Why Conservatives Should Vote for Joe Biden

Why Conservatives Should Vote for Joe Biden


  1. Because Trump was never conservative.

    But that simple logic left the building 40 years ago when Reagan ran up record debts followed by W and Trump. The only one who tried to be responsible fiscally was HW and he got tossed out of office for his trouble of trying.

  2. Don’t even need to read it. Because voting for Trump is to tear down democracy.

  3. Because voting for Trump is a vote against your own voice. Why would you vote for someone who does not care about your entire economic class?

  4. Because authoritarianism is bad for everyone except those in the inner circle
    and the extremely vast majority of people
    are nowhere near it.

  5. I stopped reading this article after seeing this excerpt: *Republicans feel that murder is spinning out of control, and they are entitled to say so,* ***even if it is, in cold reality, falling sharply.***

    The GQP deliberately created a similar fallacy when challenging the 2020 election. They insisted that we deserve free & fair elections yet offered ZERO EVIDENCE to support their false allegations.

  6. Trump promises chaos.

    One thing Conservatives the world over would say conservatism stands for is economic stability. Only the 0.1% get rich in chaos. Which is why the 0.1% support Trump.

    Whilst true conservatives outside that narrow band should support the stability a Biden administration promises, they probably won’t because they mostly believe they are just one decision away from being the 0.1%. Which they aren’t and never will be.

  7. Here is a better reason: destroy the gop with a Biden landslide and let a party that makes sense replace it. Then the same can be done to the democratic party.

    If only people realized what their vote can actually do.

  8. One reason I can think of is that Trump has made clear that he doesn’t respect the US Constitution or our elections and I think it’s a very likely possibility that he attempts to stay in power after another term. Those on the right who are backing him because he’s the popular choice among the right-wing and hoping that he’ll ride the good economy he inherits for 4 years and you can use that to get an actual good candidate on the ballot, keep in mind, you may never get another ballot to vote on.

    Also, Trump isn’t a conservative, though to be fair, most who claim to be conservative these days aren’t.

  9. I’m moderately Conservative. I’m more pissed off at the Democratic party as a whole than at Biden (not that he gets a pass) but I freaking have no choice but to vote for him. I hate it but I dont have a choice. I will take the hit on another four years of Biden than four more years of Trump and hope after Trump loses that a purge begins to happen from the GOP or the whole damn thing collapses and a moderately Conservative party comes out of it.

  10. You would have to assume that trump supporters have brains in order to convince them of this.

  11. Because he’s not a brain damaged conman trying to rip us off while enacting a fascist state because it’s easier to rob?

    Why does this still need to be explained to people?

  12. Biden is the closest thing to a traditional Republican we’ve seen in a long time.

  13. I am a two decade conservative voter voting for Biden because of Ukraine. We can and should do more to help preserve the rules based international order. If Trump pulls USA from NATO and stops aid to Ukraine – the world will retreat backwards in time in every possible way.

  14. Pretty much EVERYONE should vote for Biden at this point. Both Trump and RFK are too dangerous. And the people behind them even more so.

  15. Reason: Because Trump winning will objectively ruin your lives and make it worse.

    No matter how much you may or may not want to see certain demographics suffer (and I’m being cynical when I say this, but there are absolutely those among MAGA who are blindly motivated by this), you throw away your own chance at a better, more stable life with a man like Trump. Even if you did “better” in the pre-COVID Trump times, that does not mean his policies were responsible for it, as much of that momentum carried over from the Obama years, and the bad impacts of his policies didn’t start showing until late in his term (making the pandemic and economic fallouts from it even worse). I personally saw my own work turn anti-employee almost immediately after Trump won, and they quickly cut into our quality of life and wages within 2 years, despite the company itself posting record profits. It ruined a job where every dollar I earned was 2-3 for them, because they were so greedy that they wanted most of my dollar too even when I was an objectively profitable employee.

