Major Update | Russian Advances Across Entire Front

Major Update | Russian Advances Across Entire Front

hello and welcome back to another update it is your host wee Union and in this one we’ll be covering the latest elements throughout the front line in the r Ukrainian War starting out in the South the Russians have advanced here west of noova it is a small Advance by the 45 positions the Russians have available in the area slightly improving their positions in the direction of bohia and melat maska ahead of the Ukrainian offensive in the summer of last year the russan attempted some positional finding in the direction of Mok maska and this is likely a continuation of such operations the fighting will take place here by Mir towards Sherif here by Lohi and Noka in the direction of Belia and meluk meska in the East part of UR moving on to the next section of the front line we see here in the direction of Rifka the Russians have been able to push towards maximilan nka and to gain a foothold this was previously reported and then the ukrainians managed to push them out the Russians have now re-entered regaining these positions and having a foothold within the town of maximilan ifka this allows Russians to pressure the ukrainians here in the southern part of the karifa front and as I mentioned in my analysis yesterday the Russians have been working to improve the southern and western flank of kka and with this we see that the Russians s managed to capture the outskirts here in the southwest and push along the railway to improve the buffer zone they have in between kifa and the Ukrainian positions west of the city this is a combined strike by the Russians in a western direction of the city and by maximilan nka in an attempt to gain control over everything to the in between the two areas and to strengthen the positions in the area preventing Ukrainian forces from counterattacking towards the southern part of the city that would allow the Russians to push through the Northern parts of Kes Rifka where position fighting continues further north in the direction of neova the Russians have Advance slightly in the direction of Yas prka north of the village of n this has allowed them to push along the forest lines Southwest of jifa inching closer towards the village as the Russians have advanced both to the north east and south of the village of yasn noiva further north here north of ransu Russians have advanced further towards norka Persia they have man to reach the outskirts from the East however the South still have a few Ukrainian fortified positions ahead of the town the Russians are looking to attack No Cap Persia not just from the south and east but also from the north from the suul direction capturing that Village and pushing down south at the same time they are pushing in a western direction towards aishna and the north of Y prka to pressure The Village from the north and to attack the Ukrainian positions along the W River Line in the direction of nov Alexandria the Russian have advance in the northern part attacking from the northern flank which has allowed them to capture the majority of the Town leaving only small parts in The Gray Zone the Ukrainian fortified positions to the southwest and west of the town are also in the gray Zone this means that the entirety of no alexandera is contested or under Russian control even the fortifi positions outside of the town the next line of defense of the ukrainians is by W shka and after that there’s no fortified positions of the ukrainians between pokrovsk and costantina we see here in the direction of V shenka that the Russians would be able to push through gain control over the village and then face off against the final fortified positions of the ukrainians connected to the road itself then the Russians would likely work similarly to otina to advance in multiple directions expand a zone of control over the area gain control over all of the fortifi positions to strengthen the northern and southern flank we see that to the east of the highway the Ukrainian positions are located along a river line where multiple Villages are connected to and to the South between lovat here to the southwest of no Alexander Rifka and all the way to the highway and The Villages and towns connected to the highway there’s a southern River Line as well this means that the Russians pushing through no Alexandria will have to face off against after that the Russians will be advancing in the northern direction towards the Western Bank of the river line and in the southern direction to capture the Northern Bank of the river line which will allow for a strong flank po to the South and to the east expanding their zone of control and using this position as a natural barrier to gain control over this highway and completely cut it off this will allow the Russians to push towards pokrov from the East and towards constantina from the West this is a very significant situation that the Russians are attempting to significantly improve and develop offensive operations from if the Russians gain control over positions here by the highway and expand their zone of control to have a Southern and Eastern flank that are powerful the Russians will be able to develop a significant offensive operation towards centina and pokrov from this area and this would be the main area of fighting in the entirety of the war in Ukraine as the Russians would use this position to push through the Ukrainian fortified positions as they’ll be able to flank the majority of the Ukrainian fortified positions as we see they are mainly focused around the northern eastern and southern parts of castanica by pushing along the highway they’ll be able to avoid the majority of these fortified positions any major offensive can be developed from that direction what this means is that the entirety defense of the DK region of the ukrainians rests on two current locations that is this highway between pokrov and constantina as Russians are trying to push through gain control of it and chess ofar where heavy fighting is continuing as well talking about Chess ofar the Russians have advanced to the northwest of denka capturing the forest patch and contesting the Fortified positions and trenches the ukrainians have in the area ging control over these fortified positions will allow the Russians to gain control over the rest of kinia and start offensive operations across the canal line and towards Rifka the Russians will attempt to gain control of the town which will significantly expand the Russian control over the Eastern Bank of the canal line and at the same time we see Heavy fighting continues in the ches ofia micro District in the western part of it and in the first patch between Kenia and the micro District where the ukrainians continuously send troops across the canal to hold the line as much as possible the Russians are here attempting to close it completely closing that and advancing further north to also include hka will significantly expand the area in which the Russians can cross over the canal and this will allow the Russians to flank the city from the south and from the north the incursion the Russians had across the canal line was not stable enough is simply de brance groups and therefore the Russians do not have a foothold properly yet this is only contested in the forest patch across the canal line so the map was corrected there but we see that heavy fighting takes place both in the northern and southern flank where the Russians have had incursions across the canal line but does not yet have a proper foothold while fighting continues in the ches ofia micro district North of wanka and in the direction of Rifka the Russian offensive currently is very intense and it is including the entire section of the front line and this also includes the CET front where the Russians have advanced further to the northeast of Rifka aligning the front line almost completely along the road north of the village with this the Russians are getting closer to flanking the village itself from the north getting control over the Northern Bank of the SU plva River and gaining control over the Ukrainian 45 positions in the area at the same time in the direction of the east of CK the Russians have gained full control order the Fortified positions and trenches East ofans and have reached the outskirts of the town and in the north the Russians have also manag to gain full control over the Quarry south of below arifa so with this we see that the entirety east of the C front which had been stable for many for over a year really is now moving in the Russian favor as they have managed to capture important fortified positions of the ukrainians in the section of the front line further north here in the direction of the cbits riv Line south of sahifa the Russians have managed to capture andifa and mifka where they have managed to gain control over the Eastern Bank of the CIT River in these two Villages they likely also gain control over this area as it is largely just a gray Zone the Russians have simply not moved in to take control of it and to the north they likely push towards the mifka and at the same time we also see the Russians gaining control over the western parts of no the Ukrainian positions are located on the outskirts of the village however the village itself it is now entirely in Russian hands and with this we see that the securement of noas the sou flank of sahifa will likely Point toward a Russian offensive to gain control over sahifa the Eastern Bank of the CIT River here to the north and a push towards Pana where we saw positional fighting to the southeast of the village so we’re seeing fighting along the entirety of the kobans section of the front line we also saw potential fighting west of kmina in direction of Lan in the Civ gr we also see an active fighting as Russians are pushing in three different directions West of bakood in direction of jvr heavy fighting is taking place in the donet front all the way from Novo Alexandria to the north and down to maximka to the South the entire DK front is active as Russians are pushing across the entire of that section of the front line mka fighting is also taking place throughout this month all the way down to the ri ledge we are fighting here is also taking place in Sosa nor to the south in the UR section of the front line we also see positional fighting taking place this shows that the Russians are fighting across the entirety of the front line with heavy fighting taking place and the Russians pushing through the Ukrainian fortified positions despite the new Aid arriving to help Ukraine hold the front line they are still being pushed back in the hardk section it is largely just positional fighting the front line has been corrected in the direction of liok the Russians have full control over the village and still have a foothold in the data area Southwest of liok and the front line is stable and the ukrainians are unable to regain positions by foger while in the wens directions the Russians have improved their positions and are fighting in the Northern Bank attempting to gain full control of it following the Ukrainian failure to regain positions in the area and push the Russians back so you’re seeing that the Russians have regained the initiative in the north and fighting continues across the entirety of the Eastern and Southern section of the front line with this we see that the Russian offensive continues however we are not yet seeing the full power of it the main phase of the Russian offensive has yet to take place and therefore we see that the situation right now is entirely on the Russian Field the next move that they make will deter what exactly happens this summer and the ukrainians are right now just barely holding on to slow down the Russian soldiers as much as possible and to hold the line is the entire objective of the ukrainians right now while the Russians are choosing where and how much fighting is taking place to secure the front line and push it across gain control over the donet region mainly but it seems that fighting expands to other sections of the front line and that is going to be all for this update thank thank you all for watching make sure to leave a like subscribe and check out my patreon for additional content thank you all for watching and have a great day

