3 MINUTES AGO! Ukraine Has Blown Up the Russian Power Plant! Russia Has No Electricity Anymore!

3 MINUTES AGO! Ukraine Has Blown Up the Russian Power Plant! Russia Has No Electricity Anymore!

Welcome to our Channel displaying remarkable precision and strategic Courage the Ukrainian Air Force has carried out a series of precision air strikes that have reverberated throughout the Russia Ukraine conflict one of the most notable targets of these attacks was the Bratz hydroelectric power plant a critical Dam and power plant located on the angara river in irkutsk oblast Russia this power plant plays an important role in Russia’s energy infrastructure and provides an important part of the Region’s electricity Supply the Ukrainian Army’s use of unmanned aerial vehicles and kamakazi uavs demonstrates an extremely calculated approach to targeting high value enemy assets Ukrainian for forces managed to cross the borders of invading Russia using these Advanced Technologies and reach the hydroelectric power plant the impact of these attacks goes beyond physical damage as it is a symbolic blow to Russia’s aggressive military posture the ability of the Ukrainian Air Force to penetrate deep into enemy territory and neutralize critical targets underscores their cohesion and determination to challenge Russian advances while the Ukrainian forces have demonstrated their ability to carry out tactical attacks Putin’s once confident aggression now seems to be weakening the realization that these actions could lead to his downfall has created an atmosphere of anxiety in Moscow the developing dynamics of the conflict are changing the balance of power raising questions about the sustainability of Putin’s strategy and the ultimate outcome of this escalating conflict the hydroelectric power power plant targeted in this operation is of strategic importance as a critical energy source for the region the outage is not only hampering the energy Supply but also affecting the overall operational capacity of the Russian military this tactical maneuver demonstrates Ukraine’s ability to exploit advanced technology and intelligence to weaken the enemy’s infrastructure as the conflict intensifies it is clear that President Putin’s aggressive approach faces significant challenges the success of the Ukrainian operation sends a clear message Ukraine has the capacity to strike deep into enemy territory Target high value assets and disrupt critical operations this awareness is also resonating in Moscow where Putin’s once confident posture is now grappling with the uncertainty of Ukraine’s defenses which are becoming increasingly durable the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and kamakazi drones underscores the evolving nature of modern warfare in which Precision attacks and technological Ingenuity play a crucial role Ukraine’s strategic adaptation to the Russian advances not only demonstrates its determination but also reveals the weaknesses of the aggressor this successful operation signals a turning point in the conflict where the balance of power May shift in favor of those who demonstrate Innovation and resilience on the battlefield in the first phase of the operation Ukrainian intelligence agencies are meticulously collecting and analyzing critical information about the Bratz hydroelectric power plant located in the irkutsk oblast of Russia aware of the Strategic importance of this facility the intelligence Community has taken a multi-pronged approach to uncovering potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited in the operation satellite images of the power plant are being carefully examined in order to evaluate the layout infrastructure and existing security measures these highresolution images help identify important areas that may be vulnerable to attack Ukrainian intelligence intercepted electronic communications related to the power plant by taking advantage of digital conversations and exchanges analysts can notice potential gaps in security protocols and identify situations that could provide information to the operation undercover agents and informants in the field provided invaluable information about the day-to-day operations of the power plant these resources helped support satellite imagery and electronic intercepts providing a comprehensive understanding of the facility’s vulnerabilities a detailed analysis of the power plant security protocols was carried out this includes clud the understanding of access points surveillance systems and protection rotations any weaknesses or shortcomings in the security system are noted in terms of possible abuse previous incidents accidents or safety violations related to the facility were examined such historical data sheds light on potential areas of concern and helps predict the reactions of security Personnel during a crisis all the information collected is carefully analyzed to assess the risk ratio of the operation this includes an assessment of the potential impact of a successful attack on the functionality of the power plant and its strategic consequences for both sides the comprehensive intelligence gathered at this stage forms the basis for subsequent tactical planning Ukrainian intelligence agencies identified weak points potential access points and vulnerabilities laying the groundwork for a Precision attack that could disrupt Russian military operations and contribute to the changing dynamics of the conflict a team of Ukrainian military strategists Intelligence Officers and Technical experts came together to create a meticulous action plan with the rich intelligence they have deciphered the AIM is to strategically Target the Bratz hydroelectric power plant by taking advantage of the potential of unmanned aerial vehicles uavs and kamakazi drones this phase involves