It Will Get BAD Quick – Russia’s Next Objective That Ukraine Must Prevent – Map & News Update

good Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and a fantastic start to the week now today as always we have a lot to go we need to talk about what resulted of the peace Summit that took place over the weekend we need to look at China and what is happening there and what the NAT secretary has said about China and of course we’ll have a look at the maps we’ll look at some geolocated footage and some other bits and pieces now good news in this video is Surak he’s back from his break so we do have updates on his Maps in areas as well now as you know I was traveling into State yesterday caught up with a couple of friends who I haven’t seen in years may have had one or two too many bees so we may take it slower today than usual as well now let’s have a look we’ll start within the map so of course here is Ukraine in the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 and the purple since 2014 so one of my guys who’s been on this a little bit and will remain anonymous until at least after the war sent then over this and this confirms what we’ve talked about a little bit keep an eye on that East West MSR Main Service route if things Link in the road to Basra Road of death if you’re not sure or familiar with the road of death Basra this is what took place in Iraq from American forces Al show some photographs if not that shit’s going to get bad quick now this connects poov through then basically to bmot chassa area of course running through areas like Constantin now let’s have a look on this map and it’ll show you where this is so poov and roughly this is the road here this is very critical and what we have said is that Russia are trying to get to this intersection that sits down in here of course then this will have a big problem on this Supply route down to the South and supplying areas in New York tesque front so this road and like we’ve spoken about we spoke last few videos about could this be where the main objective is is to get to this intersection here and cut this road off he agrees with that and has said that it is as important as we have been talking about in here if you have a look at there’s not that many other routes and especially as the roads are deteriorating the weather will deteriorate deteriorate towards the end of the year these roads these routes are going to be more and more important especially with Russia pushing in chva and pushing out from adiva here as well now what we’ll do we’ll lift up out of here and we’ll have a talk about in the north around this V chance front one thing I will say over the past couple of months as Russia has really taken the initiative has been on the offensive they have all their footage on like full lockdown we’re getting very very few footage or photographs off anywhere on the front line not much GoPro not much Drone not many photos not really anything we get the occasional video of a strike the occasional video from a drone of a flag going up somewhere but other than that they really do have it locked down on the ground now V Chan front it’s very interesting area here our last video we spoke about this and the messaging about the cut off of Russian troops in here and one thing I’ll say about V Chans it is difficult to know what the hell is happening in this front line because the messaging around here is the same both ways so the messaging from both Pro Ukrainian bloggers and pro-russian bloggers is that their forces are there holding in place because the enemy side keep feeding men into the meat grinder and elements are surrounded from the opposing Force it’s both both sides are saying this and as I will say well we get that messaging a lot in a lot of areas of R we are holding in place because the enemy keeps sending men in and that messaging is no different to Buck moot to aiva to other areas we have looked at and you need to remember that this isn’t mutually exclusive either that both can actually be correct in this and like we say with all information down through the propaganda stream that all good propaganda has an element of Truth in it uh is both Ukraine and Russia reinforcing and sending men into these areas yes are there probably higher losses here yes as well are there elements that could be disconnected or surrounded or cut off in here potentially yes as well now originally people were reporting that there was 400 Russians in here other Pages I’m seeing toight it’s today and now claiming 50 to 100 again we are not sure but we do have a little bit of footage to show you down in here and some news about the commander that let this then occur so this is some footage and they’ll show you where the GE location is in the beginning of this and this is said to be Hammer missiles from Ukrainian fighter aircraft working in this area dropping bombs in V Chun now I will show you on the geolocation of where some of these strikes are taking place and as you can see very large strikes here so I’ll show you where those initial strikes were so it’s in the northern sector of VCH now an interesting observation here that I have taken is of course in this sector this is where the US first Has Lifted restrictions for Ukraine to fire their weapon systems back into Russia we have seen some air defense systems taken out in Russian territory here too and now we’re seeing Ukrainian fighter aircraft working at least around this area of course those weapon systems do have a long range but we haven’t really seen that many strikes at least being reported going back across soon and that actually goes into like with attacks too we saw a hell of a lot of attacks going in and being fired a few weeks ago and we’re not seeing very many at the moment same with Storm Shadow scalp we haven’t seen much of that recently either so if we Zoom back in on V Chunk we have another video here actually showing a Russian soldier then surrendering to Ukrainian forces here so these are then Ukrainian forces and this is then the Russian then they take as a prisoner of war here now you can actually see that this is then Jail located to here on the east of V chance now we come back out here and we’ll have a look now there’s no changes on this map around hoki area but we then do have this from Noel reports in he is showing that Ukraine has made ground back into Hoku itself as well on the Eastern side here as well at least pushing on this we cannot ignore what happened up here and the failures that occurred with the defensive works that allowed Russia to push in here and there’s more videos coming out that Russia is building more defensive works with Excavating equipment inside Ukrainian territory now in these areas of which they occupy which creates a problem because you’re going up now against a hard and defensive works and we do know this has had a huge morale effect on other areas on the front line and a lot of soldiers feeling like have been stabbed in the back because of here all the guys I talk to point exactly to here of having a morale effect on guys on other areas of the front line now this has come out then today through Ukrainian media the commander of the 125th Brigade which allowed Russian breakthrough in harol Blast resigns from office this leftenant General commander of the 125th has announced his resignation but he stressed that he will continue his service in the armed forces of Ukraine as part of his criminal proceedings Ukraine State Bureau of Investigation is studying the circumstances of the Border Breakthrough by Russian forces