Destructive Strikes, Cracks Start To Appear – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News Update

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far an even better weekend now today as always well we actually don’t have that much to go over today but we do have some interesting bits and pieces we need to look at a large Ukrainian drone attack overnight and the results from this we’ll also talk about maps and where things are moving and some very interesting areas as well we need to talk about total casualties and some discrepancies in the counts we need to look at new and of course another Fab 3000 has been dropped we’ll look at what nael farage has said and we will have a look at some footage of some close air support and talk about how this may become more relevant but what does it tell us as well about what’s happening on the front line so look where I want to start is with some drones and weapon systems so overnight Ukraine launched a large like a very large drone attack towards Russia oil depos and milit facilities as well now from the footage we have so far it does look like a lot of these have been intercepted now ryar reports so Russian sources report that 114 drones including both drone boats and Airborne drones went in the direction of multiple Targets in both occupied cha and Russia and that the majority if not all were intercepted now we know not definitely not all were intercepted because there were some targets hit but what we have from the hits it is inconclusive of how much actual damage then there was uh in this we’ll talk about a Russian Chopper that has gone down reportedly from Friendly Fire as well but we’ll work our way through so this was from the general staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ukraine successfully hit a number of facilities the oil refining industry and other important targets of the Russian Federation now um Security Service Ukraine attack the fuel lubricant Warehouse of the enemy in tambol region as well as the ensa oil Depot in the Republic of Adia so let’s have a look at this this is that Depot right in here we see that this is the first photograph of here and we can see as well these 10 tanks and then the damage so no damage to the oil storage here just some fire or damage caused to maybe a warehouse and some shipping containers here it to to my eye these look like containers or maybe trucks or some storage but I think the main target here would have been that storage so I think that’s limited on the damage there from my untrained eye of this five explosions were reported at the area of ensa oil Depot that was the videos we just showed already on the night June 21 unmanned aerial systems attacked this CR and um astrian oil refineries as well as strikes were made on the radar stations of radio electric intelligence centers of the Russian invas Brians and occupied chomas now there’s only a very few limited photograph of what’s happened here we have some video or said to be of the Drone attack here so we can see some impacts in regions so we’re not 100% sure some are saying this is actually cut up from other videos as well so bear with me on that and then we have some footage here as well from this is from a military uh facility in a yes CR Nadar so we see this facility here and then that there has been reports well has been evidence not reports of a fire out from this facility here but again as far as what damage has been caused here these don’t show any like major fires but again without good quality uh photographs we don’t really know because we’ve seen things like this before better quality than there’s some system in it now they also report Ukraine made a successful attack on place of storage and preparation for Shahid or Gan uh drones and training buildings control Communications for these uavs in cradar territory so in the same region as then where we’re looking at this so again we really don’t know on that but none of that footage is showing like massive damage everywhere so we will see now in this as well there has been a car 29 helicopter this is a car 29 Chopper here uh go down reportedly from Friendly Fire and kill four crew on board now what the chopper was in the air doing was engaging those those drone boats we have seen this exact type of helicopter with machine guns engaging those uh drone boats out and we know that is probably the best tactic so far against those is Chopper and hit them out f as far away from targets as possible that said you’re in a very saturated environment of many air defense systems many other systems as well uh so one of these has been hit reportedly from a um system with a faulty friend or Foe and has shot it down Russia has lost many aircraft from friend or fo stuff UPS as well that almost as many has been shot down than the other way so let’s have a look at the newest Fab bomb that has been dropped another Fab 3,000 I’ve got a little bit more on this so this is where it has dropped on this building right here now if we zoom out let’s have a look at the direction then from Russian territory we’re talking about 122 k 7 1/2 miles and to give you an idea I’ll just find so this is where it dropped it slightly missed but we’ll talk on that and we’ll have a look at where the one dropped then yesterday so we just come up here I found it right here this is the building right about where my cursor is is where that one then fell yesterday so you get I’ll keep my cursor there an idea of where this was so let’s then have a look at this footage here so you can see building here drone over to the top and then then we will