New Russian Offensive | Toretsk Front Activated | Ukraine Recaptures Tykhe

New Russian Offensive | Toretsk Front Activated | Ukraine Recaptures Tykhe

hello and welcome back to another update where I covered the latest development’s throt front line in the Russi Ukrainian War we start out in the East where the Russians have advanced in multiple sections of the front line and they have opened a new sector this means that the Russians are now launching offensive operations everywhere across the front line from the very Southwest by the harison region across Nea River and all the way to the north in the har region there are active operations by the Russians starting out here in the atifa section the Russians have fully captured the 45 positions north of suil and fighting will now enter into the village itself as they will push through to the western parts of it to gain full control of it before moving West towards wood yifa and no South to NOA Persia and Northwest along the railway in the western Direction in the northern Direction by aanes the Russians have managed to push and gain control over the Fortified positions North of the village and are now attacking the next ones to the north of it where the Russians are now fighting in the direction of kova to the east of the highway between fdfa and costantina the Russians are launching attacks towards alexandr where they’ve managed to capture some fortified positions and are fighting nearby others and at the same time they’ve also attacked from the east in direction of shui and DBA would have managed to capture some fortified trenches and moved into the outskirts of the res idential area so this is an assault towards tetk and New York the activation of this section of the front line by the Russians is very interesting we see that the area by tetk it’s heavily fortified just this line of defense and 45 positions Southwest of the town to the east of it there is this line of defense that was created since 2014 it is a long-standing defensive line and the city itself is heavily fortified this is the front line of the city of constantina the ukrainians had three major defensive positions ahead of kostantina they had bahmut to the East tetk and New York to the southeast and FKA to the South now they only have tetk left and then they have moved on to chze ofar east of constantina so we see that the two areas of Defense of ukrainians are chesar and tetk and to the Southwest with Russians are advancing the most they do not have any of these areas this is why the area here Northwest of atifa the Russians have managed to advance a significant portion about 30 square km this month and in total over the past 3 to 4 months they have advanced approximately 300 or 400 square kilometers this is a significant Advance compared to the tetk area which has not moved since the start of the Russian invasion and in the BM Direction where even after the the capture of bahmut there was no significant changes to the front due to the Ukrainian somewh offensive and following that even so then the Frontline developments have not been as significant as by fdfa the main reason for their success by fdfa is the quick capture of otin which allowed the Russians to capture all surrounding Villages while in the direction of bmud the ukrainians were able to consolidate their positions by holding the defensive line by the canal and at the same time having the highight advantage of Jar secured which allowed the ukrainians to hold on to their positions the Wagner troops during the Battle of bmud attempted to push through the canal and gain control over jar in a similar manner as to how the Russians took control over chatina however it was stopped by the rotation of Wagner soldiers outside of the city due to the heavy losses which prosan blamed on Shu and the Russian general military command this led to the summer Mutiny so we see that the situation was similar to fdfa however the Wagner soldiers never got to take advantage of the capture of Mahmud and this led to the Ukrainian suur offensive which managed to recapture some positions and now we see positional fighting east of the canal which goes a bit back and forth but mostly in Russia’s favor what is interesting is that the Russians started offensive operations here in the direction of Tet and New York despite the heavy fortifications the ukrainians have available in the area this means that it is a very tough battle and the Russians could take a lot of losses taking control over tetk due to the Fortified positions the ukrainians have available especially since the majority of the supply issues of the Ukraine was fixed after the new US Aid package and additional European Aid packages constantly sending additional ammunition and other equipment to Ukraine mainly focused around defense this has significantly improved the situation for the ukrainians at the same time the Russians also attacking the flanks both to South and the east in the direction of J ofar and to the Southwest by afka towards the highway between pokrov and constantina this means that the Russians can simply continue developing these offensive operations and once they succeed they would be able to capture constantina and complet completely bypass the entirety of the terres area by capturing the flanks the reason why the Russians are pushing through the central Parts is twofold it’s an either or sort of situation if the Russians are attacking in direction of tetk one of two things will happen the ukrainians will send additional forces to help defend the town and prevent a Russian breakthrough this means additional Ukrainian soldiers will go into the pocket that the Russians are forming by attacking the flanks the second possibility is that the Ukraine withdraw from tetk due to avoiding a encirclement by the Russians in that sense the ukrainians would be leaving up this territory that is heavily fortified back towards CIFA to avoid encirclement this however would be a long process that means a lot of fighting by tet before they actually withdraw it could also simply be them entering and then holding the line after which the Russians will be attacking where they are strong and have fortified positions and have a lot of troops then the Russians will be attacking a very Fortified Area however it is a small area and a large concentration of troops in such a small area would mean prime target for Russian Firepower artillery Fab bombs and so on that means the Russians may be looking to have the ukrainians arrive into the town to try and protect it and then be hit by Russian Artillery and Firepower in general so this could be an attempt to commit more of the Ukrainian Reserve to the front line and prevent them from launching the counter attacks that they are doing in the North in the HK region where we move on to now with the ukrainians launching counter attacks in several directions in the direction of wolf Jens the ukrainians continue to fight positional fighting where they are attempting to cut off the supply of the Russian troops in the north and at the same time to regain full control over vens they do that by supplying the first assaults with additional ones from the East where they are flanking the Russian positions and attacking from both the East and the West this is to regain control over the Eastern parts of the Northern parts of vens so we’re seeing positional fighting is taking place all across the front line where the ukrainians are re trying to regain control over the entirety of the area and fully recapture vens which would push the Russians out of the Northern parts here in the Eastern parts of the two engagements in the har region at the same time the ukrainians cross the RO River and regain control over T where positional fighting has returned and the Russians have been counterattacking towards T to try and recapture it so we’re seeing positional fighting in the and wans was the ukrainians continue their counter attack operations here in the north by wens and to the west by hok the Ukraine have may to gain a foothold within the town after continuous operations in the direction of it heav fighting continues as Russians are performing street fighting in an attempt to push the ukrainians out and the ukrainians are constantly sending additional troops and equipment to hold the foothold and expand it to gain control over lubok the Russian de fortified positions in the area are to the north of the town which does not Overlook the town itself but are instead facing in a Northern Direction instead the Fortified positions here to the East are located on the heights overlooking the entire area the ukrainians if they recaptured this fortified position would be able to recapture liok their attempts here by the western side are difficult to succeed with as although they will have this open field to drive through the roads and enter liok with a quick pace and avoid Russian fortified positions they would still not gain full control over liok due to the supportive positions of the Russians in the East the ukrainians would need to cut off the supplies of this fortified position or take it head on in either case they would be Target for Russian Artillery being exposed out in the open against a fortified position on The High Ground this means that the Ukrainian attempt here by the West is likely to flank this position expand the front line and attack it from multiple directions in a massive attack and at the same time before attacking it launching massive strikes on those positions especially with fpv drones trying to Cle clear out the trench without fighting it by launching artillery and drones instead of storming it head on so there are these two possibilities of how the Ukraine are going about this and they’re likely putting the main force in the direction of lioke instead of the Fortified positions where they’re relying heavily on long range Firepower and that is going to be all for this update thank you all for watching make sure to leave a like subscribe and check out my patreon for additional content thank you all for watching and have a great day

