Russia-Ukraine war: Russian missile, drones hit Kyiv as Putin punishes Zelensky | Top Stories

Russian president Wladimir Putin is punishing Ukraine for attacking Russian targets today Russia launched a massive aerial attack on Kiev it deployed missiles and drones they went on to strike Ukraine’s capital city in fact Reports say the attack began around 4:00 a.m. local time an industrial area in Kiev was hit a garage was hit so was a gas station and a storage unit the strikes triggered a fire at a warehouse and an industrial complex air raid alerts were sounded across Ukraine they lasted several hours this comes days after Ukraine destroyed a Russian suco Su 57 and claimed to also destroy two Radars of Russian s300 and S400 systems in Crimea so what you have here is Putin avenging the targeting of Russian Logistics it was wasn’t just the capital city by the way that came under attack this morning a total of six areas were struck Kev Theo Petrov zapia pava karv and winia and what was Ukraine’s response Ukraine’s Air Force wrote on telegram that Kiev was attacked with one kinel k47 M2 air launch ballistic missile 4 k101 555 Cru missiles and 24 Shahed type drones Russia also reportedly launched an escandar M ballistic missile but could Ukraine intercept the incoming missiles and drones Ukraine claims it shot down five out of six missiles and all of the 24 drones launched by Russia as per the Ukrainian claims 11 Shahed type drones were shot down in Theo pedos but do Kev have air defense systems to counter a Russian aerial offensive is the question ironically enough Ukraine has s3000s they go back to the Soviet era and then you have the US supplied Patriot missile system Ukraine already has one of them the US has agreed to supply a second Patriot missile system that said given the Ukrainian president wmi zelinski’s constant demand for more air defense systems one can tell that Ukraine does not have enough to secure its air space now earlier today some of the areas that were attacked were dangerously close to Ukraine’s border with Poland and as a result polish and Allied aircraft were activated Poland started scrambling scrambling its F-16 Jets as a precaution Poland said that it was taking quote unquote all necessary procedures to ensure the safety of the Polish airspace now this comes after Poland claimed that Russia had stationed 100 nuclear missiles in kenrad this is where kaliningrad region is it borders Poland and Lithuania in fact kenrad is just 260 km from war Shore could Russia have really stationed nuclear warheads there there’s no way to confirm but what we can tell you is that Russia has the highest number of nuclear warheads we are talking about 5,889 to be precise the US has 5,244 China 410 and this is according to a 2023 report by cpri or what’s short for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and here’s something else one needs to keep in mind Moscow claims it has deployed nuclear warheads in bellarus and as I speak Russia and Belarus are still conducting nuclear drills at land and sea we have the latest visuals for you [Music] [Music] now coming back to Poland’s claims of nuclear weapon deployment in kenrad what is it supposed to mean really here’s what the Polish foreign minister radoslav Sikorski said this means that an attack on the EU is quite likely does Russia plan to punish the NATO for supplying longrange missiles to Ukraine look at what Moscow is saying it says that Soldiers and Sailors from its Leningrad military District are taking part in the nuclear drill why is the mention of Leningrad important to answer that we must once again go back to the map of Russia look at where lenrad is it borders the NATO States namely Finland and Estonia now with that out of the way let me read out for you what Russia’s defense Ministry has said the Personnel of the lenrad military District missile unit are practicing combat training tasks the crews of navy ships involved in the training will equip seab based Cru missiles with special mock warheads and enter designated Patrol areas quote unquote back to the question is Putin preparing to punish the NATO is he building something big is he up to something big Russian warships and the nuclear submarine conducted missile drills on on their way to Cuba as per the Russian defense Ministry the submarine Kazan and the warship Admiral goov fired High Precision missiles at Mock enemy targets the missiles were fired from a distance of over 600 km the Russian warship and the nuclear submarine are currently in Havana do you know what’s less than 600 km from Havana Miami and a host of other American cities what do you think the Russian war machines are doing in Cuba are Russian oil machines being oiled in preparation for a bigger War at the front line Russian forces have deployed a Cutting Edge War Machine the malva 152 mm truck mounted self-propelled havza the machine is highly automated which reduced the crew work workload and also increases the rate of fire the hoza is equipped with Advanced Fire Control System system and has an integrated National system which allows for precise firing and improved accuracy this war machine has been designed to provide mobile artillery support is it meant to support Russia in an extended war is the question and just how far will Putin go in punishing Ukraine and its allies for attacking Russian targets to stay up to speed with the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

Russia launched a massive aerial attack on Kyiv days after Ukraine claimed it struck a Russian Sukhoi Su-57 deep inside Russia, and the radars of Russian S-400, S-300 in Crimea.
How far will Russian President Vladimir Putin go in his punishment of Ukraine?
Will NATO be hit next?

