Cuban Crisis 2.0: Putin’s Warships Dominate Biden’s Backyard | From The Frontline

Cuban Crisis 2.0: Putin’s Warships Dominate Biden’s Backyard | From The Frontline

on the 15th and 16th of June world leaders from almost a 100 Nations gathered in Switzerland the only thing on the agenda was Ukraine as the Russian invasion continues Vladimir Putin’s troops continue to March Westward Villages and towns around khi have been captured by Russian troops Ukrainian soldiers are outnumbered and outgunned Vladimir zilinski struggles to push back against Putin’s aggression the Swiss Summit was supposed to bring an end to the war except Russia was not involved so Putin made his own moves just one day before the Ukraine peace Summit began Putin put forward two conditions for a ceasefire first the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the Eastern regions of donet luhansk kerson and zapara and second for Ukraine to abandon its plans to join NATO Putin says that this is the best deal he can offer as soon as Kiev declares that it is ready for such a decision and Begins the actual withdrawal of troops from these regions as well as officially notifies that they abandon plans to join NATO an order to cease fire and begin negotiations will immediately follow from our side literally at the same minute for the first time in over two years Putin put forward his demands for a ceasefire but Ukraine and the West were quick to reject them you cannot trust such messages Putin follows the same path today he is talking about four regions before it was Crimea and donbas Russian President Vladimir Putin is proposing is ultimately to put his imperialist raid into documents what we need is not a dictatorial peace but a fair just piece that focuses on the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine we here after being sned by the West Putin set out to grab Global attention with the world focused on G7 and the Ukraine peace Summit four Russian warships entered America’s backyard the Atlantic Ocean they were on their way to Cuba [Music] and it didn’t take long for Putin to send a message to Joe Biden out of the four warships one was the Kazan nuclear powered [Music] submarine and the other was the Admiral gorov Brigade upon entering the Waters of the Atlantic Ocean both the Kazan and the gorov conducted live fire drills they fired long range missiles at Mock targets almost 600 km [Applause] away the United States tracked the missile launchers Washington even put its Navy on alert but the White House played down the Russian Antics and said that Putin’s warships were no serious threat [Music] after flexing in the Atlantic Ocean Putin’s warships reached Cuba they were docked in the Caribbean nation’s capital Havana and locals lined up to get a glimpse of the Russian warships even Cuba’s president Miguel Diaz Canal visited the Russian flotilla and met Putin’s troops I saw it a submarine and I said wow and I took a picture I have never seen a submarine in Havana in my life on the internet I follow a group that talks about submarines for me it’s a unique thing I’ve never seen it before in my life impressive this type of ship gives a very good impression is very well kept inside also on the tour they show you the inside structure of the ship the types of weapons that this type of frig models can have it’s a frigate to ship and overall very nice as the Russian Machinery Drew eyeballs in Havana Washington sprung into action mode the United States and Canada dispatched their own warships to Cuba the US Navy deployed the USS Helena nuclear powered submarine and Ottawa sent a patrol boat to accompany the American submarine the four Russian warships were anchored in Northwestern Cuba in Havana at the same time the American submarine reached Cuba South and parked itself in Guantanamo Bay Putin’s warship deployment had been mirrored by Biden from having zero submarines Cuba now had to deal with two nuclear powered ones the American and Russian submarines were kept 900 km apart the Kazan is a much newer submarine compared to the American Helena both the submersibles are nuclear powered however the Kazan has more lethal armaments the Russian submarine can carry 32 Hypersonic missiles or 32 land attack missiles the American Helena can carry 12 land attack missiles however the Helena can carry up to 30 Torpedoes three times more than its Russian adversary but Putin submarine is far more modern and is barely 10 years old on the other hand the Helena has been in service since the 1980s and retires next year Russia says says that it sent the warships to Cuba for power projection as soon as it comes to military exercises Naval voyages some kind of joint exchanges delegations or observations of various Maneuvers we immediately hear from the Western public questions and desires to clarify what are these messages about why does the West remain completely deaf and then comes up with the most powerful campaigns to prevent Russian from entering its information realm surprising since This concerns Democratic countries the deployment of American and Canadian warships to Cuba shows that Washington did take the presence of Russian warships seriously for years the United States and NATO have sent their warships close to Russia in the Baltic and the baren Seas only this time Putin decided that he too wanted to play the same game

Cuban Crisis 2.0: Putin’s Warships Dominate Biden’s Backyard | From The Frontline

On the 15th and 16th of June, World leaders gathered in Switzerland to discuss the war in Ukraine except Russia was not invited. Instead, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed his own conditions for peace in Ukraine which includes Kyiv withdrawing its troops from the Eastern regions of Kherson, Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia. Putin also wants Ukraine to give up on the bid to join NATO. At the same time Russia sent 4 warships to Cuba to send a message to the United States and President Joe Biden. Russia’s Kazan nuclear submarine and Admiral Gorshkov frigate conducted missile-fire drills in the Atlantic Ocean. In response, the US Navy deployed USS Helena to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Putin’s show of force rattled the United States which had first denied that there was any threat from the Russian vessels but then had to send their own nuclear submarine along with a Canadian warship to keep tabs on Putin’s warships in Cuba.

Cuba | Vladimir Putin | Luhansk | Zaporizhzhia | Warships | Canada | Guantanamo Bay | Atlantic Ocean | Kherson | Donetsk | Kyiv | Ukraine | Switzerland | Firstpost | News Live | World News | Latest News | Global News | International News | News | Trending News

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  1. The US military expert says it all the time that US has old tanks and ships. Its good to see a mainstream media platform reporting facts.

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  3. The supposedly second strongest army in the world is getting their ass handed to them by Ukraine, a country that barely had an army. It's a war Putin said would be done in weeks. Sending 2 ships near an enemy that has 470 ships and 5200 fighter jets is a suicide mission. Only a complete imbecile would come to the conclusion that Putin is a brilliant strategist after seeing what a complete embarrassment the war has been to Russia. The only thing it accomplished was showing the Russian military and weapons were a complete facade. Possibly the only good thing to come out of this is that China would think twice now about attacking Taiwan because Xi is realising that he aligned himself with 2 idiots (Putin and Kim).

  4. If politicians are “the best “ we have as leaders….
    If scientists are the smartest among us…..
    Are working together to make this world “a better place”…….

    Why are we obviously heading towards extinction?

  5. Biden says the Russian warships were “no serious threat”.

    Pretty sure he says that before ascending a flight of steps.

    And we all know how that goes.

  6. I went out of town yesterday and putin got caught himself caught himself. It was at Walmart. U need to just make sure u r not coming here or leave without less then kindergarten and therapy and medicine for your frozen brain then 100% can come idc

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