‘I don’t care whether West trusts us…’: Lavrov as Putin lays out Russia-Ukraine ceasefire conditions

‘I don’t care whether West trusts us…’: Lavrov as Putin lays out Russia-Ukraine ceasefire conditions

Peace proposals The President set out based on conditions that ukra must But shouldn’t Russia that Makes The First Back TR russ has been doing possible on the bas deals reached and Broken by boris Johnson and Number other FR in [музыка] президент сформулировал чёткие условия перехода к мирным переговорам по Украине как МИД со своей строны планирует В практическом смысле реализовывать эти положения и следует ли ожидать каких-то контактов Особенно с учётом статуса легитимности действующей власти на Украине президент подробнейшим образом изложил и Аспект легитимности он не первый раз к этой теме обращается там всё понятно всё ясно более того президент когда этой темы касался Раньше он говорил что при всех вот этих вот выводах которые любой юрист Элементарно сделает ознакомившись с Украинской Конституции при всех этих выводах окончательно решение в рамках политического и правового поля Украины если этот сигнал до сих пор никем не услышан Ну тогда значит мы в очередной раз разочаровывается в наших наших западных партнёрах а что касается роля Мида ни за кем мы бегать не собираемся наши послы подробнейшим образом в соответствующих столицах передадут текст выступления президента разъяснят дополнительно ри все этой ситуации и мы будем ожидать что реакция последует У меня нет сомнение что страны мирового большинства всё это понимают я со многими из них подробно говорил на украинскую тема в том числе вот недавно с участниками встречи министров иностранных дел Брикс плюс в Нижнем Новгороде они все всё прекрасно понима се как раз в Италии на встрече группы семи где-то там вокруг по-моему Зеленский ходит Завтра и послезавтра непонятно В каком составе На каком уровне будет Вот это вот мероприятие в Швейцарии Ну надеюсь выступление президента даст им о чём поговорить Добрый день я переду для тех кто может быть не понял английского вы следите ли за европейскими выборами что вы о них думаете Ну вы неправильно перевели французский expect spe inde that Here and P Back TR since russes Listen you listening to the President tce in the midle spe Said SE spe and understand russ deals Broken Bis John ust w w и отводим во Пере я не буду гадать на кофейный гу Я думаю вы сами понимаете что сейчас говорить А что если вот уже сказали Мы можем верить что ониче раз не кинут конечно не можем поэтому поэтому и всё было сформулировано так как было сформулировано мы гото это вови только когда мы поймём что эти условия выполняются в ту же минуту он сказал мы прекратим боевые действия [музыка]

Days before the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland, Russian President Putin, on June 14, laid out conditions for the Russia-Ukraine ceasefire. Putin said Russia would end the war only if Kyiv agreed to drop its NATO ambitions and hand over the entirety of four provinces. He restated his demand for Ukraine’s demilitarisation, unchanged from the day he sent in his troops on Feb. 24, 2022. President Putin stressed that the Ukrainian regime must also guarantee the rights and freedoms of the Russian-speaking population. He said all these agreements should be fundamentally recognised at the international level, followed by the removal of Western sanctions against Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov answered media questions following Putin’s ceasefire remarks.

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  1. I think that the West should come together with Russia and China to make the world a safer place.

    We are all human! Its about time that we did before we destroy ourselves?

  2. Should not Nato pay for its proxy war against Russia?
    Opinion.5 ways Nato caused war in Ukraine:

    Thought it could be good tell the other side of the story. In Western media you only hear the propaganda lie so many people now believe. Not strange. If you hear/read the lie hundreds of times during a couple of years you start to believe it. Talking about the biggest propaganda lie ever in history perhaps "that the ongoing Russian war/invasion in Ukraine was unprovocked" repeated over and over again..