the continuous coordination of various units Each of which is assigned different roles within the operation Ukrainian teams take part in brainstorming sessions where they bring together their expertise to decipher a comprehensive plan strategists evaluated counter measures and Escape Routes for the operation each member of the team is assigned a specific role according to their expertise every role from drone operators to intelligence analysts is vital for the successful execution of the operation the plan outlines the exact tactics that will be applied during the operation this plan includes the entry route of unmanned aerial Vehicles the timing of the attack and contingency plans against unexpected developments technical experts are evaluating uavs and kamakazi drones to make sure that they are equipped with the necessary hardware and software for the operation this includes real-time communication systems and advanced targeting mechanisms a communication protocol is established in order to ensure perfect coordination between the different related units deck this is very important for synchronizing actions and responding to changing conditions on the field before the operation trial exercises and simulations were conducted to get used to the plan this helps to identify gaps or areas that need to be improved after the plan is finalized and all units are aligned it is submitted for approval by the higher authorities this ensures that the operation is in line with strategic goals and priorities when the plan is Consolidated the relevant units are ready to perform the tasks assigned to them coordination open communication and Rapid implementation are essential for the success of the operation this stage of planning and coordination ensures that every aspect of the operation is well thought out and carried out meticulously the combination of expertise technological innovation and strategic intelligence is the basis for a Precision attack on the Bratz hydroelectric power plant armed with a well-prepared plan the Ukrainian forces are shifting their focus to Preparing unmanned aerial vehicles uavs and comic maazi drones which will play an important role in the operation these state-of-the-art vehicles are specially designed to navigate difficult environments and accurately perform spot kicks the technical team chose uavs and kamakazi drones which are known for their precision and adaptability these vehicles are selected to suit the requirements of the mission including the need to navigate complex terrain and Target specific structures uavs and kamakazi drones are equipped with prec prion guided Munitions that improve the accuracy of attacks these Munitions have the capacity to hit certain targets with minimal damage minimizing the risk of unintended consequences technical experts carry out strict checks and calibrations on each UAV and kamakazi drone before deployment this ensures that all systems work optimally and that the vehicles are ready to operate under high stress conditions the navigation systems are precisely adjusted to take into account the unique topography and difficulties of the target area the targeting systems are calibrated in such a way as to ensure accuracy in identifying and hitting the identified structures uavs and kamakazi drones are undergoing tests and simulations to replicate real world conditions this stage helps to identify possible failures or malfunctions that may jeopardize the success of the operation uavs and comic AI drones are equipped with advanced communication systems that allow realtime communication with operators this integration is crucial for maintaining control and adjusting tactics on the Fly technical teams prepare emergency measures in case of unforeseen technical problems during the operation backup systems and backup communication channels are activated to ensure Mission success after meticulously preparing and testing all the equipment uavs and kamakazi drones are considered operationally ready they are loaded with Precision guided Munitions and are being prepared for deployment to the Target area this stage underlines the complex preparation and attention to detail required for the use of advanced technology in high-risk operations the combination of Technology meticulous calibration and extensive testing forms the backbone of uavs and kamakazi drones ensuring that they are effective tools cap capable of carrying out Precision attacks on the Bratz hydroelectric power plant after the completion of the preparations the Ukrainian forces launched a daring operation under the cover of Darkness the infiltration and the hot conflict phase of the operation is a critical juncture at which sensitivity and secrecy are crucial to guarantee the success of the mission at night Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles are being quietly deployed from Secret launch sites this strategic timing takes advantage of the reduced visibility and the element of surprise preventing the enemy from being detected and stopped the drones are equipped with state-of-the-art navigation systems that allow them to navigate complex airspace and difficult terrain these systems allow precise route adjustment by preventing possible obstacles and threats on the way to the destination The Operators maintain real-time communication with the deployed drones through throughout the operation this two-way communication allows operators to adapt to the developing conditions provide guidance and make important decisions according to the developing situation the drones use evasive maneuvers and low altitude flight to minimize radar crosssections and reduce the likelihood of detection by enemy radar systems this stealthy approach increases their chances of reaching the target area undetected the drones that