in the har oblast that and other units failed to properly organize the defense positions on the border of hary oblast and the Russian Federation leading to the loss of positions in military equipment and Personnel we I don’t know if we’ll ever know exactly what happens with these proceedings here and what is happening to people that directly were involved in the failure of the defensive works for this but I hope that people are held to account and responsible for what was allowed to take place on this front now we have a couple of videos here now I don’t have any G locations to this but we do see one of the Batmobiles has actually been captured along with the crew then inside of it by Ukrainian forces and then you can see then being driven back out this reminds me of the German tank which was stolen by the Australians as well we have a photograph of this people call them garage tank the mobile turtle tank whatever you want to call it then here as well be interesting to know what sort of electronic warfare was taking place under that shroud that we see as well that shroud does also negate Ukraine’s autonomous targeting so if it’s looking for a tank and that Bloody house thing’s on top of it the AI the autonomous targeting may not or won’t pick up and then Target that unless it’s been specifically programmed for this now what we need to do is we’ve missed two days so we need to roll back just one day on this map and the biggest update from yesterday will the only update on this map was then this what this is is a Ukrainian advancement into the kar Forest said to be by the 12th Brigade as of now we have a few maps showing this so this is the Noel reports Ukranian map as well and he’s showing just to the South here that they also made grand you can see where the defensive works are this isn’t being represented on a suriak map nor do we have a geolocation of this but the Ukrainian Maps here both of them are showing a movement in this area and I have seen some chatter about some movement there as well so that was the only Map update yesterday that then we missed of course this is in blue cuz it’s newer than two weeks now we come to today’s map there’s nothing along the north here what we then see on today’s map is Russia continue this expansion of control out from aiva from umk oet K areas on three different axes here making ground of course expanding this but also that shortens in the front line and the risk now of the cut off here when people were saying that was what’s going to happen has limited as well and like I spoke about in the beginning of this that eventually may put pressure on this Main Service route this Main Road running through to then Constantin nkia now Surak doesn’t have any map updates in here I hope he will review over areas of the last week as well like he has done for some other front lines so let’s go and’ll have a look at one more change that is being shown by Noel reports in Rod to livka here so this sits just to the south of sers and to the north of bmot so let’s have a look right here that now reports Ukrainian sources map is showing then along the railway and this road here into Ros livka on two separate fronts it’s basically lining up exactly with the gray Zone on the Deep state map itself so that will be an interesting area to continue looking as well now where I want to go straight away and we’ll come back to this front but actually is down into the South into the hon front now what we do know is we had footage about a week and a half ago of Russian paratroopers right in here in this green zone getting hit by drones and we did have reports that Ukraine had pulled back to the right side of the Neo had pulled out of some areas around kinky kazari lii but this was just reports we had Flags both Ukrainian and Russian and then Ukrainian ones getting pulled down and Russian ones getting pulled down it’s hard to know what is actually happening on this Left Bank but let’s look at claims then made by suriak Maps now what he shows of course this is this Crossing from oleski and as well down in the west of this front and to the East and of course this is this cranky Kachi ly then Bridge head that was made situation hurts on front on June 5th the Russian army succeeded in recapturing a large part of duy by reaching the Left Bank of the Nea on this axis Russian troops continue to clear the Delta Islands Southward and O Capital taking up some positions in this island so we’re talking down in this region here in in particular the island of this remains in Gray Zone despite the fact both sides claim control over it on the other hand localities of kazasi lir kinky return to full Russian control seems the Ukrainian Army took some snapshots in the first locality before evacuating the southern Shore towards the islands which have still have a Ukrainian presence so there are still Ukrainian elements operating in the islands of course in the Neo but at least Surak himself is claiming there’s been a withdrawal from some of these Bridge heads here that are shown in Gray on this map so that is interesting to know we’re not really sure how this would look in a larger operation to actually try and get armor and assets across onto then the Left Bank if Ukraine was to try an offensive down in then the South now let’s come just to the east of here and roboty front now no change of course on this map there’s been no change for a while but let’s have a look at then what suriak map is showing in here now of course his shows significantly different around roboty itself if we look where this road turns out this is that turnout but he is showing as well out from NOA poova there has been a Russian advancement here as well that said it’s not shown across multiple Maps let’s continue then moving to the East and we have the urani star moroski front we do know for the last week this map has showed a lot of Russian advancement here and then Sur shows for the 7th of June through to the 12th of June then the movements that have been made by the Russian forces and now these maps are actually showing very very similar to each other although in urani does show very different star MOSI shows the same orani is showing different we see where then this river runs up that this is showing somewhat different but it is interesting to see where different front lines are changing now we’ll just move to the East a little bit more we see this green just out from ugad then it is shown on this map here Surak is showing that Ukraine had some advancement just to the north of mcky and we’ll just continue on this and then we’ll move into the East parkovy NOA livka front here bring back up this map and Surak is showing a further advancement on the 7th of June so a week ago through parovi we can line up where then the reservoir is that they’re showing the Russian forces have moved further into Paris scovia here as well now continue our Northern push and then we’ll come to marinka herova front here as well of course Surak has an update here now a good way to line this up is have a look at this like triangular padic here where the gray zone is sitting and Surak is showing that it is Red Zone to the Western most part of then this triangular padic so he’s showing that it’s red all the way up through here and of course this puts pressure down to the South and the north if Russia was able to push up into some of these Urban centers as well potentially enveloping other front lines now CR arua we know there was a lot of changes in here and then it really did slow down into that Urban battle which is normal