see the Fab come in gliding and land maybe 15 20 M away from this main building here and then the explosion you can see where bits of shrapnel have then come out as well major explosion here remember this is a very very large bomb you can see the GL gliding wings out here and that there now many many people are pointing at it missed haaha blah blah blah I don’t think people understand how much bang a 3,000 kg bomb actually has it has about about a ton and a half of actual explosive in it that is a hell of a lot like unbelievable amounts the over pressure that can run down hallways shatter windows and organs and all this in the in any immediate facility here is crazy and that’s not even taking into account the amount of shrapnel as well so yes the exact target we’re presuming was then the this building but if you’re in this building here or over here you’re getting injured at best like yeah it is a Miss we’ll call it a miss and there’s probably some control problems if it’s got the same size wings but six times the mass the control services are not going to have as much influence on uh the bomb itself but don’t go into account of no there’s no damage caused here to anyone if anyone’s in this in this vicinity due to to that Miss and we saw very similar on the Fab 500s early on so that may be improved but it may be harder with the weight and potentially lower trajectory of these as well but major major explosion there and it’ll be interesting to see if these become more uh common as well throughout the wars we know the Fab 500s have had a real effect both on uh morale but as well on the amount of clearing of areas and builtup uh uh bunkers as well and these larger ones for basement bunkers will absolutely have more effect and as we spoke yesterday the effect on the psychological aspect of these two now there’s been a lot of talk about what is actually dropping these and I said yesterday I believe it would be a sue 34 because I don’t believe that Russ would want to put one of their Tu longrange strategic bombers in this close to Ukraine because they don’t make those anymore we know UAC is still making 234s and the s34 has a much sharper turning radius to then get back out into safety so this is something I found here that shows that a Fab 3000 would fit on the belly pylon of a s34 here and that s34 I found this as well can carry three by well these are 6,000 so just under 3 tons but three of these fuel external fuel tanks too so the weight is not a problem the size is not a problem and as well the replacement of these well Russia’s not replacing um tu22 aircraft so I believe most likely it’s from a sue 34 dropping those they’re the ones we’ve seen drop the absolute majority of the Glide bombs so far now let’s let’s talk some maps now let’s come up into V chance oh let me actually show you where we are of course this is Ukraine the center of the capital of ke red areas occupied since 22 purple since 2014 Green areas of where Russia has been and has either been pushed out or withdrawn blue is that but within two weeks now a lot of eyes are up here on V chunk now what I can’t get this map today and yesterday wouldn’t work on the satellite imagery let me see if it’ll work now no it’s just not working for me so we’re just going to have to go with it it’s a bit harder to see but we can see like the vure river through here still showing a disconnect or dislocation between the Russian forces here and here but that’s been now for a week if there were 400 guys trapped in here with no resupply getting hit this would have fallen by now in such a small area but this map doesn’t show any changes here but we do have a lot of other maps showing changes in this direction and Ukrainian advancement into here so if we then have a look on the Noel reports map here just to sort of line this up now it is showing that this is the area right in here where that Russian dislocation is that that is now cleared by Ukrainian forces as well as they’ve made new ground up into the center of V chunk as well so if we get a better look see where this area is this is the same area so it’s saying clearing right down to this road these blocks in here and has pushed the Russians back further interestingly that the M mod deep state map deep state has a lot to do with the mod hasn’t updated this Al showing more ground as well just to the east if we have a look if we zoom in one get a better look at where the vulture runs and where this road runs here that it’s showing that Ukraine has cleared more territory onto the other side here as well but he’s also showing this Red Zone which we know this map updated a couple of days out to this Eastern side as well so again Sur doesn’t have a map update here it’s hard to know incredibly hard to know what is going on in rolve ch but we know there been a major commitment of Ukrainian forces to push back the Russians in here we have spoken about that in this time of attritional war with Ukraine with having uh a shell shortage problem that’s still ongoing still trying to be fixed as it was artificially decreased as well as Manpower issues going on offensives at this time may not be the best idea but the Optics the morale the motivation issues of what happened up here also has to come into the planning of the commanders making then these decisions we have an isw update here too and this is showing very similar to then the um Noel reports map but a little bit differently again so this is the vulture through here this is vulture so it’s still showing that Russia control out but no dislocation of Russian forces here but have cleared in similar