have reached the vicinity of the Bratz hydroelectric power plant are deploying their Precision guided Munitions operators use targeting systems to lock into specific structures enabling accurate attacks on vital components of the facility kamakazi drones specially designed for such Missions play an important role in making Precision strikes on key targets these drones are guided with Precision towards critical infrastructure sacrificing themselves to inflict maximum damage the Drone drones carry out fast and calculated attacks on the designated Targets in the power plant the combination of uavs and kamakazi drones provides a multi-pronged approach maximizing the likelihood of disrupting operations and causing strategic damage during the implementation phase operators closely monitored the progress of the drones adjusting their flight paths or tactics as necessary to guarantee Mission success realtime adjustment ments are made according to incoming information and evolving conditions when the mission objectives are reached or the danger of detection increases the remaining drones are strategically withdrawn from the area to prevent their capture or destruction this phase of the operation emphasizes the meticulous planning and calculated execution required to navigate through enemy airspace reach the target undetected and Carry Out Precision attacks on the Bratz hydroelectric power plant the secrecy of this stage allows Ukrainian forces to inflict strategic damage while minimizing the risk of retaliation the Ukrainian forces are carrying out a meticulously planned phase aimed at striking decisive and precise blows at the heart of the Bratz hydroelectric power plant while their drones are positioned and targeted this covert targeting and precision Attack Phase emphasizes the technical sophistication and strategic intelligence behind the operation operators are directing uavs and kamakazi drones towards specific high value targets within the power plant complex these objectives include the critical infrastructure control systems and components necessary for the operation of the facility the drones are equipped with Precision guided Munitions that allow for accurate targeting and minimal secondary damage these Munitions settle at predetermined coordinates allow owing attacks to be intense and effective the sensitive attacks are aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the power plant by targeting critical infrastructure and control systems Ukrainian forces aim to disrupt energy production jeopardize internal operations and impede the enemy’s ability to respond effectively kamakazi drones play a vital role in delivering Precision strikes as they are directed at high value targets with the intention of inflicting maximum damage designed as disposable these drones ensure that the impact of the attack is maximized Precision attacks are carefully planned in such a way as to minimize the collateral damage to non-targeted areas this thinking reflects the determination of the Ukrainian forces to cause strategic disruption while minimizing unintended consequences the successful execution of precision strikes achieves the main objectives of the operation the targeted Interruption of the power plants operations weakens the enemy’s capabilities disrupts its strategic plans and underlines the determination of the Ukrainian forces to defend their territory this phase of the operation demonstrates the intersection of advanced technology tactical Mastery and strategic decisionmaking the Precision attacks are a testament to the Ukrainian military’s ability to detect and neutralize critical targets inside the Bratz hydroelectric power plant dealing a significant blow to the enemy’s capabilities the meticulously planned and executed Precision attacks on the Bratz hydroelectric power plant have profound consequences which are reflected both in the facility and in the nearby Russian military operations this section deals with the devastating consequences of the operation and its strategic impact the Precision attacks caused serious damage to the critical infrastructure inside the power plant complex as a result the power generation capacity is seriously compromised which leads to interruptions in the electricity supply to the region the impact of the attacks extends far beyond the power plant there have been disruptions to the functioning of nearby Russian military units that rely on the facility for Operational Support this unexpected setback hinders the enemy’s ability to continue its strategic operations in the region the disruption caused by Precision attacks is having a ripple effect up the chain of command of Russian forces the inability to access the resources and support of the power plant affects the Strategic Mobility communication and Logistics of the power plant the operation highlights the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to sensitive attacks this awareness underlines the competence of the Ukrainian Army in detecting and exploiting weaknesses in the enemy’s infrastructure in order to gain strategic Advantage the successful operation has a psychological impact on the Russian forces beyond the physical damage the unexpected effectiveness of precision attacks strains their sense of security and their confidence in their defensive abilities the disruption caused by Precision strikes is Shifting the balance of power in favor of Ukrainian forces it showcases enemy cap abilities and their capacity to conduct high-risk operations that directly affect the decision-making process the operation further aggravates the difficulties facing President Putin and increases his growing concerns about the already complex conflict the destruction of strategic military assets combined with Ukraine’s proactive approach