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  1. Always a laugh when bots and trolls show up to say the same thing over and over: “Russia isn’t winning fast enough! Therefore they have lost the war” and “Ukraine is losing ground and battalions everyday but the Russians are losing 5x as many!” (despite being heavily outgunned and there being zero evidence since the beginning of the Russians losing more men than Ukraine at any point 😂)

  2. This is like watching something on TV. A programme that goes on and on and on … Season 260, episode 1278. Same story, same ending, day out, day in, season in, season out.

  3. This channel could be sent once a month, not every day. Goes for all channels on Youtube, not just this one. At least I have made up my mind only to watch channels on the the first Monday of every month. I have calculated my consumption of time and the result was catastrophic. Did my understanding increase? Absolutely not!

  4. Украинский неонацизм будет уничтожен ! Натовские головорезы будут преданы справедливому наказанию!

  5. Weeb, is there any chance you could do an overview at the weekend of what happened in the week. The daily reports are great but I find it difficult to work out what's happening on the grand scale.

  6. Ukraine is using everything they got to stop Russia from advancing and actually recapturing the wrong territory… each fortified territory that Russia gains in Donetsks is more important then a north of Kharkiv few kilometers from Russia’s borders…

  7. something not going right for Russia.
    advances are down to next to nothing day by day.
    and the idea was the Kharkov front would lead to Ukraine rushing front line troops to defend Volchansk, leaving Donetsk exposed, but Russia seems incapable of advancing anywhere and there is no Ukrainian collapse at all.

  8. Thanks for the excellent summaries. Would it be possible to speak a little slower when pronouncing the names of the villages, towns and cities for the benefit of non Russian speakers

  9. Youtube is actively deleted comments 😂 this attack is making all the NAFO bots at YouTube headquarters loose it. Try typing something with the words of Ukrainian capital city and its taken down. 😂

  10. This is turning into a World War 2 battlefield, and if you are smart, you will run as far as you can from here.
    Encirclement tactics we saw during WW2 are repeating again. You intentionally draw your opponent closer to your position, wear them out by bombarding their position, and then move in from the flanks, taking thousands of captives. Deadly artillery raids, it is raining down death. Horrible.

  11. LOL, you think Russia taking 300 – 400 square kilometers is significant. Ukraine's total size is about 600,000 square kilometers. With those types of "significant gains" Russia will be in Kiev by Christmas…….. of 2055.

  12. By every accounts I'm hearing Russia has air advantage. So why the hell are they not pounding Ukrainian positions to the stone age? Either they're incompetent or their military strategists are third rate.

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