Russia Opens A Dangerous NEW Axis | Was This Always The Plan? – Ukraine Map Analysis & News Update

G A Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and that you’ve had a fantastic weekend I hope the Sunday Blues haven’t got you too bad if the video lighting looks a little bit different it’s much later into the evening than when I normally film these I was at a baby shower all day and we’re going to try and keep this one short now today we need to look at some strikes both Russian and Ukrainian missiles and drones we’re going to look at the maps and where some things are moving as the Deep state does show today a lot of Russian movement but we need to talk about some differing reports in a Russian withdrawal in some areas where other others are saying there’s a Ukrainian withdrawal and then we’re going to look at what zalinsky has put then on social media on Twitter about Victory now it’s not about what he said it’s about I want to talk about the overall like Victory goals of this war and how that achievement is going to be problems for how people see it in the end wherever this war actually ends and talk about is what Russia has set as their goals more achievable and can sell to the population on that side than the other way now tomorrow’s video I’m going to do a special report too on what we have seen a little bit recently of one soldier taking another soldier’s life on the same side of this conflict when a drone has been struck as I’ve got I think an a an opinion on this built up of time both on the ground as as a former Soldier and mixed in with what we have seen before about when people are injured they hold to combat or they try and surrender and that isn’t taken seriously but so last night what we did see was another major attack by Russian missiles on Ukraine’s energy grid now let’s have a look at this now Ukraine has claimed that seven of 10 of the KH 101s half of the aanders all the khas and all the Shahs were downed by air defense that said with any of these numbers now we really don’t know but we do know that there was major damage caused to more energy systems critical infrastructure that uh Ukraine’s energy Ministry said Ukraine oh my God I can’t read energy transmission systems were attacked in southern and western regions of Ukraine causing damage to equipment in Lviv a Russian missile struck an engine infrastructure facility no information was immediately available as the extent of the damage but they have said there’ll be a decrease in load on the generating facility so we really don’t know what we do know for a fact is that Russia has had a lot of success recently against Ukraine’s energy grid and this grid it is in a bad way now of course energy this is targetable as it is classified as a dual use item now one thing with energy is this can have an absolute Butterfly Effect it absolutely affects everyone even those who are UNT Untouched by the war itself if it’ll then have a psychological aspect as it’s bringing the wall home the lights aren’t on or it’s cold or it’s hot can’t charge your phone you can’t cook your dinner and of course then this has a massive effect on say small businesses or businesses that can’t have generators or can’t stay open due to electricity therefore they can’t employ employees and you can see what I mean by the butterfly effect of how this can get large very quickly and these are even just outside of the issues it then starts creating for a modern technological War that’s reliant on energy and drones even the economy all of this it will become more and more of an issue it will be interesting to see what fixes are put in place for Ukraine and will Russia continue hitting that energy system as we know later in the year it’s going to get much colder in Ukraine Ukraine has had a lot of success with drones over the past well over the past months but especially in the last couple of days as well we have a little bit more footage of some other areas hit so these were hits from Ukrainian drones in the rostov region you can see these oil storage tanks here and that three of them have been completely then destroyed the fire has then actually been extinguished here as well and then this is some footage as well at the yes Air Force Base now this is said to be an air defense training area here I I say I don’t really know but we can see there has been a lot of damage to this like hanger facility here and as well as fire burning around as well as this other hanger has had damage as well so again not 100% sure exactly what is here but we do know that damage has definitely then been caused to that now speaking on strikes while we’re here we have had just recently it’s the morning in Ukraine currently or midm morning more strikes as well so Ukraine has said that they’ve shot down uh two of three calba cruise missiles going into Ukraine and then we get we’ve actually had this footage come out here of calba missile then in this area in the keave oblast here filmed now this is very rare to see because it’s highly highly illegal to film like any of this you see the first one come through then you see just a little bit more forward you’ll see then the second one float through here now in this footage some people are saying that they see four again I’ve looked at through I see I think I see three but either way we know missiles are on their way and Russia is targeting many facilities and structures like this