areas so if we take a bit of 50/50 of these okay these are all showing area up here has been cleared back but it’s showing that the Russians do control right down to the volure in here and across so again hard to know some people are pointing at this map and going are the ukrainians going to get somewhat surrounded pushing in the center if Russia can hold in here as well or could the Russians be cut off well again everything in war whether we like it or not we’re going to find out how that looks but there’s only one or two other updates on then this map that are interesting so we come down and this is that what I’m calling then the New York front this sits between a diva and buck moot but also this border here that is held now for 10 years and they do see a major advancement here by Russia so let’s give this a measure now when I say major advancement I mean relative to what we’re seeing so this is almost 2 km 2 km in some directions by then say 2 and2 km so this is a lot this is a lot when we talk about we’ve actually been seeing over this really stalled attritional War over the past 12 18 months so that Russia has extended out of here now what we have spoken about some of the issues here is these positions bordering along here these will have been there for now 10 years so areas around here are important and it is important if areas are falling and we have seen this got built out only then the other day so let’s step back so we see then this advancement here a few days ago on the n 18 and then today that extended control up through shumi as well putting more pressure on other areas in here so could we be seeing an opening of something new here well potentially could it be that there’s an opportunity to push through to tety well again we are not sure exactly what’s happening there then we push down into the adiva front and we just see to the north of soill West of osar a Russian advancement out in this direction here further expanding that control around the avde car front here so we’re seeing more and more of that I believe we’ll see a push down around cuz this is It’s hard to see on this but this is all open ground out in these directions here here here and there so I think we’ll see more of a push of town to town and then eventually a close up of the open ground here it’s too hold too hard to take too hard to hold if you’re just out in open ground but as far as the maps that is basically all that we are seeing on these Maps interesting we don’t see any change up around vve chance what it could be the case here is that their map is actually they never showed the Russian advancement forward so they can’t show the Ukrainian advancement back if that makes sense and I believe that it’s probably looking if we mix the isw Noah reports and this one it’s probably looking something like that and I don’t know how to get a blue one up but the blue is probably the opposite like this that’s probably this is probably blue oh that’s Meant To Be A B There we go and this in here is probably where the Russian is sitting with this disconnect in here so that’s what I think the map in there looks like from looking at multiple but I guess we will get an idea and suriak it’s worth noting Surak also shows advancement in this direction so let’s then have a look at this they’re talking of Choppers as well this footage has been released now with this it’s hard to know when exactly this was it could be older it could be newer we’re not sure but it’s said to be newer footage of a car 52 which is a Russian assault attack helicopter providing Direct close air support So machine gun fire here onto targets now what and you can see those Trace then skipping up what this shows us and what could be the concern with this is of course Choppers slow moving are very susceptible to man pad um Man portable air events now we have seen many Russian Choppers taken down with man pads but what we are seeing is when Ukraine gets shorter on man pads at the front we start seeing these Choppers reappearing at the front line if we’re seeing more and more of close air support so these are directly over the top of um things like uh builtup uh urban areas and or uh trench positions providing direct fire on those that the risk of Manpower H sorry man pad has been limited that’s a LM guided bomb from there which we have seen a little bit of in the beginning then there was a bit of a dip and now seeing some more of it so there may be a man pad shortage if we’re seeing that but things like choppers that close air support role this is something we’ spoken about a lot that Ukraine really doesn’t have and the f-16s aren’t really going to fill with that close air support and that will be very very um prevalent if Ukraine can break into don city or into marul City mop City sasta pole areas like this close air support is really going to be very important f-16s can do to a degree but not like a chopper or a much slower moving aircraft can do we we’re not sure how many like say Su 25s Ukraine have left if they can get some level of air maybe par or superiority whatever as the war advances on if that’s possible can that be there as well as we’re seeing Russia come in Peaks and troughs of ability to provide close air support and it tells us what’s maybe happening on the other side as we see that and if we start seeing Ukrainian Choppers doing the same well that gives us an idea vice versa of the Russian uh lack of maybe uh short range air defense as well now let’s talk about casualties and this is something which is greatly speculated and I believe will be cleared up eventually we might get