TV audience cross-examines Sunak and Starmer before general election

TV audience cross-examines Sunak and Starmer before general election

how can you convince me that you’ll restore our NHS to an institution that we can be proud of you all know that we’re doing things like elective surgical hubs virtual Wards Community diagnostic Centers of which there’s one right here in Grimsby and those are all new innovations that you and your colleagues have pioneered that we have supported that will actually mean that people can get the care they need quicker going to take from the hospitals to the hubs to staff them because there’s shortages of the staff already we shorted radiographers all all the trades all the different specialities throughout the hospitals we’re short of staff so building another building that’s going to move it from the hospital is not going to cure the problem it’s just going to make it work man’ we we are recruiting and training more doctors nurses than we ever have in our history and there are more today and I know we need more quadruple lock on pensions might be popular amongst parents and older Generations but it’s not popular amongst younger people why are you moving your party so far away from younger voters when it’s the key demographic that will be our future actually I don’t view society as an US versus them cuz every young person also has a grandparent and I think they want their grandparents to be looked after when they retire and that’s why I think it’s right to do the triple lock plus two the last year I feel like you formed into more of a politician than the person that I would have voted for to run the country um you seem more like a political robot how are you how are you going to convince others like me to vote for you well um the most look I’ve had this um constant theme in my life of trying to serve the public that’s why I worked in Northern Ireland that’s why I worked in the crown prosecution service that’s why I took the decision uh to go into politics Scotland and Wales have decided that they can pay NHS doctors fairly how and when will you commit to doing the same in England the doctors say they want 35% and I’ve had to say we don’t we want a path to pay restoration I get that but I I again real terms and we’re looking to make that the 35% thing is is pay progression conditions and all of that could be negotiated on the 35% um I don’t think we can afford that as a country because of the damage that’s been done to the economy and I send my daughter to a private school but by now having to pay 20% vat we would be priced out and we would have to send our children to state school I absolutely recognize that uh many parents work hard and save hard to send their children to priv private schools because they have aspiration for their children I equally accept that every parent every parent has aspiration for their children whether they go to private school or not the position at the moment is there’s a tax break so you pay VAT on other services but you don’t pay it for private schools now I understand why that’s been in place but it’s a tax break that we are removing it’s not an introduction of a new tax we’re simply saying uh we need to find the money to properly fund our State secondary schools

Audience members questioned Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer during a live Sky News event, with the prime minister mocked over his record in No 10 and the Labour leader accused of being a ‘political robot’
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#RishiSunak #KeirStarmer #UKElection #GeneralElection #Politics #Debate

  1. Sunak is a disaster. Starmer is slow witted. Best stick to policies folks and opt for what is believable/affordable and will help you and yours. The media turning this into a popularity contest is more americanisation.

  2. Why should rich people be the only ones who get great schooling? If you can pay thousands of pounds a term to help your kids get on, pay taxes to help peoples kids who havent got rich parents.

  3. 14 years of the Tories and everything is broken when it wasn’t before.

    So who was in government before the Tories? 🤔

    The last labour government TRIPLED! spending on the NHS

    Dramatically less illegal migration under the last labour government

    Potholes were not a major problem under the last Labour government


  4. Sunak is finished he had his chance and blew it. With Starmergeddon we are finished. No cars, no travel, no work, look whats happening in London under a labour mayor. That is going country wide.

  5. The UK has regressed as a nation under the Conservatives, and we're going to be regressing further when Labour gets in power. Time to look for an alternative as we've got nothing to lose so Reform UK in my opinion is the best alternative. After everything I've said, I think it's about time Prime Minister(s) are held accountable for their actions, regardless if they are in office or not. The laws of Parliament has to change or we'll be under a dictatorship.

  6. How ridiculous does one have to be in order to see labour or conservatives as a plausible option. Both failed parties, if thats your choice then you are a turkey voting for Christmas

  7. VOTE REFORM – Richard Tice has extensive experience of business economics. Every working person will have an instant pay rise in thier pockets – they will raise the income tax threshold to income of £20,000 pa.
    VOTE REFORM – David Bull- is an ex NHS doctor- he knows the NHS problems of procurement- the massive price hikes that private companies put on thier medical supplies once they get a lurative contract with the NHS. I worked as a RGN for 33 years in the nhs- there are so many things that can be done to save money. VOTE REFORM- Nigel Farage knows how the EU laws works- he has the knowledge to leave the ECHR agreement- we will have the right to stop the boats. The conservatives have had 14 years to stop the boats-they betrayed the British people over Brexit.

  8. Sunak: 'a new innovation' ?? yeah, this guy's a real Wunderkind. Between lil richie rich and robo kid/Gaza Starver we're facing a terrible electoral choice.
    The political system is a reverse meritocracy: whoever 'rises' to the top of this moral cesspool is almost inevitably a ruthless, self-seeking pathological liar.

  9. It seems to me the media decides who and when we have a new PM, Sunak is not perfect but, we have been through a lot in 5 years, once the press get their teeth into someone, that's it. To be fair it was the same with Jeremy Corbyn.

  10. Plans change – watch out for clever wording by lawyer Starmer – if it is not a direct promise it is worthless!
    Labour use carefully chosen phrases like ‘we do not plan” to do this that and the other in the manifesto and they evade answering all uncomfortable questions in debates because they have a lot to hide!
    They fully intend to ‘suddenly decide’ to do these things as soon as they are voted in!
    Labour cannot be trusted – they will raise taxes and make the working classes even poorer!

  11. Sunak is clueless, just panicking and saying literally 'anything' hoping it might be believed. But it is all LIES, LIES and more LIES.

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