Protesters and police clash in Argentina over President Milei’s reforms

Protesters and police clash in Argentina over President Milei’s reforms

no se rec ch [Música] tratando una ley nefasta para la gran mayoría del pueblo argentino donde hay una reforma laboral donde se quita las indemnizaciones donde los trabajadores trabo a Terminator el presidente Terminator a tomar eh cualquier cualquier medida por un año donde se faculta a las corporaciones internacionales a invertir en nuestro país con 30 años de gracia en los impuestos esta ley es una ley que eh atenta contra los derechos de todos los trabajadores en la Argentina de todas las trabajadoras yo soy docente jubilada y no quiero ser la Última Generación de jubilada de mi familia quiero que puedan jubilarse mi hermana que es médica mis sobrinas que son estudiantes mis hijas que son también profesionales y que no van a poder jubilarse si hoy sale el paquete previsional

Riot police fired water cannons and tear gas to disperse protesters who threw stones and Molotov cocktails outside Congress, as Argentina’s senate began voting on tax bills proposed by new libertarian president Javier Milei.
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Thousands had gathered to oppose Milei’s programme of austerity and economic deregulation, after he rose to power on promises he would solve Argentina’s worst economic crisis in two decades

Argentina: violent protests as senators back austerity measures of President Milei ►

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#Argentina #Austerity #JavierMilei #Milei #Politics

  1. "Econimic reform" is american speak for "raising all taxes, lowering living affordability, less police for more gun violence, way less jobs so our american government can get ALL your money and resources"

  2. Milei's government must cleanse the corruption and stagnation of 40 years of poor left-wing politics. The trade unions in Argentina are surely some of the most corrupt in the world!

  3. I enjoy this personally because it will prove once and for all what a joke and a sham libertarianism is. I’m just glad I don’t have to live there and be subject to a nut job who consults his dogs on policy decisions.

  4. Oh – so that's where BLM went when systematic racism magically ended the minute after Biden became president? Surely they are ready to come back to the USA again THE SAME DAY Trump becomes president to pick up the thread on the systematic racism which in that case must have come to light while Biden was president?

  5. I like how that guy was complaining about bringing businesses into the country as if that’s a bad thing. Idk if you noticed bro but your country ain’t doin so hot on its own

  6. This was an organized attempt to stop the bill from passing,even the senators where looking for excuses to halt the voting,they know Milei is right and they are scared.

  7. Guardian, you got anyone from Argentina in your organization? Can you clarify some of the signs? They're almost all acronyms. What do they mean?

  8. As an argentinian, full support to the police here. If you know the full context you will know the villian in this story are those people in riot, not police.

  9. Los manifestantes son de izquierda y Kirchneristas , personas que no trabajan y reciben ayudas sociales. Milei está ordenando la economía despues del desastroso gobierno de Alberto y Cristina Kirchner. Pero hay personas fanaticas de ellos que no trabajan y que no les gustan los cambios que hace el nuevo gobierno. Basta de socialistas

  10. If they were protesters as your nefarious title describes it, they’d be peacefully protesting, not rioting
    Mainstream media is the worst enemy of the people

  11. If you are an American move there & see how great it is & don't come back. Because if you think cutting people's pensions that they worked for all their lives is great then refuse your SS& pensions.

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