Putin Warns South Korea Against Arming Ukraine Against Russia + More | Russian Invasion

Putin Warns South Korea Against Arming Ukraine Against Russia + More | Russian Invasion

around the world we are live from our Global headquarters here in Lagos Nigeria I am Kelly aiga we are live in cave in just a moment but there’s been a lot of warnings this week but this time it’s coming from Russian president Mr Vladimir Putin who says South Korea would be making a big mistake if it arms Ukraine in the war against his country his warning comes after South Korea said it was considering such a possibility in response to Russia and North Korea’s new pact to help each other in the event of aggression against either country now speaking to reporters during a visit to Vietnam Mr Putin says in his words open quote Moscow will make decisions which are unlikely to please the current leadership of South Korea if it decides to supply arms to keev and quot Mr Putin also is warning that Moscow is willing to arm North Korea if the United States and allies continue supplying Ukraine with weapons and earlier South Korea did condemn the treaty by Russia and North Korea calling it a threat to its National Security South Korea foreign minister CH tanu will voiced concerns over the security agreement called on the International Community to condemn any of such actions between both countries that can undermine peace and security the country also summoned the Russian Ambassador Georgie zinovev to protest the P demanding that mosco immediately seizes military cooperation with pongyang official statement of my government was announced a couple of hours ago by our national security advisor in so I want you to refer to the statement for the details but I well I just add my own voice of concern over the situation and I would like to emphasize once again that any direct or indirect uh assistance or cooperation that enhances North Korea’s military capability is a clear violation of the multiple un SEC Council resolutions and it is indeed theable that a permanent member of the city council which had agreed to the adoption of the these resolutions is now acting in in violation of the resolutions and by signing this agreement so the International Community must Stand United in condemning and Country uh this any illicit activities that may undermine the International Peace and security and the government of Republic Korea respond to whatever actions that may uh threaten our national security resolutely and decisively and staying with that story we have more reactions now this time from Japan where authorities in that country are seriously seriously concerned about the recent cooperation between Russia and North Korea according to the country’s Chief cabinet secretary yoshim Masa Haisha the treaty signed by Mr Putin and his counterparts Mr Kim jangu violates relevant United Nations security Council resolutions he also says Moscow procured arms and ammunition including ballistic missiles from North Korea and used them in Ukraine in clear violations of the resolutions Japan is therefore urging the International Community as a to call for the abandonment of North Korea’s nuclear ballistic missile program in the meantime the United States says it is not surprised by the closer ties between Russia and North Korea speaking at a news conference in Arlington Pentagon spokesperson Major General P Ryder reiterates that Washington would closely monitor developments and outcomes of the meeting uh the meeting between both presidents it’s obviously something that we’re continuing to monitor very closely um as you’ve heard others in the US government talk about you know there there is no surprise here that they’ve been developing and fostering this relationship uh so so it is something that we’re going to take seriously and it’s something that we’re going to continue to monitor um but what we’ve also said is that our focus when it comes to the indopacific region and and broadly speaking worldwide is to work with like-minded Nations on security and stability uh throughout the world to include the indopacific region so we’re going to continue to strengthen and bolster those alliances and those relationships uh with the idea that that our focus is on peace security and stability um but certainly are also going to continue to keep a close eye on this um I I don’t have any details nor am I going to um discuss in detail any agreements between Russia and the dprk at this point again I’d go back to what I said earlier um not we’re not surprised about this continuing uh versioning of this relationship it’s something that we’re going to monitor closely um and again you know what you have seen in the past is uh the dprk providing Russia with Munitions that are being employed in Ukraine uh killing ukrainians uh and supporting Russia’s illegal War so again definitely concerning uh for all those uh Nations that uh respect sovereignty uh respect the rule of law well and for more on our late story VA correspondent Anna Sher noova joins us live from Kev in Ukraine Anna is always great to see you again uh look let’s kick start our conversation on this developing developing story with a comments by the Pentagon spokesperson uh just a moment ago uh Major General P Ryder well he says the US would continue to monitor closely details of the meetings between Russian president Mr Vladimir Putin and Kim jungu just how concerned are officials in Ukraine about this development uh good evening well I should say that in Ukraine a such step by President Putin was not a surprise uh this the talks about Russian and North Korean cooperation uh well are are going on for quite a long time and also uh Ukraine has already recorded and had after the after the exam after examining some of the missiles used by Russia on the territory of Ukraine uh there is understanding that nor North Korean weapons are used in Ukraine and um so basically for Ukraine Ukrainian position is that it’s not surprisingly that uh President Putin continues to deeper deepen this relations because well definitely we can see uh that uh well most of Europe most of uh uh most of the countries uh around the globe are supporting Ukraine in this war and of course President Putin would look for additional allies and uh uh such allly as North Korea who can provide weapons who can provide uh you know all the support U Russia would require and ask for is definitely something that would be interested for Russia so but again it’s not only concern for Ukraine it’s concern for the whole world and I think that um here in Ukraine there is understanding that it now goes beyond Russia Ukraine war and Russia Ukraine uh well you know um battle because uh bringing North Korea to such uh you know to such a stage uh in in such War uh is definitely uh something that should be a concern for the rest of the world as well I mean an I totally agree with you I also Imagine uh President Vladimir zelinski’s countenance to Mr Mr Putin’s very recent trips to North Korea and Vietnam I mean but speaking