Trump Tells Crowd He Wants an ‘Iron Dome’ Over America

Trump Tells Crowd He Wants an ‘Iron Dome’ Over America

  1. His adoring morons will nod in total agreement without any understanding of the farce being thrown at them.

  2. My dude, we have 500 deployed/active Patriot missile batteries deployed currently with 1000-1500 in reserve and the capacity to build more if needed.

    With just the 500 active batteries we have coverage of 32,000 miles of airspace from missiles.

    We only have about 8000 miles of border/coastline to defend.

    We already have an Iron Dome… lol

  3. “We’re gonna have Tina Turner running it, there’s gonna be a little guy on a big guys shoulders, two men are gonna enter only one’s gonna leave. It’s gonna be Yuuuuge”

  4. That sounds like a great plan. Protect us from all those katyusha rockets that Canada has been launching into Fargo.

  5. I can’t believe that almost half of the American voters foisted this f*cking moron upon us.

  6. Fuck face is live right now in Philly acting like a complete motherfucking immature fool.

    He literally asked the crowd to applaud as to whether he should refer to President Biden as “sleepy Joe” or “crooked Joe”.

    This country is so fucked if he’s back in office.

  7. > Trump also told the crowd that he has “wounds all over my body,” assuring them that if he “took this shirt off, you’d see a beautiful, beautiful person but you’d see wounds all over me.”

    I am missing the words to properly describe the people who go to these events and listen to Trumps thoughts but I know it’s disturbingly wrong.

  8. >He also assured his audience he will “shut down the Federal Department of Education,” before promising to spend less than “half” of what President Biden is currently spending on education.

    >“There will be two people in Washington, the two people will make sure that, we will have to guarantee that they are teaching a little English,” Trump said of his plan for the Department of Education.

  9. yea, because the USA is in constant danger from rocket attacks from canada doncha know?

  10. And Mexco will pay for it! You can’t just climb over a dome! Checkmate illegals!

  11. I reaallllly wish Biden would just go all out assault in this upcoming debate and just ask Trump “what do you think that means?” every time he suggests things he has no clue on or uses buzzwords he just parrots from his braindead supporters.

    Make him explain things. Don’t let him move on from a topic until he does and makes a fool of himself. I know this won’t matter to his base, given they don’t understand anything either, but independents or undecideds need to be reminded of how uninformed this baffoon is.

  12. LOL, they proposed that during the Reagan administration – and abandoned it because everyone basically concluded that it was a lot cheaper to defeat such a system than it would be to build it. Not to mention that Israel is, you know, the size of New Jersey.

  13. This is just another “drain the swamp” idea – a phrase he doesn’t even understand that he regurgitates because he heard other saying it

  14. I think the thing they really want is free reign to shoot any brown people they don’t personally know

  15. What’s the campaign slogan for this? “No, we can’t get beyond Thunderdome!”

  16. He couldn’t even get the wall built. How is he going to build a dome over the country?

  17. 90% chance that Trump wants an actual iron dome like in Stephen King’s under the dome novel.

  18. … You’re telling me this dude was president for four years and STILL doesn’t understand American ballistic missile defense

  19. Missile defense/interception systems are great in that they are truly defense oriented. It’s never a good thing, even in war, when there is a toll of human lives and so we should aim to avoid that whenever possible. What matters most is that they are effectively implemented so that lives can be saved.

    As far as Trump goes, I think it’s hard to take him seriously after he offers advice like injecting yourself with Clorox. He did say that Covid vaccinations were a good idea, but the handling of the crisis left a lot to be desired.

    Unfortunately, I think the media portrays him in a way that infantilizes everything that he does which makes it difficult to hold him accountable for anything he is a part of.

  20. Weird, since many of America’s worst enemies (trumpanzee MAGAterrorists) would be inside the dome.

  21. A big, beautiful iron dome. I said to myself, “what a beautiful iron dome we have”

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