How is China viewing Russian President Putin’s visit to North Korea? | BBC News

an elaborate ceremony has been taking place in pang’s Main Square to welcome the Russian President Vladimir Putin to North Korea pictures on on state media showed ranks of soldiers and huge crowds lining the streets it’s Mr Putin’s first trip to North Korea in more than two decades well many other Global powers are keeping an eye on this visit including another close Ally of Russia China we’re join me now is our China correspondent Laura Becker who’s following developments from in and La of course China is a close Ally not only of Russia but also of North Korea how will it be viewing this visit well I think one of the first things to say Katherine is at this stage um I would View North Korean Russia as fast friends but not firm friends this is not a relationship that either side have prioritized in the past they’re prioritizing it now because they need one another but they actually need China more they will not want to do anything make any agreements that may annoy president X now what do I mean by that well China will look at these two leaders AS Global parayas and they will know that that is an image that they do not want to show both the West Europe and H and the US so when it comes to this kind of uh Alliance they will be careful about how they align themselves with those two China wants to be a global leader it does not want to be a global Pariah and it wants the world to see it as such so that’s one of the reasons why we think when President Putin came here to Beijing that we hear there have been reports that Beijing officials told President Putin not to fly straight from here in Beijing to Pyongyang but to go on a different date they did not like the Optics of those three together now why will that limit the relationship between North Korea and Russia well when it comes to the amount of technology that Russia may give North Korea it might make Mr Putin think again first of all he might not want to give away his secrets to North Korea who might sell it to another country second of all China does not like it when North Korea has the kind of testing that we saw back in 2017 that time of fire and fury when North Korea was testing on a regular basis that brings us assets to the region US aircraft carriers and it brings alliances in the region already we’ve seen in the last year South Korea and Japan sign a trilateral agreement with the United States something we would thought we would never see in this region these two from Tokyo and soul have historical bitter grievances but they came together because they were worried about AR Rising Pyongyang the weapons testing and AR Rising China China does not want these alliances to exist without them in it and actually while we’re sitting here there are Chinese officials in Soul discussing their own bilateral relationship another sign that China may want to distance itself from Pyongyang and what’s going on in P pongyang currently and Laura following his visit from North Korea President Putin’s expected to go to Vietnam how do you think China the us as well would view Russia’s interest in The Wider region I think actually both will be a bit weary about Russia’s um uh view of the wider region and going to both North Korea and uh Vietnam and I think certainly the US I I mean I was there when Joe Biden was in Vietnam signing agreements uh with Vietnam to elevate their partnership to the same level of China’s and I think there’s already that rivalry between China and us in the region they I don’t think either Beijing or Washington will want a third party to walk into it but I think from a strategic point of view the United States is most concerned and certainly has reiterated a number of times that over their concern about the weapons heading uh to Russia and uh the China’s support uh for Russia’s war in Ukraine what they do not want to see is China tacitly supporting uh Russia in any way that might help Russia on the battlefield and that is putting pressure on Beijing a bit because already they’re talking about further sanctions and China is very vulnerable to sanctions so they do not want any more issues that may cause problems with the economy H so I think when it comes to Russia’s involvement in this region both Washington both Beijing are slightly concerned but it’s certainly China will not want any more attention on its relationship with Russia

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un has said he “fully supports” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as Vladimir Putin visits the country for the first time in 24 years.

The two leaders hailed ties between their countries after they held talks following the Russian president’s overnight arrival.

The US and South Korea have accused North Korea of supplying Russia with artillery in exchange for food and military aid.

China, which has close ties with both Russia and North Korea, has “welcomed” the summit between Putin and Kim but will be watching developments carefully.

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  1. this is a huge mistake of western was all or nothing, as close as possible to Russia and its border!they created a problem for themselves and they don't know how to get out of it. a very risky game of poker that they lost!!now they have to tell their citizens what a great danger they have put them in!!!

  2. Hopefully China will pick being with the economic winners of the world and ditch their old thug friends and allies. Since opening to the world, China and its people have prospered a lot. Hanging with the likes of Putin and Kim are just going to isolate China when they are the most economically vulnerable as they have been in decades (and half of their economy still relies on trade).

  3. 200,000 views with 2000 likes…. (1%)
    Alternative media… 60,000 views with 6000 likes…. (10%)
    I think your audience has figured The BBC out, it’s full of narrative and nonsense…

  4. 北朝鮮と韓国とコリア系日本人とコリア系ロシア人とコリア系中国人は、まったく信用できない




  5. 🌏🌎から嫌われている国が同盟になったって事でしょ❓

  6. This is a good time for all countries to understand that we all are part of the human community and that in 2024 we cannot allow a stronger, more powerful country to take over or annex territory from a weaker, less powerful country. This must not only be a premise for western nations, but for all nations. Otherwise, the world writ large is up for grabs. We do not look back in the west, because we are not going that way. President Putin wants to re-create the Russian Empire of yesteryear and although it is an interesting goal, it is no longer in synch with the way the human community is moving.

  7. Putin would have already discussed this with China in his recent visit to China. Also China and Russia vetoed the extension of monitoring of the UN SC sanctions on North Korea recently Why from China perspective no flying from western countries like Australia Canada across its borders under this loop hole. Geeze the dots are all there even a five year old knows

  8. Are you people lost? She's stating what China MAY be thinking, not fully IS thinking. Take news with a grain of salt, this is not military intel 😭

  9. NATO wants to attack Russia? Russia just added over a million new men from North Korea. And China has over 2 million. NATO and the US cannot match those numbers, yet they want to escalate the civil war in Ukraine, a land that historically is Russia.

  10. How? With amusement and anticipation. Xi must be rubbing his hands together with excitement at the opportunities ahead to grab the soon-to-be-former Russian Far East, Outer Mongolia, and the crown jewel Siberia from a defeated and depleted Russia.

  11. If a decision had been made to request that Putin did not fly to North Korea from China it would not have been made public for the very same reason you report. Where did you get this information from and why are you presenting it as fact when it is clearly not true?

  12. America stops sponsoring and sending money to one-party dictatorships that do not have freedom, democracy, human rights, and are socialist like China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Korea. What do the people of Laos enjoy when they fall into the hands of the communists?😊

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