about the concern for global leaders the Us and other allies uh they have accused North uh Korea of aiding Russia with weapons which you understand were being used or are being used in in Ukraine both countries have denied these claims uh any of this is any of this true at all uh well as I mentioned before uh it was it was examined so certain weapons were examined after the attacks particularly we’re talking about attacks on ke uh there were missiles after the examination after the evaluation and um number of uh number of um um number of uh things on goinging in terms of to identify what’s what particularly the weapon is and what particular missile is it was confirmed not only by Ukrainian uh officials and responsible uh people but also by the international experts that this was the weapon from the North Korea so uh we do we do have confirmations from officials here in Ukraine both here in Ukraine and abroad uh and um there is a fact that uh that Russia is using North Korean missiles particularly here in Ukraine uh we don’t have particular confirmation of any more or other typee of weapons but again uh well I think that probably missiles would be the priority for Russia at this point so um well there are enough confirmations and um I can say that uh at least three big cities in Ukraine were under attack by uh by North Korean weapons including the city of K and the City of K was one of the first cities to be attacked by North Korean weapon but uh air defense managed to destroy those but still uh the debris examination uh just confirmed uh the use of this weapon so uh and uh it looks like the the deepening of the relations between Russia and North Korea uh well gives certain understanding that probably those missiles will be seen more often now on the territory of Ukraine and again as I said well this is a concern not just for Ukraine I’m a bit concerned about the residents in Ukraine and I mean because President Putin has also warned South Korea it would be making a big mistake if it arms Ukraine with uh weapons how are residents reacting to this with this to this crucial development I mean because uh it’s a crucial time of War for the nation you know I think that um well of course the rhetorics by Russian president and by Russian en will be this this way and we can see that South Korea um who announced that it might also you know be joining the uh the supply of certain weapons particularly the air defense was uh was under the discussion um I think that such uh visits by President Putin to North Korea and such tweets that are which are signing uh the security agreement uh agreement that was signed uh probably will uh work other way around and will maybe uh make um South Korea to actually take this decision and start the supply of weapons despite what President Putin is saying because we all understand that the rhetorics is one thing but also we should consider a national security of the countries and for South Korea supplying Ukraine with uh with weapon would be also a part of their uh National Security strategy considering the actions of North Korea so we should not only hear concentrate on on Russia Ukraine war because as I said it now goes a little Beyond especially for South Korea at this point so uh here in Ukraine there is understanding that it might be that uh this visit by President Putin to North Korea and this agreement that was signed will actually encourage South Korea to help Ukraine and to start maybe helping even more Anna it’s uh really beautiful the background where you are now but I mean it doesn’t appear like a nation which is at War I mean the sky is really lovely and beautiful to see but I wonder if there has been any surprise attacks uh by Russian forces on cities in Ukraine especially while Mr Vladimir Putin is abroad um I cannot say that it was something special or something uh different from any other day uh here in Ukraine Uh Russian attacks continue mainly targeting energy infrastructure and at this point situation with electricity across Ukraine is extremely difficult is really close to critical but uh I cannot say that it was something special during uh President Putin’s visit to North Korea uh it just uh it looks like that Russia just continued to follow uh the plan that they have and uh visits by President Putin at this point at least did not create any additional um well any additional you know um background for the attacks or to for change of uh of the aggression that is happening every day for more than two years now all right let me take you back to this renewed pact and and friendship between uh Mr Putin and Kim Jong hu the welcome hug on the tamak somewhere around 3:00 a.m. uh the honor guard of mounted Soldiers the huge portraits of both leaders Mr Kim Jong who and uh m of Vladimir Putin hanging side by side in the center of Pyongyang all of these perhaps critics said was possibly possibly designed to uh worry the West what do you think um for sure uh I think that this is something to demonstrate to the rest of the world that uh Russia well basically Russia doesn’t need to cooperate with Europe with us with any other country in at any other continent but uh because Russia can basically has support from those countries that Russia needs but again we see the picture we see the what Russia wants us to see uh other understanding and if we analyze and this is how experts see this and here in Ukraine for instance it’s SE that well uh Russia has no choice now and and President Putin has to go to uh North Korea personally to talk with the leader of North Korea Korea personally this happens for the first time in more than two decades and uh probably this is not something that Russia would be proud of but publicly of course Russia will demonstrate that this is a great step forward but uh again understanding here in Ukraine and Ukrainian allies Bas well more or less has similar views on that that uh well Putin has now to look for support from North Korea because there are no other options or there are other options uh but again they are limited so well this is this is considered this way and uh of course we should uh also divide what Russia wants us to see and how Russia wants to present that this the Russian narrative from what really is happening in terms of the on the international stage and in terms of international diplomacy well it’s a fine Place uh to Anor our conversation Anna because I mean we also understand that uh one man who is friend friends with both uh Putin and Kim Jong who is the president of China uh president Shin ping but he doesn’t seem to pleased with this development and this new friendship between Mr Putin and uh uh Kim Jong and we understand why and so because of the international markets for our viewers who understand how things play out in the international markets we’ll Monitor and see how events unfold in the coming days but most thank you most kindly for bringing us up to speed and sharing a cover life for R in KF Ukraine thank you indeed and as always great to see you again thank you