at the moment now let’s have a look at the maps there is some interesting stuff firstly let’s have a look at some footage so this is of course well let’s have a look at where Ukraine is this is Ukraine the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 now we’ll come down zap ablast of course this is the nuclear power plant here so let’s just jump across this is the nuclear power plant now J located just down into here there’s been a strike right here by said to be a Ukrainian jdam claimed to be a Russian command position here as well I can’t confirm or deny this but it’s said to be a Russian command position then struck with a jam and you can line this up and see where then this like tennis court area is you can see this then just here but let’s actually have a look and let’s look at what then moving on the maps now I want to come up into the north straight off now this map here doesn’t show any movements back or forward it hasn’t for now a long time now I think one of the problems is they never showed the Russian movement forward in the center here so they can’t really show the push back if that then makes sense but there is some mixed reporting as to what is happening up in here so we have their Noel report saying this Nazar volin spokesman to the cier group of troops announced that Russia had started withdrawing some units from near chance due to their loss of combat capability the withdraw of troops has been observed both lipy and this area as well so both on the west and the east and V Chun now one thing we did say about this is we did say with these areas that Russia seemed never had the troops to actually make a realistic push on har and I’ve been saying go back through my videos last few weeks I think we could have seen a withdrawal at some point as quickly as we saw it come in we could see a complete withdrawal that’s how a like a reconnaissance what we saw in the beginning of this happening I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a complete withdrawal out of here open up somewhere else as I’m still adamant that exactly what this was for was to free up then other units to move in the East I still believe this is the area where Russia want to push and all of this is to try and draw troops away and it does look like Ukraine did take the bat the bait for that a little bit that instead of you know settling back in defensive works and then having that push back and inflicting casualties pump soldiers in to try not lose then the city here and we’re seeing now an urban war in here but then we have say suriak Maps reporting very differently to this so this is then the same area we just move this across here situation North hariv from chiv axis Ukrainian Army managed to re-enter the central part of staria so this is just down in here if we Zoom down here sta down here and uh meanwhile involved CH Town Russian army began clearing the position south of this street after the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces to the other side of vure river so what suriak is saying this is of course is the vure that the Ukrainian forces have pushed back across to the South here in some areas and that Russia clearing operations down around here again it’s so hard to know exactly what actually is happening down in this area of course deep State still showing them this disconnect here again I’ll be the first one to say I don’t exactly know what’s happening up in volchansk but from the amount of troops who’ve actually seen Russian troops committed to here that was never enough for Hy what what I’ve said is it seems like a smaller Force to try and make Ukrainian forces go up there I think that has actually worked for the amount of units we’ve seen in here where there was 100 units at one point of ukrainians put in here and it stalled the fighting of course the massive deployment but it has then we’ve seen Russia make movements on other areas of the front line of which I will show you right now so we come just to the east of here in this kopans front see up from V Shana that Russia is making some ground here to the east of sin kfka I don’t have another map to back that up but if it’s a Russian gain shown on the Ukrainian map we can be pretty confident and that happened now nothing down through the kar Forest nothing through Ros deliva now nothing shown on this map then around Bak moot but we do have another map here Noel reports one showing some Russian movement here now this isn’t the easiest to line up because we’re doing satellite and then like a hard map here but you can see that what he’s filling in is just this area here so see where this road comes out that Noel’s filling up just in here that that is now under Russ control in that area which we would presume a lot of this especially with this move out to kka as well is coming more under then Russian control here but let’s just move down to the south of here a little bit and this is where I think we get a really interesting bit and I think something that should be more more eyes should be looking at so this is have divare this is bmot now this purple of course this is held now for over 10 years what we’re seeing is that Russia has closed up this and now they’re on the outskirts of pivetti as well as of course this leads directly into toret and what we have seen is only over the past few days we’ve seen from the 18th 19th this movement out then from the 22 22nd we saw