arranged but we’re not exactly sure the reason we’re speaking to this is Media Zone with BBC Russian servers has then gone through again and given an update today on the recorded Russian casualties now that these are from publicly available sources social media posts family members local news reports official announ announcements of regional authorities but it’s important to note these figures offer only a partial picture and do not Encompass the full scope of casualties so if you die in the war your mom posts on Facebook they will then count that we present an additional figure alongside the name death records this is this probate registry name this uh second number is an estimate of excess mortality among men derived from the probate registry database so not it may not 100% be from the war but it’s any excess on what the normal amount would be over this period so let’s have a look here so recorded and this is Russian can recorded is just under 57,000 which is a hell of a lot and then this uh excess mortality they see over the entire War at then 85,000 so still massive but it’s significantly lower to a factor of almost a tenth what the Ukrainian mod is saying here they’re saying 1100 today almost 530,000 so a hell a hell of a lot more now I still believe this number is probably including wounded Mia Kia everyone and maybe some bump on top of that these numbers would just be so impossibly hard to actually get and I one of my doubts in this is if Russia had you know 530,000 liquidated killed Personnel let’s say that’s four or 3 to four times that then wounded out of action then I don’t know if Russia could sustain those casualties with the advancements we’re seeing then on the front line I don’t know that but yeah I do call into question these numbers when we then this is the actual recorded than amount so again just to bring your awareness to it I don’t want to speculate on it too much because eventually we will get a better idea and I think some people may be surprised but again a hell imag 57,000 confirmed that’s unbelievable amounts I grew up in a city of 30,000 and God that’s unbelievable um we know that they do on the other side there’s a UA losses one that’s about 46,000 I believe so you know the losses in this war have been unbelievably high and one thing that I talk about a bit is no matter which side ends up Victorious I don’t know if we’ll have a Victorious side in this because I just I don’t know the achievable of the goal set here but that those casualties will Skyrocket either way uh now let’s have a look at what Nigel farage has said of course he’s come back into the fold a lot with running for uh positions of administration in the UK as well but he said that the EU and NATO have provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine by expanding eastwards now he stated that he admiration for Vladimir Putin said he disliked the president personally but admired him as a pol IAL operator because of the extent of his control over Russia on why Putin invaded Ukraine farage has said I stood up in the European Parliament in 2014 and I said there will be a war in Ukraine why did I say it it was obvious to me that the ever eastw expansion of NATO and the European Union was giving this man a reason to say they’re coming for us again and go to war so giving Putin a justification to his people to his command to then go the war with that expansion then eastwards he added we provoked this war of course it was his fault he’s used what we have done as an excuse now the conservatives labor and liberal Democrats have long accused farage of being an apologist for the Russian President James Cleveley the Home Secretary criticized Raj’s comments saying he was echoing Putin’s vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine I don’t see it the way James here sees it farage has said that there was a a opport given to Putin to then be able to sell the war if that makes sense Ben Wallace from a reform leader was voicing sympathy to someone who deployed nerve agents on the street of Britain we know there was uh an attack with um oh God it was in my head just then um Co something Chuck Nova Chuck uh in UK in London as well um from we presume one of one of the services one of the intelligence Services of Russia but again this is interesting to see and farage from what I’m seeing on social media is getting a lot of support and reading comments on this a lot of people are both ways but it is interesting now selling the war okay let’s talk about this his um what did he say uh giving this man a reason or I just want to talk about compromise for a second say if there was sort of some negotiating process whatever that I actually believe it would be a lot easier for Russia to sell a compromise to end War to both the Russian armed forces and the Russian people then it would be for Ukraine Ukraine has been Stern hasn’t wavered at all from the goal is the uh complete liberation of the all the 1991 one borders croma Don Lans so anything below that will be seen as a failure and potentially not accepted where Russia’s goals have been a little bit more broad that if they walk away with any thing then here in negotiation could be sold as a win so I think that is interesting and that is something that could play into what we see happen after the war in politics public opinion all of that anyway Legends I hope that you have a fantastic day and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Russia using 3,000lb FAB bombs to liberate (obliterate) civilian populations. And conquer a levelled pile of ash. Utterly pointless and ridiculous.

