Nigel Farage claims West ‘provoked’ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Nigel Farage claims West ‘provoked’ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

you want to be prime minister that’s what you want to be and this is Europe is at War now when the war happened the big war yeah When Vladimir Putin sent his troops across the border in 22 you blame the West not him you said I’ll just read it to you and then you can re out that on a tweet it was a consequence of EU and NATO expansion is that a judgment you stand by right I tell you what you don’t know I stood up in the European Parliament in 2014 and I said and I quote there will be a war in Ukraine why did I say that it was obvious to me that the ever Eastwood expansion of NATO and the European Union was giving this man a reason to his Russian people to say they’re coming for us again and to go to war but you were echoing him I was sorry you were echoing him that’s what pu no no no no sorry I’ve been saying this actually actually since the 1990s ever since ever since the war but hang on a second we’ve provoked this war it’s you know of course it’s his fault he’s used what we we Prov the invasion of and very interestingly once again 10 years ago when I predicted this by the way I’m the only person in British politics that predicted what would happen

Nigel Farage has claimed the West “provoked” Russia into its deadly invasion of Ukraine two years ago.

The Reform UK leader said the European Union’s expansion as well as Nato had provided Vladimir Putin with an “excuse”.

His incendiary comments came in a high-profile television interview less than two weeks before voters go to the polls.

They are likely to prompt an angry backlash from politicians across the spectrum, who have supported Ukraine as it attempts to fight off the Russians.

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  1. The West….Biden, Johnston etc…. specifically have blocked every attempt at a peace agreement……… and I know for a fact that my government is laundering lots of money and doing biological weapons research in Ukraine. I'm over the propaganda

  2. He's absolutely correct and I've said this all along. President Gorbachev was given concrete assurances by the US Secretary of State Baker that NATO would not move one inch East on the removal of the 'Iron Curtain'. Prof Mearsheimer's analysis of this is worth exploring. In this instance the support for fascists in West Ukraine against the separatist regions in the Donbass who want to be Russian, speak Russian and were significantly oppressed following the Euromaiden riots and overthrow of the 2010 democratically elected Ukrainian government by neo-na zis is absent from the West's biased media coverage. Mr Farage is bang-on.

  3. enough with this venal corrupt traitor. he's in the pocket of several countries vis a vis monied interests and will say and do whatever they want. he's a phony and a crook. stop listening to him ugh

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