addressed delegates at the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland.

He says Vladimir Putin has “no interest in genuine peace”, having ordered countries in his sphere of influence not attend the summit.

In addition, he says “We should ask, why does Russia feel so threatened by a summit discussing the basic principles of territorial integrity, food security, and nuclear safety?”

Read more: https://news.sky.com/story/general-election-2024-sunak-starmer-conservatives-labour-davey-lib-dem-12593360

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  1. This idiot is a clown but he's not funny. The only justification for keeping this war going if he was honest ( oxymoron for a politician ) is to fill the pockets of the arms manufacturers.

  2. Can we call it a peace conference if they're not taking peace deals seriously? It's a War Conference. This tiny little blip of a PM wants to bring back the draft, by the way. He wants WW3, not peace.

  3. WW3 has always been a part of the plan, and every country in the world is a part of this plan and they are all working to the agenda as planned. don't be fooled it's all a game and it's all planned.

  4. He had a great plan for peace in 2008 but boris johnson took it off the table and the death toll is in the region of 500,000 that's why we need a new government in the uk

  5. "Summit for War!"

    Switzerland held a summit to affirm the west's continuation of war in Ukraine (at the cost of Ukrainian deaths, in 100s of thousands), so as to don a garb of approval of 90 countries in the world.

  6. Sunak once again out of touch with U.K. population….stop spending £billions on weapons for Ukraine…fix our borders, fix our roads, fix our health care system…fix our country… stop wasting out tax payers money!!!!!

  7. For any unsuspecting person reading the comment section, there are a lot of Kremlin trolls here pretending to be British and trying to divert attention from the actual topic by using a well known logical fallacy known as ad hominem. They are also intensifying a strategy of flooding comment sections with their trolling to make any meaningful condemnation on Putin insignificant.

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