UN-Chef warnt vor „unvorstellbarer“ Katastrophe, wenn der Libanon „zu einem zweiten Gaza wird“

UN-Chef warnt vor „unvorstellbarer“ Katastrophe, wenn der Libanon „zu einem zweiten Gaza wird“


  1. Maybe Lebanon should get its shit together and not let a terrorist group lob bombs into Israel from its soil.

  2. Talk to Iran. Their proxies have been doing the dirty work for Iran for many years. Hezbollah has destroyed Lebanon already.

  3. There has been a UN “peacekeeping” mission in Lebanon since the ‘70’s, maybe they should do more to enforce the security council resolutions they operate under and stop just ignoring Hezbollah’s violations.

  4. Maybe this UN chief should ask the 10,147 UN Peacekeepers currently in southern Lebanon to do something to stop Hezbollah from attacking Israel?

  5. Funny how the UN immediately condemns aggression in no uncertain terms *unless* the aggression is against Israel, in which case they adopt a specious, both-sides-ist rhetoric of “de-escalation” that clearly translates as “Israel is not allowed to defend itself.”

  6. What a surface level article. Israel strives for peace at every point in time. Israel funds climate change action across the world. Do your research.

  7. blame hezbollah entirely. these extremist terrorists groups are entirely to blame. they, like their patron, the iranian regime, should all be global pariahs and the fact they aren’t means the UN is FOS. what did israel do to lebanon? Zero. why doesnt the UN enforce their role and stop hezbollah from breaking the un resolution?

  8. It would be. If only there was something Lebanon could do to prevent that from happening. lol, UN loves treating the abusers as victims.

    How about Lebanon doesn’t attack Israel? If it doesn’t attack Israel there is no reason for it to become the next Gaza.

  9. Ok, I am not Netanyahu’s biggest fan but in both the case of Gaza and Lebanon it seems *entirely* unreasonable that the UN isn’t calling out Hamas and Hezbollah as the instigating factor. Like, by addressing this at Israel to encourage them not to retaliate and defend themselves they are saying that an entrenched terrorist organization that actively attacks a nation isn’t a problem, but retaliation is. That’s a not so subtle endorsement of the terrorist activities, in so far as they think the strategy of surrounding yourself with civilians should work.

    The perspective should be that while Israel shouldn’t *target* civilians, the people who make it hard to hit them without also hitting civilians are responsible for the shitty situation the civilians are in.

    Right? Am I crazy here?

  10. “London becomes another England” – says UN chief. Guys, Gaza is a city. Lebanon is a country. Poetic exaggeration is not a good way to solve centuries long conflict.

  11. The Lebanese government will stop the Hezbollah attacks….I’m sure of it.

  12. Shocker, it’s almost as if they know UNIFIL is totally completely useless and that resolution 1701 is not worth the paper it is printed on!

  13. Can the UN comment on northern Israel turned into ash due to ongoing rocket fire

  14. Curious if the UN chief would be saying the same thing if Hezbollah turned Israel “into another Gaza”. Because regardless of what you think of Israel’s actions in Gaza, only one side of this conflict has an explicitly stated goal of conquering the other state and genociding its people

  15. Then maybe the UN should have UNIFIL do its goddamn job and prevent Hezbollah from launching missiles in Israel.

  16. Ok, then tell Hezbollah to knock it off then? Idk why that is so hard to comprehend

  17. The stop Hezbollah from being asshats.

    It’s really easy to not attack another country, apparently it’s not easy to justify defending yourself (if you’re a Jewish nation)

  18. Not a word from them when Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets displacing Israelis but now we’re concerned because Israel will retaliate to stop this? This can be prevented if the UN does things other than blame and condemn and threaten Israel.

  19. never ceases to amaze me what an antisemitic bitch guterres is. he’s sooooo concerned about lebanon, who is clearly the aggressor here, but couldn’t even pay so much as lip service to the damage lebanon’s barbarian hezbo army are threatening to do to israeli civilians and infrastructure. and of course no mention of the crazy iranian mullahs and their irgc terror goon squad who are behind all of it

    then again, what else can you expect from the same scumbag who deliberately avoided watching the oct 7 footage for two month so he could pretend like it was no big deal

  20. Better tell the Lebanese leaders to start arresting the terrorists then

    I’m sure they will listen to the UN

  21. Rockets coming from Lebanon regularly. Maybe someone should deal with that rather than put pressure on Israel to not deal with it.

  22. And Israel’s north is just some burning trees and not a whole entire destroyed giant ghost town, right! North of Israel is being bombed every day. Another Gaza my ass.  

    UN chief is full on garbage and talks like some Hamas engineer. Can’t even make that shit up.

  23. If you get the Iranian backed terrorists out of Lebanon, the people will be safe.

    Please do the right thing so that we can preserve life and history.

  24. If he means an independent territory completely controlled by terrorists then yes that would be a catastrophe. And that is already very much the case.

  25. Hezbollah attacking Israel for months: *crickets*

    Israel wants to stop Hezbollah from attacking Israel: Oh no, a catastrophe beyond imagination is coming! Quickly, we must attack Israel!

    My man, if you wanted Israel not to attack Lebanon, maybe you should have used that UN peacekeeping force to stop Hezbollah from forcing such an attack.

  26. Maybe the UN should enforce the buffer zone and stop hezbollah from firing rockets all the time then?

  27. Maybe if the UN was anything but completely USELESS wherever Hezbollah was concerned, then all of these would have been prevented. 

    His complete lack of concern for Israeli lives is astonishing.

  28. Awww you want to prevent Lebanon from suffering consequences? **Do your fucking job and restrain Hezbollah then, you underwear skidmark of a person**

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