Reform’s Ben Habib backs ‘REFRESHING’ Nigel Farage’s ‘BASIC facts’ on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Reform’s Ben Habib backs ‘REFRESHING’ Nigel Farage’s ‘BASIC facts’ on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

welcome back to the Camila Tomy show on GB news benhabib is in the studio he’s the joint Deputy leader of Reform UK lovely to see you thank you very much for coming in physically because I know you’ve been busy on the campaign Trail lovely to be here let’s talk about Nigel farage I mean he’s this he’s the person we’re all talking about during the who isn’t talking about well I know but is all publicity good publicity Ben because um this interview is given to the BBC’s Nick Robinson in basically saying you know we’ve provoked this war of course it’s his fault but we’ve also provoked it because of this idea of expansion of NATO and the European Union to Ukraine I mean the obvious question is is he a useful idiot for Putin or just an apologist and an appeaser well he’s he’s neither I mean what Nigel was doing was pointing out some basic facts you know we tend to see U Ukraine particularly and many foreign uh uh policy uh foreign interventions in black and white terms and a lot of this is nuanced and you know in 2013 the EU was offering Association membership to the Ukraine it was offering them 10 billion EUR worth of funding if they came and joined but Ukraine’s Sovereign Nation they can do what they like and and and in the end yanukovich actually declined the eu’s advances and he decided to sign a deal with Russia and then there was the rioting on the street yanukovich was deposed and you got in an interim leader and all of a sudden Crimea was invaded so this you’re saying that kind of EU interference is what he’s talking about yeah I mean I think the EU by the way I mean let’s just talk about the EU with Russia has been all over the place so it flirted with Ukraine UK to be fair well much less so you know we are much more determined David Cameron was taking Putin to the Judo in 2012 yeah that is true David Cameron should be nowhere near the secret the office of Secretary of State say far should be nowhere near to number 10 can I just talk about kind of protin chat can I just talk about the EU the EU was there offering up membership to Ukraine and at the same time at the same time Germany was busy bypassing Ukraine building nordstream do you remember nordstream which is a direct can I just say that that what I get your point but the one reason why these options were being given to Ukraine is because like most eastern European nations funny enough they were worried about a Russian invasion how do you think Estonia and other countries in that area are feeling about it if the EU had genuinely been worried about Russian invasion why was Germany rushing it Mak itself dependent on Russian oil and gas and you know when it comes to when it Anga not on the show when it comes to the morality of this this war Russia uh Germany went on pumping billions of Euros about 50 billion euros into Russian coffers after they’ invaded Ukraine okay do you think it’s bad politics from Nigel farage I mean he’s got bad headlines to this now some people agree some people who are Tories who are sensible Tories who thought I might vote for reform and now going to say oh no not now he’s being Franky to quote quasi quaring in that seat Well I think the most I I think what’s what’s refreshing about reform is that we speak our minds and we speak it without fear and without favor and we need that in politics and what Nigel was making was the connection between the eu’s behavior and where we are right now and the EU by the way on foreign policy is absolutely hopeless when we were sanctioning Iran no but it was about the EU that he was making comments you’ve won that argument you’ve won the argument us not being we about you individually one thing that continues to haunt you a little bit let’s have a clarification of this that interview you gave to Julia heartley Brewer where she asked you about what would happen if people get into dingies on the channel and then their dingy ends up sinking and she asked then you would leave them to drown you replied absolutely they cannot be infantilized to the point that we become Hostage to Fortune are you saying you’re happy for women and children to drown in the channel you’re skipping a crucial part of that interview um in which I said and our policy remains that boats should be stopped in the channel and they should be asked to turn around and go back to France where they came from where the people are perfectly safe remember they got into these boats they paid money to get into these boats of their own Po and she said when you intercept the boats what if what if it was a what if question they pull out a knife where do they get the knife from I should have asked but they pull out a knife they stab their own dinghy the dingy six and I said well it’s not for me to offer up Solutions but one solution could be and I was advocating saving these people is another dinghy is provided to them to uh to to get into and go back to France and she said what if they stab that dinghy as well and what she wanted me to do and sadly what I gave her was the gotcha moment cuz I got frustrated with her ridiculous with by journalist I know I know well she’s a friendly she’s a friendly voice normally and I thought well I you know I let my guard down and but the point the point is the policy of stopping dingies in the channel is the only policy that will work and it is proven to work cuz the belgians use it they stop boats as they leave their Shores you say you got buted when she said I get the context that’s why we’ve clarified it on the show completely hypothetical to drown absolutely you must saying that well if if someone perpetually puts themselves In Harm’s Way is it our job as the United to rescue them against their will I mean let’s take Bobby S let’s take Bob s let’s just take migrants from a humanitarian sort of uh perspective and also bearing in mind that some people are bringing children over yes it is our job isn’t it because what are we saying we’d rather people die than come here and seek Asylum even if they get their claim process and they don’t first of all Let Me Be utterly clear I’m not advocating anyone should drown no one needs to drown you could rescue them and in this other hypothetical discussion we I’m now having with you you could handcuff them put them in a boat and take them back to France that’s what you that’s what but come on let’s clarify we don’t want migrants drowning no but I tell you what we don’t want them allowed to drown I tell you what guarantees migrants drowning and that is not stopping the boats coming across the channel in the first place and the government policy at the moment which effectively is to spend £50,000 per head per illegal migrant per anom in this country versus the £5,000 that the French spend on them is an absolute economic pull and unless you stop the movement of people and the physical stopping of them would do it and it works you will go on encouraging people to make that journey and the default Position will remain that we will have continued death in the channel moreover there will be criminal and possibly terroristic elements that we will import from France into the United Kingdom who will then go on to attack Civil Society in our country this is a deeply dangerous policy that the government is not getting a grip of all right Ben Habib I think you’ve made your case had a fair discussion about that thank you very much inde for joining me good luck on the campaign Trail