this to shumi reported this on the day and then out to today then this closing up now this is a concern when it’s on an axis of which we haven’t then seen opened some areas here for then 10 years so this is a very interesting front it’ll it’ll be very interesting to see what happens here and of course we have spoken that if Russia can cut off not only by Manpower but say uh artillery or mortars on things like this intersection here as well as in areas at constantina for resupply Logistics everything in this area will become very difficult now let’s have a look at what other maps are showing here so Noel reports so shumi let’s just come down so he’s not showing this closeup Gap nor is he’s showing right up into these first blocks but the Deep State itself CA links with the mod you’re showing that but what we can gather from this is we 1,000% no Russia has had advancement here now suriak now he is showing I think even less in some regards than the Deep state map maybe some more than on the southern side past shumi this red dot into these like foresty areas here but as far as these first Blocks he’s not showing it because that this Square block here is this one so we do know Russia is having some level of push here and I think this is where we need to focus a little bit at the moment now a lot of people been asking where is this Russian offensive we’ve heard tens and tens of thousands well attritional Warfare Doctrine does not really say that you have one big push that’s not it what you do is because that could get cut off you have little advancements on many areas of the front and we saw that happen in the north once that movement in the north a month ago we’re seeing in here and other areas small advancements day today and just creeping along situation on what he’s calling the goov confront Russian army continued to exploit the 2014 breach of defenses by taking control over the locality of schumi and the surrounding defenses as well as new positions in the first houses of P PIV okay I’ll learn to then pronounce this but this is a very interesting front line here I think we you can’t underestimate how important movements in some areas like this could become now we come down into AV Diva and we do have just to the west of sea we do have a small Russian advancement in here closing up some more of this than open ground I think we will see a major sort of push forward and a Ukraine withdrawal out of some of these really hard to defend open areas at some point I’m actually surprised we haven’t really seen it then yet here but we do have another couple of updates in here but in some different spots so we come down to the South ofans natoi Front we have Surak Maps update now what he’s showing is more than around YZ no Boda this is this red dot then a more closing up in here basically the same as being shown as Gray Zone on the Deep state map itself let me rid of that thing and then we have a Noel reports Ukrainian map in here too and what he showing so we come down is he’s showing more of a push out then into khiva now this is khiva just in here it’ll disappear as I zoom in regardless let’s have a look at where these are so see where this road turns up this is this road so he is saying that the Russian forces are into khiva in here of course this is going to put pressure on the troops that are in here these Ukrainian troops down in this sort of open ground between then these two uh reservoirs now RKA an area we haven’t really seen too much movement but we are seeing a lot on in some other maps in here but we know there’s a lot of urban fighting happening it depends what Maps you look at but these are the ones we go with now Surak is just showing a very small movement right like along this road here as far as what differen is on these Maps it’s been different for a while especially to the south of here and as well uh to the East and the north now C rival we know hell love fighting but the information we’re getting out of there is actually very limited now we’re going to come out you see a lot of red here and this is a lot of red for a day now I call this the wadar front down here but regardless one of the most important areas is this road that runs through and this is what one of the problems with the fall of marinka was the supply from po Bea through down into wadar this is why Russia had so many failures down in wadar was the ability to supply now we can see that only today they have made let’s go one 1.3 km by you say 4 1/2 km of an area now of course that isn’t just a square but you get what I mean by this that it has been an advancement here and that this could put pressure on areas like Constantin and then we’ll see down in these bits it’ll be F harder and harder to defend so what I was getting about the attritional Warfare is you have small movements on multiple areas of the front so as you start pushing somewhere another area then has to be plugged and it seem seem like you’re on the back foot running around trying to plug holes in many areas and I wouldn’t be surprised if we just see Russia open up somewhere in say swim or blast another front line somewhere else for Ukraine to plug and that sort of chasing your tail around and you can do that if you’ve got more of the troops and more of the artillery now roboty this is an area of which we’re going to speak about actually a little bit tomorrow as well but we know this map doesn’t show