Sunak and Starmer condemn Farage’s claims the west provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Sunak and Starmer condemn Farage’s claims the west provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

NAA farage has been criticized for comments he’s made when he said that the West provoked Vladimir Putin before the invasion of Ukraine is he wrong to say that what he said was completely wrong and only plays into Putin’s hands this is a man who deployed nerve agents on the streets of Britain who’s doing deals with countries like North Korea and this kind of appeasement is dangerous for Britain’s security the security of our allies that rely on us and only emboldens Putin further Raj’s comments about Russia and Ukraine are disgraceful I’ve always been clear that Putin Bears responsibility sole responsibility for the Russian aggression in Ukraine and we have always stood behind Ukraine and supported Ukraine and so far we’ve done it United across Parliament I’ve made it my business to ensure that the opposition stood with the government on this issue so seriously did we take it and of course with our NATO allies and I think anybody who wants to stand to be a representative in our Parliament should be really clear that whether it’s Russian aggression on the battlefield or online uh that we stand against that uh aggression um that’s you know standing behind Ukraine but also standing up for our freedom

Nigel Farage’s claim that the west provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was ‘completely wrong and only plays into Putin’s hands’, Rishi Sunak has said. The prime minister was speaking after Farage claimed ‘we provoked this war’ in a BBC Panorama interview, drawing a link between Nato and EU expansion in recent decades and the war in eastern Europe. The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, said Farage’s remarks were ‘disgraceful’, as he campaigned in Vauxhall in London
Farage ‘playing into Putin’s hands’ with Ukraine claims, says Sunak

  1. The fact Starmer is more than likely going to be the next PM is so depressing. He’s an establishment stooge. Nothing will change

  2. These two beggar belief. They need to look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves what they're really all about. If only British Politics could be purged of such morally bankrupt tripe.

  3. Yeah but…. The west did. Something called the Minsk agreement if anyone bothers to check. Or don't bother and continue being spoon-fed what to think 😂

  4. Once we had an Empire and it was ruled as an Emperor would rule it.
    Then we had a Kingdom and it was ruled as a King would rule it.
    Now we've got a Country…

  5. What she said, it is completely right!!! What Sunak said, it is completely wrong! It is shameless how they lie to their own people!

  6. Every time I look at the Guardian online it’s people disagreeing with the Guardian’s agenda. Where are the Guardian supporters? Vote people, please, please vote

  7. Nato did provoke Putin by expanding ever further east when they promised they wouldn't. There is so much corruption involved in this war and I dont agree with my tax money being spent on it, I 100% support what Nigel said and so do many millions in this country, the sooner Sunak, Starmer and the rest of the carrer polititions are ousted the better, come.on Nigel, you can do it…

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