    Here is the a list of how the
    USA/The West/Nato provocked the ongoing war in Ukraine in 5 ways with the goal of making the Russian economy crash under pressure of sanctions and higher and higher war expenses with the hope that ordinary citizens of Russia would rise up and take down the present government of Russia lead by the president Vladimir Putin and replace it with a Western friendly Russian goverment which the West could control:

    1. Nato expansion in Eastern Europe and more and more along the Russian border. Expansion even if Russia said many time to Nato that they see the expansion as a very serious threat to national security of Russia. So by the expansion new nato members felt more secure while Russia for every new member felt the national security of Russia was more and more threaten. In that light. Not so hard so see that if you increase countries feeling of security in this way it can go very wrong if the same expansion are making a superpower feel its national security more and more threaten by every new Nato member that this development one day can lead to conflicts and a war like the one ongoing in Ukraine..
    With other words. One superpower, USA, leading a military alliance which take in more and more member close and along another superpower, Russia, borders. Not hard to understand that an expansion of one superpowers military close another superpower could and lead to conflicts and in this case the Ukraine war. Just think how USA would have reacted if a russian military alliance in alternative universe would have started talking about accepting Mexico and Canada as members..US would in this alternative universe for sure had invaded these countries as Russia invaded Ukraine for the same reason to stop an existential threat to national security to arise..

    2. US coup in Ukraine. USA plan and paid for the coup which removed the democratical elected and russian friendly Ukraine government not so many years before the ongoing war of today in Ukraine. And replaced that goverment with a Western/US friendly government. One of many US suppported coup around the world during the last 100 years to get a US friendly government in another country. The coup we are talking about is the orange revolution in 2004-2005.

    3. Nato governments/In Europe and USA participated in peace negotiations in Minsk and Istanbul with Ukraine and West/Nato just fooling Russia to have time to send a lot of Arms to Ukraine och upgrade its military capability.Both the present president in France and the former leader, Angela  Merkel, of Germany have admit they just fooled the Russians who thought the negotiations was real with Ukraine and the West. Talk about a big provokation.

    4. Ukraines governments sending  representatives to Donbas to try to stop etnic russians from using russian language and living according to russian culture. This treatment lead to an uprising in Donbas by ethnic russians towards the Ukraine government whoch became a civil war which was ongoing many years before the present big war between Russia and Ukraine today in Ukraine. That the west/nato/us with close ties to Ukraine government did say to their alies in Kiev to stop this treatment was for sure very provoking for Russia. If west had said no the Ukraine goverment would have stopped the bad treatment of ethnic russia as the west otherwise could have stopped the big arm shipments to Ukraine. But the west did nothing.

    5. The war declaration towards Russia by Nato representatives for Ukraine. Here it comes. NATO started to talk on western media about the possibility of Nato membership for Ukraine knowing very well that Russia saw Ukraine Nato membership as an existential threat to the National security of Russia. One thing Russia said to Nato representatives many times that they would never accept to be created. Nato knew with others words that a war in Ukraine soon would follow if they started to talk about Nato membership of Ukraine.. And started to talk anyway  knowing ver well what would happen. I guess Nato/US wanted the war and the sanction which were a chances for them to turn the Russian public against Putin with big economical problems in Russia as a result of the war as it in best case for Nato, as nato hoped for, it would have resulted in the fall of Putins goverment and a west friendly government taking over the power of Russia. But it did not happen. Horrible that the Ukraine people had to suffer and die and get their country destroyed for this global power play move by Nato/US against Russia.

    West media do not tell you. How NATO in 5 ways P

  3. Obviously, the Russian proposals are quite reasonable, moderate, and fit well into the framework of usual behaviour in international politics.
    The west/Ukraine should take them to avoid further bloodshed and other damage.

  4. So Lavrov says he don't care what west think..It's exactly the answer we know they woukd come up with because the whole thing is just a scam..I guess he will care when the whole Russian country come crying to the World when citizens are struggling and can't survive the hunger. Russia as a country is dying and economy will explode very soon.

  5. Putin definitely not not in no position to make cease fire deals …Get the hell off Ukraine land and then you can talk we will listen that way .

  6. Dr Sergei Lavrov, such an excellent foreign minister and department leader. And example. The UK fm is a disgrace, faffing w/ the head of a pig, not on a sam cam though. (he did not even know what ‘Magna Carta’ meant on Letterman). And the sordid US’s fm was twanging his banjo while croaking away an evening w/ natsi deplorables.

    God bless the Russian Federation, its leaders, their families, Russia and its fine peoples.

    This is an adult. — this is leadership. Not some cracker trotting out a fake gripe during superbowl advert break in man mascara.

    Disneyland has no way back , regardless and irregardless of what its November voting has.

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