anywhere near the updates that other Maps then are showing but we have reports Ukrainian sources map here now let’s have a look at this now let’s have a look at where some of these roads are so this road that my curse is running down is this one here the road next to it here and we get an idea this green area here this the green so his map itself is showing that roboty has almost completely come under Russia control as well as the recapture of other defensive lines in here too so this is an area we know this map just e d seems like it’s not tracking but regardless maybe it will at some point and it we’ll update in here and we’ll get an idea better idea of exactly what is happening down on this front my nose is leaking now something I want to speak about I sort of spoke about it yesterday but I think I did a poor job of it seninsky then put this on his Twitter we will not allow the occupier to remain on our land we will expel the Russian army and ensure the world despises Putin’s new Nazism just as it does other totalitarian ideologies we have already proven that we can win the world sees that we’re capable of doing so we must end this war fairly for Ukraine thank you to everyone who’s fighting and working to ensure Ukraine and life Prevail now what I sort of went over yesterday I want to speak about in this is is what is a win in this I think Russia has an easier time of what it can declare as a victory that what Ukraine can if if Russia walk away with a square meter of land here after a war they can sell that as a victory and the problem is if Ukraine walk away with Russia occupying a single square meter a single oblast of land that may get painted as a failure I think as far as what goals are more achievable to be sold to a wider audience Ukraine has been so stringent I’m not saying they shouldn’t be but I’m saying that they’ve been so string all the way through that we will have everything 19191 borders completely through whatever what we know is a big ask but the problem with that is that messaging is anything less than that will be seen as a failure now what I’ve spoken about a little bit with Russia is I think they will probably whatever they walk away with however this ends we’re not sure maybe Ukraine will have a 91 border Victory may we don’t know it’s still up in the air of what happens here but but the thing is it’s going to be very difficult to Ukraine to sell if there is compromise given where the messaging was what people were dying for I think Russia’s going to have an easier time selling their losses back going we we did we defeated this and defeated that and we occupy say Crimea where Ukraine if there’s a square meter I think people will still see that against the messaging as a failure it’s going to be difficult there that Ukraine has been so stringent on this this anything but this is not Victory so anything but that is not going to be a victory does that make makes sense I’m probably not putting it together well he has a say we already have proven that we can win now again I think I think Ukraine has proven that it can halt Russian advance and push back Russians in some areas I haven’t seen any evidence given by Russia that they could actually seize and hold somewhere like keev but nor have I seen any evidence from Ukraine that they could seize and take somewhere like Kier saso we saw then the hon harke offensives but that was the Russian army probably in its worst state that it was ever going to be and end of 22 massive losses everything was going to caught them on the run I don’t think that Chance is going to come again that was as much a Ukrainian Victory as it was a Russian failure will you get that chance again maybe has is there evidence to show say the 23 offensive is a better you know more recent look at that there’s going to be a clearance through dones and sevastopol militarily I don’t see I think more people are starting to go hey what actually is the realistic outcome if we look at what’s happened here I think people on the Russian side are doing this too going hey you’re talking about zap nepro these areas is that really realistic either has either side shown that they can achieve their goals set out in the beginning personally I don’t think no it’s one think so it can be one thing you know IDE you know being on idealist of Yep this and this is what you know what we need but it’s on the other hand saying what is actually going to happen too and that’s ties in I guess to what I’m saying about what he’s seen as a success or a failure and I think Russia has the the goal set of success and how that could be sold actually easier because if they occupy any of it they can say is a victory than the other way if that makes sense anyway it’s been a long day Legends look after yourselves I hope you had a great weekend I hope you lead into a great week and I’ll speak tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Dear politicians, bloggers, other brain surgeons, war sports commentators, here is an alternative perspective on the
    Ukrainian conflict we should be discussing RIGHT NOW. It is a golden opportunity for you to make a difference and even
    have your name decorating the most beautiful and prominent
    building in all human history!
    At least it will pop your European audience numbers through the roof, as this line of thoughts
    relates not only to Ukraine, but also to the very heart of Europe.

