Putin’s Mega Offer To Ukraine & Zelensky; ‘Will End War, Remove Troops If…’ | Russia’s 5 Demands

Putin’s Mega Offer To Ukraine & Zelensky; ‘Will End War, Remove Troops If…’ | Russia’s 5 Demands

we’re making another real peaceful proposal a proposal of Peace if they refuse once again in keave it is their business these principles are quite straight forward Ukraine must fully [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these principles are quite straightforward Ukraine must fully withdraw its troops from the danet and lugansk People’s Republic from the hon and paria regions and let me emphasize that I’m talking about the entire territories of these regions within their administrative borders as at they existed on the Ukraine as soon as ke says that it’s ready and starts the withdrawal of its troops and once they say that they’re no longer willing to join Nat just the same moment immediately we will stop the fire and launch talks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today we’re making another real peaceful proposal a proposal of Peace if they refuse once again in ke it is their business it is their choice to continue this Bloodshed the reality on the ground will keep shifting and not in favor of the keave regime and the conditions for the talks will change [Music] [Music] subscribe to our YouTube channel don’t forget to like our videos and hit the Bell icon to stay updated with the latest

Russian President Putin has outlined conditions for ending the conflict with Ukraine, stressing his proposal’s intent to conclude the war rather than merely freeze it. Putin demands the full withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, coupled with Kyiv’s official abandonment of NATO aspirations. Watch

#russiaukrainewar #nato #nuclearwar #putin #kharkiv #luhansk #timovka #miasozharivka #villages #vladimirputin #volodymyrzelensky #kyiv #kremlin #moscow

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  1. Ukraine should accept on the understanding Russia pay them reparations to rebuild their Country. I know it's wrong that Putin gets some of Ukraine. But has to be better than a war which will go on for decades. USA and Europe should butterfly out not our business.

  2. Zelinsky vill bästa USAs, EUs, Englands vapen för att snart muta Putin som kanske blir villig att göma honom i Sibirien, säkert är rädd att hans stöd kompisar hinner mörda honom när han skall ej behövas, sist ensidig propaganda kanske skall vi höra: Vår frihetskämpe var mördat på order från Putin" som alltid när USA gör nån ondska så är det Putin, ha, ha!!! Så heder för riktig, intelligent Ryssk ledare, han och han folket låter ej att Ryssland -Matuska Zemlja faller i främmande händer, viz Napoleon, Hitler, nu liknande agresorer USA, NATO, EU !!! MV 87 år ej påverkade ochmed logiskt tänkande

  3. Robbery. ! Robbery ! The use of $50b dollars from frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine war is an act of piracy. This is provocative madness which will heighten the escalation of the war.

  4. He's just using the name nathan cause Jesus said there was no gully. Even though it's not even his birth name. Trying to make himself look like w biblical prophet but he's a profitable ter

  5. President Putine you are a real président ' what we have are phychopaths. Do no not trust anything they say . Save russia . They will not hesitate t destroy russia. Im not rissian but please save your people from these demented décadent phychos. We stand with russia😊❤😊❤

  6. This is the best offer to end war…promise all troops withdraw war by Russian president….we hope ukraine president take this stepfor own good and both side

  7. Move heaven & earth to have peace talks with Russia's president Putin. To do anything less would be most unwise. Putin is simply protexting the sovereignty of Russia & i applaud him for that!

  8. Give him a few bowls of ice cream, so he will sign a peace deal – finally. Then into the place for the elderly folks. please…give the man his due rest as needed …. Why make the poor man continue to make a fool of himself? What is MERICA Doing???

  9. The peace offer by Putin is for the parliament of Ukraine, not for Zelensky. Zelensky is not a legitimate President. Zelensky,Biden and NATO cannot decide for Ukraine.

  10. There is no proposal from a serial killer narcissistic dictator who has his own people in a peril. Look how this lonely deceiving liar sits there by himself. Russia will be liable for restitution which will be in the 100’s of billions of dollars.::

  11. Ukraine should take the Russian offer for the interest of internal conflict arise after western Ukraian Azov coup on 2014. Neither there will be no armies remain for defend Ukraine within six month.

  12. Larry fink and vanguard and statestreet don't want peace! Zelensky giving the west woman and children for the sex trafficking and organ trade per CIA the west is making money especially nato countries

  13. Pls go for peace with out any condition. Let them to stay what they want. Respect each others then no noproblem. Suspect is the problem..God bless all of them ❤️

  14. This is all a joke they are having a peace deal to play and bully russia to signe a deal that they keep breaking nato and ukraine have no interest in peace they are just trying to find ways to force putin into a corner …to make putin look like the aggressive side I think this is a start of bad twist and turns and ww3

  15. Ces offres ne seront jamais acceptées, car la Russie, doit se retirer de l'Ukraine et ça urge. l'Ukraine si elle le décide devrait entrer dans l'Otan, et jamais plus, elle se désarmera, d'autant qu'elle ne peut céder aucun territoire à cet envahisseur psychopathe dangereux ! De plus, l'Ukraine se doit de reprendre ses territoires envahis avec dédommagement monétaire de petit poutine envahisseur

  16. Africa SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS WRONG PEACE PLAN BY THE WEST IF IT REVEALS TO ME the west refuses to arrest the president of Israel for their war crime against palestine

  17. Putin's "mega offer' for peace…? Ukraine is independent of Russia. It is a sovereign nation that Putin had no right to invade. The war ends when Ukraine is free of all Russian troops and restoration is made for all damages caused by Russia.

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