people say oh look it’s slowed down yes as you enter urban areas regardless who’s doing it it’s going to slow down a lot now we can just compare these maps and where different elements are pushing now Ukraine still show a lot of Gray Zone down into here where we did see some of those Bradley go we did see some of them destroyed as well 10th of June out from these dashes here it’s showing a lot more control just to the south of CR ariva as well as a similar amount of control into the north of Kiva but you can see that the latest update here was the 16th of June now that’ll be the end of our Maps but I want to talk about the peace Summit over the weekend long awaited many countries went and what then came out of it of course course we know Russia and China were not attending so let’s have a look so during the summit the countryes considered three issues that were included in the communic as an urgent resolution the use of energy and nuclear facilities must be safe environmentally sound Ukraine’s nuclear power plants facility commuting the znpp must operate safely under Ukraine’s Sovereign control so of course on the maps that is across from niik pole here you know this is the nuclear power plant here we do know iaea inspectors are allowed into here as well and are keeping an eye on the on the situation but they’re saying it needs to be under Ukraine’s Sovereign control number two is Global Food security number three all prisons of war must be released in full exchange all Deport and illegally displaced Ukrainian children as well as other illegally detained civilians must be returned to Ukraine so those are the three things that came out of this communic and we do know as well that they are also three of the points within Ukraine’s 10-point peace plan as well need to look at who signed this but more interestingly we need to look at what countries then refused to sign this and back list too now who signed the joint communic on Ukraine now this in from Reids is saying 82 delegations signed to support the communic that said some are quoting different numbers I’ve seen 76 I’ve seen 82 but let’s just say it’s a floating around 80 now what we need to say is there was about a 100 delegations went to then this conference out of the 160 that were invited which country did not sign now this is the interesting part India Mexico Saudi Arabia South Africa Thailand Indonesia and the UAE we’ll talk about why they didn’t sign this they’re represented by foreign minister and envoys but they were among those who did not sign the joint communic Brazil attended Ukraine Summit as an observer but did not back the communicate Russia was not invited to the summit Moscow dismissed as futile China also did not attend the two-day event Pakistan which counts China as its closest Ally was invited but chose not to attend now you can see there are some very powerful and influential countries both economically and militarily sitting in these that did not sign we’ll show you a map and you get a better idea of what’s going on why did they not sign we see India that uh said India believes that peace in Ukraine requires bringing together all stakeholders and a sincere and practical engagement between two parties to the conflict now of course Russia was not invited and this conference was never to have peace at the end of it it was never going to be the conference and the guns full silent Saudi Arabia um have encouraged steps towards serious negotiations which will require difficult compromises as part of a road map that leads to peace and here it is essential to emphasize that any credible process will need Russia’s participation South Africa South Africa’s reasons for not backing the communic were different the country’s National Security advisor wrote in a statement it is surprising that at this conference Israel is present and participating 5 days after the UN backed commission accused Israel of committing war crimes against Palestinians question the legitimacy of the communic and its sponsors argued was driven for respect for international law when Israel has been accused by un officials of violating international law of course South Africa has accused Israel of genocide in Gaza so let’s have a look at this map of which countries did sign and which ones didn’t and as you can see through Asia as well the amount of countries in here that some were not represented and then refused to sign as well I think this gives a better picture to the outcome of then the peace conference so let’s talk then about China we know China is very very influential around the world they’re also influential in Russia and could be incredibly influential in this war and which way it goes one could they have pull on Russia to have some sort of compromise deal withdrawal whatever but on the other hand have a massive industrial base that could affect and Pro along the war on Russia’s side now the head of NATO of course Yen Stenberg has told the BBC that China should face consequences for supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine if it does not change its ways Ian Stenberg said Beijing was trying to get it both ways by supporting Russia’s war effort while also trying to maintain relationships with European allies this cannot work in the long run as we know China also have a lot to benefit from this war and one thing that became very clear talking with some guys yesterday is the sanctions against Russia is one thing and the effect that we see in the west from those sanctions isn’t that great if you had the then equivalent sanctions placed on China the effect felt in the west particularly countries like Australia would be massive but there’s actually some sanctions against products in China that are having then an effect actually into Ukraine so some of the embargos are sanctions on some of these dual use products items around drones and little bits and pieces like this well okay those bits and pieces are being used in drones for Russian forces but where do you think all the parts for fpv drones and DJI and all of this is coming from that are fighting in Ukraine as well he said China was sharing a lot of Technologies like micro Electronics which are key for Russia to build missiles weapons they use against Ukraine he added at some stage we should consider some kind of economic cost if China doesn’t change their behavior saying it’s not selling lethal arms and prudently handles the export of Jews items in accordance with laws and regulations so there’s a lot of speculation around how much China is actually supporting actively Russia’s War we know Russia is buying some products to use from China these aren’t products like tanks or fighter jets or missiles could that occur in the future potentially could China then support more there’s been a lot of speculation about how much ISR assets that China has been giving to Russia from things like satellites but heading into more of a multi-polar world these sanctions won’t have as much of an effect that they may have had 10 or 20 years ago and of course the sanction here will be felt the ripples out through the world as well so this will be very interesting to see what happens here especially with China potentially looking at Taiwan elections at the end of the year it’s all something we’ll put a pin in and we will I’m sure come back to it at some point Legends there’s probably lots of cuts in this video my brain is mushed look after yourselves and I’ll speak to tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. You could say I lost my faith in science and progress