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  1. So, North Korea is allowed to help Russia, but South Korea is not allowed to help Ukraine ?? right….. and Vlad, aren't you not a little bit embarrassed having to ask North Korea for help ??

  2. Hypocrit. The subtext: "Oh, I didn't think of that. I'd better scare them." He's already agreed to help arm North Korea by signing this agreement. That is the whole point South Korea is making. So his words are hollow. He wouldn't be saying that if he wasn't already planning on it. He is very shallow. He telegraphs his true intentions. That's how we knew he was planning to invade Ukraine.

  3. Ezekiel 39:1-4 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
    And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:
    And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
    Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.

    Ezekiel 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

    Genesis 10:1-5 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.
    The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
    And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
    And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
    By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

    Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    Jeremiah 4:7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.

    All the names of these false jews, The synagogue of Satan, Prince of Tyrus, Cherub's(fallen Angel descendants) , Gog & Magog Ashkenaz and Gentiles.

    White supremacists are collectively called Gentiles!!!! ARMAGEDDON will be the reckoning for white supremacy.

  4. So much for International Law…instead of threatening AGAIN another country, he should of been arrested immediately after he stepped off his plane, which is normally what is done with those indicted for War Crimes as Putin IS…

  5. Putin has screwed it again! Did he really think that helping North Korea would not force South Korea to reapond to this new threat!??? 😂😂😂😂

  6. If there is any country who do respect other countries sovereignty and human rights is US. They don't stay in their region, they go about selling wars via media propaganda, war hardwares and making away with other people's resources. They're very selfish and dubious. They think that other people are fools

  7. This channel can't even get south korea president picture right. International criminal Russian dictator seeks using N. Korea dictator for military purpose, democratic S. Korea definitely should start strengthen its allies.

  8. Где вы видели агрессию, что бы агрессор просил взять республики обратно, и три раза предлагал мир Украине и каждый раз Украина отказывалась от мира и сама требовала войны, по этому говорить что Россия хочет напасть еще и на близлежащие страны глупо. Это мнение разгоняет Запад и его сателит Украина. Цель Америки загнать Европу в долги и обанкротить ее с помощью липовых угроз

  9. If the US needs weapons from South Korea, and a Russian armed North Korea decides to attack……who is going to reinforce South Korea??? Japan??? NATO is spread thin. They can't handle another war front. China is laughing. Taiwan should rethink strategy….they are alone.

  10. What I can’t understand is this, when the USA and it’s allies Arm Ukraine or Israel, that’s normal that’s okay, when other nations do the same thing it’s illegal, USA, is arming South Korea, that’s normal but Russia getting closer to North Korea is a crime… This is madness…

  11. The solution to this problem is, Ukraine will not join NATO, and that’s it, come to look at it, will the USA allow their enemies to have a base in their backyard, the answer is NO, I wish and pray that DONAL TRUMP win the coming elections, Because he’s a Businessman not a War hunger guy…

  12. EVERY country warned Putin against attacking ukraine, yet here we are. He does not get to bark out warnings about what other countries are allowed to do, he lost that privilege a long time ago

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