    Here it is. Belgium Scenario. The miracle turnaround from the biggest and deadliest battlefield of Europe into the biggest European parliament. Can it be applied to Ukraine on the World scale?

    Belgium was referred "battlefield of Europe" because for many years and many armies fighting on its soil (says Wiki). By the same standards, Ukraine is now the "battlefield of the world".
    Both, Belgium and Ukraine's populations are heavily divided according to the language spoken and identity. Belgium has French and Dutch sides, as Ukraine – pro-Western and pro-Eastern.

    This is where similarities end. Unlike the new "Ukrainian state language", there is no "Belgium" language for a good reason: Belgians don’t want to step into the Ukrainian trap:

    Just imagine, that someone in Belgium, be it on the French or the Dutch side revolts, takes over the government, media, business, constitution and labels the opposite side “the occupants”. Those "occupants" get banned their language, their vote, basic rights… physically isolated, targeted by artillery fire, 8 years in a row. Belgium becomes Ukraine. It attracts an "interest" of allied forces, hosts the secret bio-labs, military training facilities, weaponizes itself, establishes France or Netherlands as their constitutional enemy no 1. etc etc down the Ukrainian path.

    Instead, Belgium has nicely recovered from Europe's biggest nightmare into Europe's very posh meeting and negotiation point, establishing several state languages, incl French and Dutch dialects, even German… to respect its citizens. The same will turn Ukraine from the World's fighting arena into the World's negotiation room. To follow the Belgium Scenario, Ukraine has to build The World'ean Union Parliament and go back to a multi-lingual and multi-cultural system (as it was in 1993). The world authorities will build their own offices in there to coordinate and regulate, run joint projects between East and West. Belgium did this for Europe, Ukraine can do this for the world. Shouldn’t we worry and make a breakthrough in medicine, climate, humanity…  Wouldn't it be nice for Ukrainians to host it… Don't they deserve it?
    It is a decent “way out” for all: Isn't it what Mr Putin would want in exchange for occupied by him Eastern Ukraine? Isn't it what Mr Trump would want in exchange for occupied by NATO Western Ukraine? Isn't it what we ALL want in exchange for WW3. Can we start negotiating on these terms? Just talking about the war is not going to win anything, TALKING ABOUT PEACE WILL DO, you war maggots.

  2. What's "fairly" for Ukraine, Zelensky? To bury another 500k men in vain? People in the East don't want to live under a nationalist Ukraine and Ukrainian nationalists don't tolerate the people in the East, we've seen it over and over again. Stop this charade already, it's costing 2000 lives per day on average by now.

  3. Продолжайте изнурять марионеток, поддерживаемых Западом, а затем позвольте Суровикину вырваться на свободу в штурмовом порядке.

  4. Lol anytime russia does something that makes sense while committing numerous mistakes this is what we here… Was this a brush of stretgic brilliance??? The plan all along.. plz

  5. People seem to have forgotten their history. This is not a Hollywood movie. Wars of attrition by nature look like a stalemate until one side runs out of reserves and gets low on supplies and ammunition. When the lines finally collapse the war then takes on the big arrow effect provided the stringer side has bug mobile forces in the rear that can sweep through, take all the land and cities they want as there is no longer an army to protect them. WW1 & WW2 show this. The Germans were attrited in both wars.

  6. The Ukrainians keep falling into Russian traps like their failed offensive last year. This war will end quickly, most likely before years end as the collapse will be across the entire front as flanks of stronger areas are exposed and large areas are cut off and surrounded. Russia has won, it's just a matter of time. They need to be ready for the collapse which is why you don't see them committing a large portion of their army. The Russians are masters at this type of warfare and unmatched.

