Russian oil depot hit after Ukrainian drone strike

Russian oil depot hit after Ukrainian drone strike

[музыка] фн 5 ш

An overnight Ukrainian drone attack struck several oil storage tanks near the town of Azov in southern Russia, sparking a large fire early on Tuesday morning.

“Oil product tanks caught fire in Azov as a result of a drone attack. According to preliminary information, there were no casualties,” the local governor said.

Video showed thick plumes of smoke and flames billowing out of what appeared to be multiple oil storage tanks.

Ukraine did not immediately claim responsibility but has carried out similar attacks on Russian energy facilities before.

Meanwhile, Ukraine said it managed to shoot down all the Russian drones that were sent over the line of contact on Monday night.

Ukraine’s air force said that its air defence systems destroyed ten Russian drones in the regions of Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk.

#news #ukraine #russia

  1. Another bad week for the Russian economy, it’s now in the trillions the loses for Putin….3 year war costing over 1 trillion when ww2 cost us brits

    The wartime net losses in British national wealth amounted to 18.6% (£4.595 billion) of the pre-war wealth (£24.68 billion), at 1938 prices.

    Ouch Russia is stupid

  2. В списке: Азербайджан, Алжир, Бангладеш, Бахрейн, Белоруссия, Боливия, Венесуэла, Вьетнам, Гондурас, Зимбабве, Индонезия, Казахстан, Куба, Кувейт, Марокко, Нигерия, Никарагуа, Палестина (может присоединиться как государство-наблюдатель или партнер по диалогу), Пакистан, Сенегал, Сирия, Таиланд, Турция, Уганда, Чад, Шри-Ланка, Экваториальная Гвинея, Эритрея и Южный Судан.

    — Все они — кандидаты. Они заинтересованы в присоединении к группе, — уточнили в беседе с «Известиями» диписточники. — Вопросы, связанные с кандидатами и форматом их подключения к группе, будут решаться на саммите БРИКС в октябре в Казани (саммит на уровне лидеров стран — главное событие в рамках объединения в этом году. — «Известия»). В связи с этим пока неясно, будет ли в Казани объявлено о расширении.

    При этом не все подали официальную заявку. Пока неясно, в каком статусе кандидаты присоединятся к объединению — в качестве полноправного члена группы или государства-партнера, добавили собеседники. Последнюю категорию сейчас разрабатывает Россия, председательствующая в группе в 2024 году.Саудиты от доллара тоже отказались

  3. Yeah, but is it really a Russian oil depot? I've heard the media r just showing old film and pics of old stuff cos they got nothing better to do than worry people.

  4. And where is the video of how the entrance of an apartment building was destroyed in Shebekino?🤔 5 people were killed there, all civilians. They fired NATO shells by the way.

  5. this war has created the equivalent of 90 million cars more on the roads per year. Russia blowing up the Khakovka dam was the equivalent of a nuclear disaster. Russian people should hold their heads in shame.
    The war could be ended at any time if Russia just went back home instead Putin is creating ecological disaster after the other and for what? His pride? His ego? So he can have more ports for more of his super yachts? When will the Russians wake up and put an end to this?

    I know it's a tough choice for them, the evil pootin locks any protesters up for a long time but the alternative is that pootin is bleeding Russia dry till there is no economy left, let alone Ukraine which is taking the brunt of evil pootins invasion.

    Who is to blame? One person – and 140 million Russians cheering him on. It's very sad but well done Ukraine for standing up to this dictator and embarrassing the Russian army over and over again.

  6. I thought we were all supposed to be worried about climate change killing us all and the burning of fossil fuels – clearly not, the telegraph won’t mention that as it’s ok during a war, this is something to be celebrated 😂

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