    The cost of living issues you worry about? They will get worse under Trump. Your personal freedoms? You will have less under Trump and project 2025. Your freedom of religion under Trump? Believe it or not, those will be in danger too, as religious authoritarians constantly change the rules on what’s acceptable and you never know when your favorite past time will be deemed immoral. Separation of Church and state protects your religious beliefs of choice. It protects them from ‘other’ authoritarians forcing you to believe something else, or anything at all. Freedom of speech will be in far more dire straights when Project 2025 is fully implemented because conservative institutions are blatantly lying when they say they want to protect freedom of speech. They are threatened by speech almost constantly and do everything they can to suppress whatever version is a threat to them at any given time. You are not by yourself powerful enough to change this and have speech that’s worth ignoring if you are a threat to them and lose all protections. And to a Christian dominionist who gains the legal authority to go mask off and implement whatever policies they want? Living a normal “secular” world life is a threat to their authority. They have proven this repeatedly, with SCOTUS members like Thomas and Alito having no consistent respect for the rule of law or rights at any one time.

    The “immigration” you fear? Sure, you *might* see some deportations, but the quality of your jobs won’t get better because you’ve sacrificed essentially all of your labor rights to see them, meaning there will no longer be anything protecting your career or wages. Your business? I will almost certainly face increased risks with more global instability and needlessly aggressive tariffs causing raw supply issues. Your fear of China? They will get more aggressive under Trump, not less, and he would be less prepared to counter any of their moves. If your business relies on digital content or platforms? There is no guarantee those will have any kind of stability or protection under trump at all, as user generated content is a threat to any corrupt administration, and Trump is provably far more irrational and corrupt than Biden’s admin, no matter how much you dislike what some leftist on tiktok or twitter says.

    Your gun rights? They will not be safe because there will be literally no constitutional safeguards left to stop the state from deeming you a threat, and you are not going to be able to easily stand up to the state if targeted. Trump’s MAGA are spiteful and irrational and turn on their own constantly. You are in more danger from their unhinged behaviors than you are from whatever minorities you fear. A lot of mass shooting happen in suburban areas where people of all political beliefs live and the targets are random, and more often than not the perpetrators have repeatedly been proven to have right leaning conspiratorial beliefs.

    There is no utopia under a criminal conman who has repeatedly shown open disdain for both the constitution and even the Bible. There is no “burn it all down and start over again” possibility worth considering, as it’s akin to suicide. Whatever anger you have, is it so great that you want to risk destroying the safety of your family and community? Do you truly think Trump’s mental state is somehow better than a Biden who stutters every so often, but also appoints highly qualified people to weigh in on all crucial decisions.

    I’m not asking you to love the democrats or their every decision. I’m not asking you to be a “radical leftist”, “twitter leftist” or whatever you happen to dislike. I’m asking you to put aside your unhealthy anger, fear, and resentment and work towards keeping our country safe, healthy and stable in the long run. I’m asking you to step away from FOX/Newsmax/AM Radio, step outside, and look at our world without their messages constantly in your face and start talking with more people about how we solve our problems. I’m asking you to step outside of your bubble and take a look at the world as it really is, people as they really are, and see some of the good and bad of it for yourself. I left many old communities because that’s exactly what I did, and that’s why I’ve shifted left.

    And whatever you may think of our world, Donald Trump is no solution to its problems. He is simply not a reasonable option, and those who back him want to do far more harm to your way of life than you may realize.

  16. Democrats do a much better job at balancing the budget than Republicans

  17. The GOP as we once knew it is dead and tossed aside as roadkill. TBH, being a progressive liberal, Bernie guy, Democratic Socialist, I miss the old GOP.

    **If NIXON IN THE GRAVE** was the only choice (instead of Biden) v. of Dump/MAGA/current GOP, I’ld vote him in a heartbeat.

    **THAT’S how bad Trump and MAGA are.**

  18. watch project 2025 if you haven’t yet and then think about how you don’t want to live under the thumbs of christian nationalists and their weird extreme offshoot of catholicism and let me know who you want to vote for

  19. Here’s the thing, the modern Conservative Party is not conservative anymore. And the voters don’t vote for them because they’re conservative, they do because they aren’t Democrats.

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