  2. So the Kiev regime is saying Russia has 530k KIA but BBC/Mediazona is saying 56k KIA. 474k In the difference. There's no end to the lies and propaganda from the Kiev regime.

  3. 6:38 people are conditioned by movies to believe that unless you're fully exposed to the fireball, youll be perfectly fine from a explosion. So they don't understand the actual destructive power of a bomb going off.

    You can see that the bomb despite "missing" blew out the windows straight through the other side of the building.

  4. Even if the bomb missed the concussive force would have weakened the structure and it's supports significantly let alone the shrapnel etc like you said. People don't realise just how much concussive force is given off with 3kg of explosives.

  5. Willy The united states doesn't want the 13 trillion$$ Resources to go to Russia, China and North Korea. They are scared it will make them an absolute powerhouse in the world. The United States government already has openly admitted to saying that. This is why the United States keeps giving Ukraine billions of dollars. Because billions of dollars is just a drop in the hat. USA Doesn't care about how many people it actually kills They only care about the resources. Which is iron coal nickel cobalt And many others, and yes, Black rock is very deeply into Ukraine.

    I honestly think we are in World War 3. And Nd will be in the Middle of WW3 it just looks a lot different than all the other wars
    This is why the United States.
    Will be forceful drafting people from the age as 18 to 26 male and female. In 2025 If if the bill passes in December 2024

  6. The FAB 3000 doesn't look impressive from that angle, it really didn't do much damage at all to the exterior of the building, but the inside is all collapsed from other angles. Nothing inside survived, just the shell of the walls from the outside. 3 tons of military grade explosives is not a joke, anything living within 400 meters of the blast radius is just vapor, everything up to 900m away is dead from the pressure wave and heat, killed by shrapnel, blinded from the flash, deaf from the pressure wave and/or missing body parts!

  7. 🤩😁😁The world is truly changing, the compass no longer points north…

    NATO seems to be in moral disarray, despite billions of euros it has spent to defeat a growing and powerful Russia

    When Putin speaks I listen,

    When Biden speaks I laugh

    When Zelensky speaks I hide my wallet

    When Putin visited North Korea, I laugh harder at the wailing failed NATO whiner😀😀

  8. Ukraine wont liberate crimea or the other parts taken by russia , it wil cost them far to much soldiers , and they already have unwilling soldiers , zelensky and the ukrainian people need to get realistic and start negotiating , they tried fighting back its not getting them anywhere, the losses are to high to keep going like this .

  9. 😂😂😂😂😂😂watching you give out the facts and trying to coddle your audience at the same time is funny and shows just how much danger we’re all in the same mental of your audience is the same as our political leaders unable to face the facts on the ground but the difference between your audience and our leaders is our leaders can actually lead us to a nuclear war

  10. Farage talks out of his @sre. He needs to talk to Ukraines and Russians from Donetsk and Lugansk. NATO started the war with social experiments driven by Soros NGOs in 2008. Ukraine has been fed one promise after another and the baby democratic Government was led by the hand of the West to this end.

  11. You should go to Crimea some time and ask some people living there if they feel like they're under occupation, I think their answers would surprise you.

  12. Ukraine is driving high sooner FPV drones with foam spray to block the air ducts of KA helicopters . There is no footage on the net, yet, but it’s proving very effective.

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