reveals the effectiveness of the Ukrainian Army’s tactics the disruption and impact of the Precision strikes highlights the operational prowess of the Ukrainian forces and their capacity to reshape the Dynamics of the conflict the targeted disruption not only undermines the enemy’s capabilities but also underscores the evolving nature of Modern Warfare on the global stage the Strategic message given after the successful Precision attacks on the Bratz hydroelectric power plant serves as an important element of the operation this episode explores how Ukraine took advantage of the impact of the operation to convey a strong message both domestically and internationally aware of the importance of the success of the operation the Ukrainian authorities quickly released information about the mission a carefully prepared statement outlines the details of the operation emphasizing its sensitivity and the damage caused to the power plant the disclosed information highlights Ukraine’s technological advances and its ability to conduct complex operations s deep inside enemy territory this show of technical expertise strengthens the image of Ukraine as a formidable force on the global stage by demonstrating its capacity to disrupt critical infrastructure Ukraine is sending a clear message to Russia and other potential enemies the operation serves as an indicator of deterrence a warning against further aggression and highlighting the risks involved the successful operation raises the morale of Ukrainian citizens and military personnel he encourages a sense of national unity and pride by reminding that Ukraine has the means to protect its sovereignty and defend against external threats the Strategic messages counter President Putin’s aggressive rhetoric by demonstrating Ukraine’s proactive posture and ability to Target strategic assets this refutes the rhetoric that Russia has an overwhelming Advantage the success of the operation is also resonating internationally and attracting the attention of foreign observers media organizations and diplomatic circles it leads to discussions about the evolving dynamics of the conflict and the changing balance of power Ukraine’s effective communication about the operation shapes the global perception of the conflict its ability to disrupt enemy assets on its own territory reflects Ukraine’s strategic agility and weakens Russia’s standing as an impregnable power the Strategic message once again confirms Ukraine’s determination to protect its territorial integrity and repel Russian aggression this means that Ukraine is willing to take calculated risks to protect its interests as a result the Strategic message given after the successful operation plays an important role in increasing the impact of precision strikes on the Bratz hydroelectric power plant taking advantage of the results of the operation Ukraine is not not only putting forward its capabilities but also shaping The Narrative surrounding the conflict on the global stage the repercussions of the successful operation targeting the Bratz hydroelectric power plant go far beyond the physical damage caused this episode examines the consequences of the operation on President Putin’s decision-making process and the evolving dynamics of the conflict the Precision attacks reveal President Putin’s vulnerability to Ukrainian tax itics the ability to overcome Russian defenses and damage critical infrastructure challenges Putin’s rhetoric of invincibility and superiority the operation is forcing Putin to reassess his aggressive approach the fact that Ukrainian forces are able to penetrate deep into Russian territory and inflict serious damage forces Putin to rethink the effectiveness of his current tactics the successful operation underscores the need for better defense of strategic assets and critical infrastructure in Russia while Putin is diverting resources to strengthen internal security he may need to divert attention and resources from other fronts the success of the operation is affecting Putin’s International image this raises questions about Russia’s military strength and Putin’s leadership in the conflict revealing his inability to protect important facilities the changing Dynamics caused by Ukraine’s Innovative tactics create a layer of uncertainty for Putin the effectiveness of Ukrainian operations is straining the ability to predict and counter their strategies the impact of the operation on Russia’s internal and external position exposes Putin to public scrutiny and potential pressure questions may arise about the ability to direct the developing conflict Dynamics the successful operation could lead to calls for a diplomatic solution from both domestic and international stakeholders while recognizing his weak points Putin may consider looking for ways to reduce tensions the operation contributes to changing the narrative surrounding the conflict it reinforces the narrative that Ukraine has Innovative capabilities and challenges the concept of Russia’s Undisputed dominance after all the success of the operation is reshaping the Dynamics of the conflict this forces Putin to change his tactics which potentially leads to changes in the course of the conflict and affects future strategic decisions as a result the success of the operation targeting the Bratz hydroelectric power plant brings with it a number of difficulties and dilemmas for President Putin the changing Dynamics on the Battlefield force him to confront his weaknesses and adapt his strategies in the face of the developing conflict environment the Precision attacks of the Ukrainian Air Force on the Bratz power plant have created a wave effect that goes beyond the direct damage caused this section explores the broad implications of the operation on both military capabilities and strategic