‘Nigel Farage was just pointing out some basic facts.’

Reform Deputy Leader, Ben Habib, defends Nigel Farage over his claims that the West provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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  1. Only North Macedonia joined NATO since 2004. So no, NATO expansion was not the reason. Don’t forget Putin said Ukraine had no right to exist as a separate state. So get the facts rights…and remember both the Russia and the USA guaranteed the security of Ukraine when they renounced nuclear weapons….no Putniks please….

  2. They are safe until they make themselves unsafe through a diliberate illegal act and we are the ones supposed to appologise for that. Would you follow a man off a cliff, or into a burning house? No you would say they made a stupid choice. Get real and stop playing politics for a second.


  4. They're not basic facts though.. I doubt nigel fararge knows much about what's going on in Ukraine.. well, he doesn't, going off what his latest comments are. And everyone buys into this narrative without knowing anything themselves.. its hard to believe how easily people are willing to believe something because it came from someone who apparently shares some of your views.
    Russia is not responding to a "security threat" posed by NATO. you're incredibly naive if you think this way. Considering Putin has changed his position on attacking Ukraine multiple times, from Nazis in Ukraine to NATO, to a reunification of Ukraine into Russia. Putin doesn't believe Ukraine is a country. His ideology won't allow him to accept it.. he has on many occasions, insisted Ukrainians and Russians are one people who have been artificially separated by the fall of the USSR.
    Furthermore, it's not up to Putin who joins NATO, Ukraine is a sovereign country that makes its own decisions. There was no agreement drawn up between NATO and Russia for them not to expand eastwards. Was it about NATO when russia invaded Georgia? Was it about NATO when russia invaded Chechnya? Its funny that Russia claims to be fighting nazis in Ukraine, whilst acting like nazis. Lets not talk about the atrocities committed by the Russian army in the 2nd Chechnyan war. But i will highlight the atrocities carried out by Russian backed separatists in the war in the donbass. When Russian backed separatists took the donbass in 2014, Russia appointed their own mayor who immediately initiated pogroms against the local Roma people. Then he put out a warning telling people to report any suspicious behaviour.. like speaking Ukrainian. People went missing at check points, opposition leaders were found disembowelled with signs of torture. Elections were then held and Russian backed parties were sent in, including neo-fascist parties like the national bolsheviks and the Russian national unity party.
    And a civil war? Well, if you can call it that, i mean, i wouldn't, considering the separatists were being supplied by Russia and being bolstered with Russian troops. It also didnt take long for Russia to send their troops into Ukraine en masse after firing long-range misiles from Russian territory into Ukraine killing thousands of civilians.
    Since the beginning of the current war in Ukraine, Russia has abducted over 20 thousand children, something which the nazis did when they invaded Ukraine.
    Putin parrots the notion that they're fighting nazis in Ukraine when Russia has openly nazi paramilitary units fighting for them. There has never been more than a 3% representation of far right parties in the Ukrainian Parliament, just to dispell any argument of nazis occupying Ukraine. If you cant see any parallels between nazi germany and russia today, maybe you should look a bit closer, with russias youth movements which quite litterally resemble the Hitler youth.
    And the peace deal? The one where Russia demanded Ukraines military go back to how it was pre 2014? And why why would they be asking that?

  5. FAKE NEWS CHANNEL we all know and the press know that the west provoked this war GBN stop reading the script the government send you and look at the facts what journalists used to do

  6. Camilla show some respect and do not talk over your guests. It is sooooo annoying. The fact you do not agree with your guests opinion so be it. Accept all this and perhaps you will do a half decent interview.

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