  7. I have a theory…crazy but its my own baby theory…
    Russians will leave Ukraine landlocked, and Poland gets Lviv. Since Lviv( Lvov) in Polish, was always Polish for at least 500 years, up to ww2. Thats when Kruschev, the Ukrainian USSR general secratary after Stalin, drew the borders of USSR into Poland lands, and added Lviv to Ukrainian SSR.

    When Putin tells them Plyahi(Poles in Tsarist Russian language) that they are welcome to take back their Ancient city, the ancient Polish lands….i can see the Poles salavate over such a proposition.

  8. I must be stupid, the whole reason for this war is nato encroachment, if Ukraine can guarantee they will not join nato then im sure peace can be achieved, but who can trust what us/west says anymore, they are only interested in destroying Russia, the politicians and media simply demonize anything Russian, and Chinese…. the west only spews hate towards the east while at the same time leaving their own countries to fall apart, how fkn stupid is this mentality?

    Me personally, i dont care who is the bigger dog, as long as it can lead in a fair and constructive way, like king Solomon lead his people,… with wisdom, the uk/usa/israel and all the "west" etc lead their populace in the most pathectic and childish way its cringe and embarrassing, what a joke its become, its worse than the story of the boy who cried wolf, the west is now a child who throws a temper tantrum because it had all the toys except one, because of this the child will lose everything, i hope i see that day!

  9. The idea that Ukraine is lying about everything is completely illogical their NATO partners likely know as much if not more than they do about strikes 😆

  10. The rate of attrition of Russia I think is completely unacceptable if they're progressing at this slow rate sure they're advancing holy shit they're tanking russian society for a generation

  11. Seeing Russia's goals as occupation of land is seeing the war through Ukraine's eyes. Any outcome where Ukraine stays under western i.e. NATO control will be seen as an absolute failure by the Russian people. For Russia this war was never about land, it's about removing a very serious potential threat from that direction.

  12. As for your headline .Man you are so far from the truth ! Willie of course this was never the plan. NATO's actions drove them together. Why don't you ever just go back 10 years and do some far facts research. You're an intelligent person.

  13. Why would good men go and fight for the global elites. I can only think of money 💰 to be the reason for it. The elites would never ever die for YOU. They pay people to die for them. Wake up people

  14. This is all because the people of Western Ukraine overthrew the president the people of Donbas democratically voted into office. The people of Donbas then reacted to that coup by exercising the right to form a new government that is articulated in the American Declaration of Independence.

  15. For Russia, victory is a de-nazified and neutral Ukraine that ceases bombarding ethnic Russians with heavy weapons and persecuting them because of their ethnicity. After the Nazi coup in 2014, the Kiev regime bombed and shelled people who it claimed were its own citizens – what country does that? Russia is not motivated by territorial acquisition as the agreement reached in Istanbul in 2022 shows; that agreement was scuppered by Boris Johnson. Just think how many would be alive and with fully functioning bodies today if Ukrasine had chosen the path of peace.

    For Ukraine, victory is the suppression of Russian identity everywhere within their 1991 borders – no Russian language, no Russian orthodox church, no Russian newspapers / magazines / broadcast media, no memorials / statues to historical Russian achievements. Zelensky is no longer a legitimate head of state – how long before he bolts to the safety and comfort of the many properties that we western taxpayers have so generously funded. Why do we tolerate the Ukrainian bigwigs' attitude of "better to buy mansions than build defences with the cash provided"?

    In discussing the various missile exchanges, it is interesting that you found no time to reference the ATACMS strike on Crimea – one of five missiles hit a beach with a cluster warhead killing an adult and two children and injuring others. That missile was targetted by US personel using US supplied information. In response, expect to see Russia taking down US drones over the Black Sea and targetting the facilities where satellite and other intel is processed in theatre. WW3 draws ever nearer.