Broadcasted on June 12, 2024

#russiaukrainewar #nato #putin

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  1. Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ Ukraine only hit 2 missiles down and all they hit kiva news must stop laying ples stip this Russian is wining they are destrying everything in Ukraine I was there so stop with thus lie news ples guys go to front line and see how many Ukraine troops are daying

  2. these criminals peace process, also have hands over the dead baby in Palestine, Natanyhua are being chased, the USA says no, to the human rights organization, ..and now who is going to condemn Russia, , ??? If the USA attacks Venezuela, who will they pursue

  3. Monday's Zelensky is winning. Tuesday's Zelensky makes threat's. Wednesday's and Thursday's Zelensky calls and begs biden for more everything. Friday's Zelensky is losing the war. Saturday and Sunday's he visits other country's to beg some more. hahahaha.

  4. Vladimir Putin's agenda is to reconquer Eastern Europe as It did during the interwar period and WW2 in Europe. Although he considers NATO's expansion a threat, his plans are to Expand into Eastern Europe to restore the Soviet Legacy regardless if NATO intervenes or not. The Baltics, Ukraine, Moldova, and Finland's resentment against Russia is far from unfounded.

  5. This beats the hell out of TV comedy. While some viewers of Gravitas may be wondering why the Patriot Missile pops up and down like some kind of ephemeral threat yoyo, allow me to explain…

    A decade ago, the second guidance system was completed, the first being useless. This too, proved useless. Around three years ago, a third guidance system was tested, and you ain't gonna believe this, from the wing of a 67 year old B52. Ain't kidding. Unfortunately, the missile failed to release. Red-faced, RTX gave it another go and this time it released… yea!… but failed to fire. As far as I know, its performance is utterly unpredictable. So now its main function is defence PR. When Zelensky shrieks about the failure of promised weapon deliveries, he gets sent a patriot Missile, amid much fanfair… which we just witnessed on Gravitas. Mollified Zelensky grumps his way back to his bunker, hands in pockets, and kicking empty 155 shells as he goes.

    All of this is just theatre. With 600,000 dead, so too are Zelensky's chances of winning. He has been fighting with obsolete equipment, terrified press-ganged conscripts, abducted women on the front line, and volunteer mercenaries who had never before fought actual professional soldiers. Most had cut their fighting teeth on peasants and women. The US can bluster all it likes but it has nothing to give. America is out of ammunition and recruits, weilds 25 years obsolete hardware, and is broke. The only thing uncertain in this war is: Will Ukraine collapse before or after the American Empire implodes.

    Judging by the increasing number of fronts emerging around Israel, and within the US, Biden will be shot before Zelensky. But does anyone really care?.

  6. If anyone will not come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and will not repent of his sin of rebellion against Him. He/she will receive God's wrath for the act of rebellion and unbelief.

  7. So it's safe to say this war has no end in sight ! Putin's demands for the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine & no NATO should be accepted. Ukraine is between the west Europe & Russia & really can get the best from both sides instead of being a NATO puppet.

  8. Nuke war is m.a.d ( mutually assured destruction) it's a king that burns his kingdom so he can rule over ashes ! 2 incidents show the brutality of radiation – WW2 & the atom bombs & the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown. Can the leaders of these countries be so blinded by ego that all they see is war & bloodshed ! A poem written about war states that there is no glory in war , only pain ,misery. Israel as well fighting an ideology has no end in sight just destruction how can a species capable of such beauty be able to wreak such havoc to a planet that is the only 1 capable of sustaining myriad of lifeforms.

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