Dynamics the success of the operation underlines the advanced weapons and strategic intelligence of the Ukrainian Air Force this display of advanced capabilities reflects a strong message of resilience and adaptability to both local and international audiences the operation highlights the weak points in Russia’s defense systems the failure to prevent sensitive attacks on a critical infrastructure facility raises questions about the effectiveness of Russian air defenses and the overall state of military Readiness the outage of the power plant reveals the potential impact of strategic targeting on Military functionality Ukraine has demonstrated its ability to disrupt Russia’s strategic operations by targeting critical infrastructure vital for both electricity generation and military operations the successful offensive is forcing Russian commanders to reconsider their approach the operation underscores the need for increased situational awareness and defensive strategies to protect critical facilities from future Precision attacks beyond the physical damage the operation also has strategic consequences for Russia the interruption of energy production could hamper communication networks troop movements and strategic decision-making creating more difficulties for Russia commanders in response to the impact of the operation Russia may need to divert its resources from offensive actions to improving internal security this shift could have implications for Russia’s broader military strategy and potentially weaken its offensive capabilities the success of the operation could potentially change the public perception in Russia a failure to protect vital infrastructure from sensitive attacks could undermine public confidence in the government’s ability to provide security the operation is also affecting the international perception of the conflict the ability to Target strategic assets deep inside enemy territory strengthens Ukraine’s standing as a formidable enemy and potentially opens the door to diplomatic interventions operation Bratz power plant strengthens The Innovation that changes the rules of the game in Modern Warfare the success shows that well-executed Precision attacks regardless of their size or technological progress can disrupt and weaken the functionality of the military in summary the Precision attacks of the Ukrainian Air Force on the Bratz power plant go beyond physical damage revealing a complex web of consequences for the military strategies of both Ukraine and Russia the results of the operation Mark a crucial moment in the ongoing conflict in which innovation and adaptability are reshaping the account of power as the Ukraine Russia conflict unfolds the Precision attacks by the Ukrainian Air Force on the Bratz power plant are becoming a striking reminder of the evolving nature of Modern Warfare the success of this operation focuses on the Strategic importance of targeted attacks and their potential to disrupt the enemy’s capabilities the incident adds to the growing challenges facing the Putin Administration and further highlights the potential change in the Dynamics of the conflict in an important development which is also reflected in the ongoing Ukraine Russia conflict Denmark announced its decision to provide a significant number of Tanks to Ukraine there are a total of 45 of these tanks 30 of which are leopard one tanks and 15 of which are t72 tanks the announcement was made after the first results of the Ukrainian defense contact group meeting held at the Ramstein us Airbase in Germany this move has caused deep concern in the Kremlin and raised question marks about the developing dynamics of the conflict Denmark’s decision to provide Ukraine with a total of 45 tanks including 30 leopard 1 tanks and 15 t72 tanks is an important development in the ongoing Ukraine Russia conflict the leopard 1 tanks are famous for their durability and Firepower these battl tested tanks have a robust design and are equipped with powerful weapons they are used by various NATO countries and are known for their reliability in combat the launch of 30 leopard 1 tanks significantly increases Ukraine’s armored capabilities these tanks are well suited for a variety of conflicts from defensive operations to offensive Maneuvers the leopard 1 tanks are equipped with awesome Firepower including high-speed cannons their ability to attack and Destroy enemy targets at long distances makes them a valuable asset for Ukraine’s ground forces in addition to being Superior in traditional tank battles the leopard 1 tanks are also versatile in urban and rural combat environments their ability to adapt ensures that they are able to respond effectively to various military challenges the t72 tanks are known for their versatility and Mobility they are designed to provide rapid deployment and maneuverability on the battlefield their agility makes makes them effective in various combat situations t72 tanks are used by a large number of armed forces around the world and their adaptability is an important feature the fact that they can serve in different terrain and conditions gives Ukraine flexibility in its military operations the launch of the 15 t72 tank complements Ukraine’s existing armored assets their inclusion supports combined arms operations in which tanks work in coordination with infantry and artillery units improving overall combat Effectiveness t72 tanks are equipped with reliable cannons and can effectively attack both armored and infantry targets their Firepower contributes to Ukraine’s ability to deter aggression and defend its own territory in summary Denmark’s supply of 30 leopard one tanks and 15 t72 tanks to Ukraine represents a strategic decision to strength stren Ukraine’s armored capabilities the delivery of the tanks underlines