India & Global South Reject Ukraine Peace Summit Declaration | Vantage with Palki Sharma

India & Global South Reject Ukraine Peace Summit Declaration | Vantage with Palki Sharma

zinski by a summit discussing the basic principles involving Russia Putin put forward a proposal no dividing the circum now let’s talk about the summit on peace in Ukraine the summit that took place this weekend near the Alp find Swiss city of luer at a five-star Resort situated beside a picturesque Lake looking at the venue it seemed like a holiday destination not the place to find the solution to a war a war that has dragged on for almost 2 and a half years and in the end that’s what it proved to be a holiday for world leaders and top diplomats because there are no real solutions to speak of the Swiss president gave the closing statement she mentioned the three major points that were agreed upon any use of nuclear energy and nuclear installations must be safe secured safeguarded and environmentally sound secondly food security must not be weaponized in any way thirdly all prisoners of war must be released by complete exchange all deported and unlawfully displaced Ukrainian children and all other ukra ukine civilians who were unlawfully detained must be returned to Ukraine those were the three major talking points Ukraine’s nuclear power plants must be kept safe Kev should be allowed to export food and all ukrainians who are in Russia must be sent back home most of the countries who attended the summit agreed to these broad points but the focus was on the elephant in the room or rather the bear missing from the room Russia one of the two Waring parties was not at this Summit and what does that mean for this Swiss declaration the points agreed to after two days of tough negotiations it means that all of this was pointless some of the participants understood this like India Brazil South Africa and Saudi Arabia they refused to sign the final declaration because it was meaningless without Russia’s participation in fact India’s statement summed it up in our view only those options acceptable to both parties can lead to abiding peace in line with this approach we have decided to avoid association with the joint communic or any other document emerging from the summit now India and the global South knew this before the summit started they did send delegations to attend but just diplomats not heads of state because they knew that it would be a waste of time in Russia no noted this this is what the Kremlin spokesperson said about the skeptical participants many of them and this was a common point of view at this event confirmed the understanding of the futility of any serious substantive discussions without the presence of our country we also noted this well in general of course if we talk about the effectiveness of this meeting then of course it approaches zero it may sound harsh but it’s on point if Russ isn’t losing the war if it isn’t suing for peace then why would Moscow accept terms it hasn’t helped draft all of this posturing in the Swiss Alps is futile because at the end of the day it won’t affect Russia in the slightest Moscow will keep waging its War Ukrainian soldiers will keep fighting and world leaders will keep ringing their hands and giving sermons while enjoying the finest Hospitality of course let’s look at the real winners of this Swiss Summit the Bergen stalk Resort they just got a great deal of free publicity and funds from the Swiss government no doubt for the food and services that they provided and they aren’t alone there are also Swiss artists who came up with this little installation it says Ukraine excellent use of taxpayer money the whole event seems to have been about two things boosting Swiss tourism and sending a message not to Russia because they couldn’t care less the message was for a different audience and the Swiss president let the cat out of the bag he read we are sending a clear signal to the people of Ukraine and to all those directly affected by the consequences of the war a large part of the International Community has the desire to bring change so the event was to boost Ukrainian morale to convince them to not throw down down their arms you know what this looks like the people of Ukraine being used as cannon fodder and the West cheering them on if they really want at peace they would stop with these theatrics and instead bring Russia to the negotiating table unless that happens these Summits are just a waste of time and money

India & Global South Reject Ukraine Peace Summit Declaration | Vantage with Palki Sharma

India & some other nations from the Global South have refused to sign the final declaration from the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland. India says that a lasting peace isn’t possible without Russia’s participation. What was the point of hosting a peace summit without one of the warring sides?

India | Global South | Volodymyr Zelensky | Switzerland | Ukraine Peace Summit | Russia Ukraine War | Peace Summit Declaration | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News

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  1. I question rather the mental capabilities and intelligence isof whoever persons initiated this joke of a house party. Perhaps it's June fool.

  2. Just looked at them just another bunch of fools that is trying to show off your nonsense because the people wealth of Russia was stolen by the west and partners but iwould like to get this straight Russian revolution is very powerful and nothing can stop them from war the USA and partners days are over because they don't have what it takes to get the Russian and partners so just don't feel that you alone have partners but Russian revolution is very powerful and nothing else the USA and partners do can stop there Way because if you have nokes they have it to

  3. I don't understand the western country 😮why they don't value Ukraine people peace is number one for Ukraine people I don't see no peace talk 🤔 it's sad and shame 😢 😢😢😢

  4. This is hilarious because Israel has been doing everything they accuse Russia of doing, except only for decades and even more aggressively and blatantly. Shameful west. They have no credibility.

  5. India no one cares their decision . They are with Russia so let it be. In long term do not blame USA not supporting India when they are in trouble.

  6. Am so proud of my country South Africa! We fight for peace and are always dismissed as we are fools but you know we are no fools we know peace comes at a price!

  7. India, South Africa and some others are now part of BRICS. Which BRICS countries dare challenge the leadership of Russia and China?

  8. A lot of commenters think that they are better than their government who are representing them. That's why there's no peace on earth because everyone wants to become a hero in their comment.

  9. They didnt even invite Russia, the country they are fighting a war against. And at this so called lame peace summit all the member nations were threatening Russia. Such genius things i have seen in a a Mr. Bean movie.

  10. 1. Any nuclear installation must be safe – I remember Ukraine bombed Zaphorozhye power plant themselves before IAEA's direct intervention.
    2. About Ukrianian ports – Russia agreed to open them up, till they were openly used to target Russian naval vessels.
    3. All illegally deported? Most of the Ukranians who went to Russia went willingly. And each time Russia retreated from someplace, we saw a huge no of civilian follow the military convoy.

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