    You could say I lost my belief in the holy Church

    You could say I lost my sense of direction

    You could say all of this and worse, but

    If I ever lose my faith in you

    There'd be nothing left for me to do.

    Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world

    You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV

    You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians

    They all seemed like game show hosts to me

    If I ever lose my faith in you

    There'd be nothing left for me to do.

    I never saw no miracle of science

    That didn't go from a blessing to a curse

    I never saw no military solution

    That didn't always end up as something worse, but

    Let me say this first

    If I ever lose my faith in you

    There'd be nothing left for me to do

  2. This is us v brics Nd. A few beers

    We all know like you said sh#t going to get bD thanks heaps.

    UkrIsb is sand box so sad


    The end of a empire usa. I wonder what tr u mp.going to so

  3. i assume Mr OaM is talking about the Ukrainian lockdown as the Military Summary Channel is showing Videos on the Russian side every day. The video of Ukraine's bombs is two day old and none have been used since. However Russian strikes have intensified since then. Presently small forces from the Citadel are attempting to forge a channel isolating the industrial zone.
    On the western side, Ukraine sent two lots of capture the tree line skirting the Russian forces, the first were beaten back but they then regrouped and attacked with more men and armoured vehicles, succeeding in driving the Russians back. Russian then set their tOs heavy flame throwers to work in the tree line forcing the Ukrainians to abandon their positions. after suffering Heavy losses.
    The only middle Eastern country that signed was Qatar which is negotiating with both sides about prisoner release. The only South American side that signed was Argentina. No member of Brics signed this document either, Curiously the Vatican also failed to sign.

  4. G'day Willy – as an Octogenarian kiwi trained as a Sapper for the US Vietnam folly, I have come to trust your unbiased judgement pursuit concerning the conflict in Ukraine.
    Therefore, I would really appreciate your comment regarding two ½hour interviews last night of prof. "Jeffrey Sachs" & "Ray McGovern" on YouTube "JudgeNapolitano" yesterday; vs –
    And –

  5. A "summit" where one of the two parties to a conflict is excluded is not a "peace summit"! It was another of Zelensky's "gimmee, gimmee, gimmee" events.