  16. Where is comment on the Ukraine attack on the beach crowded with Russian civilians on holiday. USA black hawk targeted via satellite avoiding the gps jamming, using USA act s with cluster munitions. Killed children and parents and 100 wounded civilians. Willy tried HATE projection on the Russian medic to the shock of the two Russians interviewed,here is the hate. Willy dissembles, avoids truths.

  17. Willy , do you realise , that more than 5 million of people living in Donbas, Lugansk , Crimea , pray , that your dreams of "liberating " them are not going to happen . They don't want to have their cities destroyed , 78% of them persecuted for treason for voting in the referendums , and their churches banned by Zelensky . Besides , they prefer living in peace , heating their houses with the cheapest gas in the world , running their cars with cheapest petrol in the world , and enjoying riding on the longest bridge in Europe . This ukrainian efforts supported by you and the USA are a total madness and barbarism, mate .

  18. UA shotdown all missiles and Drones, but their electric still get destroyed.. then who destroy it? GHOST of Kiev? well the man claimed to be one actually died weeks ago.

  19. The west is after the destruction of the Russian federation. Not ground control. Your focus on the ground leads you to not look up. Geopolitically , cognitive, and Cyber war left you in the dust. There’s some good channels out there that share the west, east , and the global south. The lines in the Ukrainian sand are the truth, but they’re not the howl truth. Are you truth or post truth, or none byes. The thread below your videos are mostly pro Russian, so … your being pro Russian. It’s not hard to understand, for me. I get your anti establishment sentiment, but none byes reporting is exactly that, all the data is suggesting that you’re leaning to the Russian side and I’ll call you out on that every time. Nothing personal just business. The geopolitical, historical, and anthropological, also geopolitical is much larger, and has more weight then the ground war

  20. The essence of a good plan is not having one thing work in one place, but to make a situation where any of a dozen places can fail ALL of which cause a disaster for the enemy. And if they manage to make the fronts pause that just means more UKR troops exposed under the guns. And at any time Russia can advance on a new front at no risk and require an emergency redeployment of men from the other fronts, making them weaker and liable to be broken.

  21. Yup, when it comes to attritional warfare people aren't always that clued up.

    You'll find countless WW2 documentaries about German tactics or "shock and awe" tactics during Desert Storm, but very little on Soviet tactics during WW2 (at best they'll try and project and talk about "deep battle" that resembles armor penetrating deep into the enemy's rear, which was partly what they did but that overlooks the attritional part of their tactics and the use of numbers over a wide front) or Chinese tactics during the Korean war (they talk about "human waves", but that is simplifying it way too much and pretty much Western propaganda to some degree).

    Or hell, do some reading on attritional warfare during WW1. Pretty much consisted completely of it.

    And don't sell the maneuver aspect short either. Hell, you can go as far back as Alexander the Great at the battle of Gaugamela. Where he moved his cavalry before the battle even really took off, forcing the enemy to try and match his movements and in doing so they had to adjust their frontline, but it then in turn left their frontline "weakened" and disorderly. Which opened them up for an attack at that weak point. So, this tactic of doing probing attacks to make your enemy move and reveal a weak point, goes almost as far back as warfare goes and we have written records.

  22. 17:17 – Yeah, I particularly despise the ideology of the OUN-B and the horrible things they did during WW2 (but clearly Ukraine doesn't).

    I also like the fact "because we vote" we can throw words around like totalitarian and that makes what we do okay. Just because you voted for a person doesn't make whatever that person then does okay. For example, Germany voted for the disaster that unfolded in the 1936. People forget that.

    Or better yet, Rome for roughly the 1st 500 years of their existence had elections (they were a Republic). But they did horrible things throughout that period too.

    So, I'm not sure because everyone voted for "de-Russification" (as reported by France24 for example in places like Odessa) makes it then in turn okay.

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