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  1. Russia better figure out logistics real soon with all the attacks happening on depos and raillways on the daily, I dont see this going well for them currently but who the hell knows

  2. dude- don't take this as an offense but you do not understand attrition warfare doctrine. There WILL BE NO GIGANTIC BIG ARROW offensives from RF. There will be a broad front, shallow set of attacks everywhere. STOP acting like NATO maneuver warfare is how war is done- NATO WAS WRONG.

  3. To defeat an enemy you need to defeat their most powerful weapon! US greatest weapon is the dollar, Fiat or Petro dollar, used to make any Global transaction! US destroyed it by themselves and created alliance between Russia and China by treating both countries with exactly same policies 😅

  4. Do you have any idea what the minimum goals of the Russian advances are? Have the achieved their goals of freeing the Donbas region and securing it?

  5. hmmm, how is this going? Seems like russia has stalled and is being pushed back.

    russia is bringing up t62 tanks from reserve. But I thought russia was building a bazillion t90s every day? BTW, T62s are pushing 70 years of age now since being designed.

    there is a video of a russian turtle tank and its crew being captured.

  6. Ukrainian counterattacks are all failing. Ukraine is losing massive troops teying to retake territory all with massive failures

    Zelensky has lost

  7. A Cimeira foi o lugar onde os governantes receberam os U$ desviados da Ucrânia e tudo certo. Assim podem aproveitar a Suiça para depositar o dinheiro sujo de sangue dos ucranianos em offshores especializadas em transações do gênero…

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