Denmark’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s defense efforts this move is seen as a proactive measure aimed at improving Ukraine’s military capabilities especially in the armored Battlefield the delivery of 45 tanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces including 30 leopard one tanks and 15 t72 tanks is expected to have a profound impact on Ukraine’s defense capability I ities these tanks are an important addition to Ukraine’s military Arsenal and are expected to play a vital role in countering Russian attacks and protecting the country’s territorial Integrity the inclusion of the leopard 1 and t72 tanks significantly increases Ukraine’s Firepower on the battlefield tanks are formidable assets with the ability to effectively attack enemy targets making them a critical component of Modern Warfare these tanks will strengthen Ukraine’s defense capabilities along its borders and in the occupied territories these provide Ukraine with a reliable deterrent against further aggression and deter possible attacks by the occupying forces the mixture of leopard 1 and t72 tanks offers versatility in deployment the leopard 1 tanks stand out in terms of durability and Firepower which makes them suitable for continuous defensive operations thanks to their Mobility the t72 tanks can be quickly deployed to respond to evolving threats tanks are well suited for a variety of combat environments including urban and rural environments this adaptability allows the Ukrainian forces to respond effectively to different operations and challenges posed by the occupying forces tanks play a very important role in ground operations by providing support to infantry units and enabling combined arms tactics the launch of these tanks complements Ukraine’s existing infantry and artillery assets the presence of these tanks in Ukraine’s Arsenal acts as a strong deterrent it signals to potential aggressors including the occupying Russian forces that Ukraine has the military capabilities to defend its sovereignty and resist further attempts to attack its territory Denmark’s supply of Tanks underscores the international support for Ukraine’s defense efforts this shows that Ukraine is not alone in the struggle to protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty the meeting of the Ukrainian defense contact group held at the Ramstein us Airbase in Germany points to International cooperation in resolving the conflict this venue underlines the importance of a United response to the ongoing crisis the meeting and Denmark’s decision to deliver the tanks highlight the international community’s concern and determination to find a peaceful solution to the conflict the importance of diplomatic efforts along with Military Support is emphasized the announcement of Denmark’s tank delivery has caused deep concern in the Kremlin this marks a potential shift in the balance of power in the region as Ukraine gains access to Advanced armored assets the growing presence of modern tanks within the Ukrainian Armed Forces is challenging Russia’s dominance in the conflict it requires a re-evaluation of Russia’s military strategy in response to Ukraine’s growing capabilities in summary Denmark’s decision to provide Ukraine with 45 tanks including the leopard 1 and t72 tanks after a meeting of the Ukrainian defense contact group at the German Ramstein us Airbase led to a significant change in the ongoing deconfliction the hot developments of the Ukraine Russia conflict we will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide you with the latest updates keep watching our other videos don’t forget to support our videos post comments and like them

3 MINUTES AGO! Ukraine Has Blown Up the Russian Power Plant! Russia Has No Electricity Anymore!

  1. This is a crucial time for Ukraine and that country now should stand steadfast ! The main threat to Ukraine is "Peace-nicks" who advocate that Ukraine should accept Russia's terms so as to end the war and that will never happen as Put-in is a present day Hitler personified. During WW 2, there were weak "Peace-nicks" world over and they naively trusted Hitler to stick to his promises and accepted all his terms. When Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, the world powers at that time UK and France were reluctant to intervene. UK had a 'weak', Peace-nick PM, Neville Chamberlain who favored "Peace" at any cost. Chamberlain even visited Munich to meet Hitler who deceived him so much, he came back to UK proclaiming "Peace of our time" but within a short interval Hitler invaded Poland and other countries in that order. Like Hitler, Putin does not want Peace and when he says he wants same he means the exact opposite. High time Western leaders and NATO realize Put-in's ulterior, vicious motives and manipulations and should take a united stand to defeat this 'Monster' before he attains "Dinosaur" size. Pootin should be defeated decisively so as to ensure world Peace

  2. Yes, now Russian population knows how it feels to have No Electricity! Remember when Ukraine had to manage the Cold weather without Electricity/Heat??😮 SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦🙏🇺🇲

  3. If this happened, and that's a huge if…that would only affect a small amount of the Russian power grid. So far I see nothing about this with my new sources.

  4. Even if they did blow it up, I am sure Russia has more than one power plant. LOL.

    Do you know what is really a shame? All these news stations that make up stuff for clicks and ratings so much, no one has any idea whats true and whats not true any more. Trump did this. Biden did that. Russia is collapsing. Russia is doing fine. It's all BS. "House of the Dragon" has less fictional drama.

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