NATO to put nuclear weapons on standby amid growing threat from Russia & China | WION Originals

NATO to put nuclear weapons on standby amid growing threat from Russia & China | WION Originals

The Russia-Ukraine war continues to rage on. Meanwhile, the rift between Russia and the West is widening. NATO is at the forefront in aiding Ukraine. Now, NATO hints at putting nuclear weapons on standby. Is World War III around the corner? Watch this video for all details.

#NATO #Russia #WION

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  1. This is like watching a nightmare coming to life everything happening was prophesied and in the book of revelations and the world refuses to listen read the holy Bible read it all study it and remember it was written long ago but even idoits can see what's coming there is a lord and Savior Jesus Christ and anyone who believes in him shall have everlasting life i am just saying how can people of the world deny what is happening were at the brink of total annihilation there will be no winner's in the next war the stage is set somewhere the leader of a one world government is waiting to take that power and the book of revelations explains this all i asking is pick up the Bible read revilations and you will realize this script was written it's all 100 percent true explain how something written so long ago is happening before your eyes people are blind to what is coming Jesus Christ said he would return it's going to happen this is a wake up call to the world people will say God help us you have to come to him first there's no other way

  2. Highly unlikely,
    All the major players are feeling some degree of both economic and civil unrest.
    Everything will calm backdown we’re just struggling with the fact we’re in a technology slump and because there have been no major technological breakthroughs for say the last 40 years ppl in power resorted to conquering the old fashioned way but our resources both socially and economically are 2 thin to sustain this unstable nature for much longer.
    Global Recession is far more likely.

  3. We are already in WW3, people are just too dumb to realize what's happening, it won't be long before someone somewhere launches a nuke.

  4. Putin is threatening about nuclear 10 times a day : nobody give a shit

    NATO is speaking about a possible meeting to perhaps increase the nuclear readiness : Suddenly it's no more a joke.

  5. WION you started well neutral coverage but you are also biased these days ……. Your caption is wrong , Russia is only responding in defending its territory and not threatening anyone

  6. Woke, western progressives elites will demand lower and middle class conservatives to lay down their lives to defend their elitist woke, self-hating, morally corrupt, degenerate political ideology…

  7. Don't kill ourselves. Make peace among human. We want live in peace and harmony. Stupid human..God will not bless people who kill other people…

  8. Eufrat river is drying, Armageddon is coming… Turn on to God JHWH and Jesus Christ. Respect His 10 Commands. Read the Bible, Word of God. First read the New Testament and after read the Old Testament. Our King, Jesus Christ from Nazareth is coming back. Avoid reading apocrypha, avoid the lies of the Vatican and ecumeny with it.

    Rev 16:12-16: "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon."

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