    The video at around five minutes in is old. The large building on the right was heavily damage some time ago but appears pristine in the video.

  6. Dear Willy, I understand you want to be objective. And that's great. You're doing a great job. What I see though, is a lot of the comments are not objective. They mostly are people who support Russia. If I try to be objective, place a comnent, I get snowed in by pro Russian comments. I just want to warn you. If those people can't be objective, your site might evolve in a pro Russian site. That's not what you want right?

  7. "As fighting enters urban areas, fighting is going to slow down a lot."
    You're making the exact opposite you've been making for weeks, which is that once fighting breaks into an urban area, fighting speeds up and the urban area gets taken. Until now, you've been claiming that fighting is slow until an urban area has been "broken in to", then quick. Now you say it's the opposite, and did a whole segment on that.
    Makes you sound like you're pretty much just talking out of your arse!

  8. Coupla beerskis with the lads, nice one fella, you probably needed a little blowout, you do a lot of work on this topic.
    I don't care about bias because I read between the lines but yours and combat vets vid clips help me get through the day.
    Appreciate the effort bud.
    Cheerio from North Yorkshire.

  9. Folks in Belgrad saying they here at least 10 air explosions daily. Ukraine is trying everyday, but they fail and that is why UKR does not speak of it.. Those 'systems' you say were taken out, were only partial unit damage and not complete system destruction.

  10. “Global Food Security” this is code for Bill Gates controlling the world’s food supply. That is why He now owns more farm land than the rest of the world combined. Remember He has stated that He wants to reduce the world’s population by 80%. He can do this simply not planting the farm land for one year.

  11. Nice map! Loads of blue on it. Most of it comes from four d**kheads: one Australian, one Canadian, one Argentinian and one Dane (Greenland). LOL! What were any of the attendees doing sitting in the same room as IsraHell?

  12. The peace agreement they signed the other day doesn't include the part where Russia has to give back the territory they took, or any official agreement on supporting Ukraine militarily by anyone who signed the agreement. So nothing was really accomplished from the summit. And also, Ukraine is trying to recruit about 500,000 soldiers, but in reality, it's projected they will be able to recruit only about 100,000. And both sides are losing about 1,000 per day, so Ukraine bought about 3 extra months before collapse?

  13. Please disclose when any of your info is coming from that fool who you had on yesterday, so i can instantly ignore it. Thanks.

  14. How many of these YouTubers don't even know what's going on how come you're not doing the video of all those Russian soldiers surrendering over 400 that were cut off and surrounded you're not even telling what's really going on on the battlefield man you're talking about a bunch of b***** that's not even like happening do you even know that Ukraine is preparing a counter-offensive as soon as they get the F-16 that's why they're blowing up all the defensive s400s Ukraine has had weapons and products that they haven't been able to use for almost 2 years now because they haven't had the Jets yet soon as they get those Jets it's a f**** rat dog

  15. How many of those countries that signed is actively trying to occupy their neighbors? the Russian population.. i had hoped to see them join the rest of the civilized world 20 yrs ago. Willy, please explain the maxxpro vids when available. Vids i saw was an armored ambulance making a run around C.Y. thanks bud.

  16. Ping kissed Putin on TV..China is with Russia till the end. 100%. I have never in my life seen the Leader of China ever that friendly with any country let alone Russia. 😆

  17. One of the greatest harmers and pests of humanity is Vladimir Lenin, he created something that came true, but the problem is that all this error and evil has not been stopped, the whole nightmare of pain, errors and evil continues… And it will not end soon 🙁 A model of regularity, for example, it is like the United States and Canada, it is perfection, where there is health and normality, where people are happy and satisfied 🙂 Of course, people living there will get cancer, they have their own problems, so obvious, but when you add these problems to life in the Russian Federation, it is no wonder that the Russian Federation has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. To sum up, Vladimir Lenin made a large number of people incredibly unhappy. It's very sad about the communist system, you can't completely close it, there must be something wrong and wrong still from Vladimir Lenin. And so part of humanity suffers 🙁 and it could be better. (A092)

  18. How about the West changing it's behavior. It keeps bragging about how most of the world is against Russia, but keep whining that it's not fair that China is on their side. The arrogance of asking China's help with Russia, while all the while they plan is to take down China after they're thru with Russia. Why should China help? The West should realize, not everybody is as stupid as they are.

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