“Trying To Demonise Him!” Nigel Farage Defends Ukraine War Comments | Mike Graham News Roundup

“Trying To Demonise Him!” Nigel Farage Defends Ukraine War Comments | Mike Graham News Roundup

Tom SL here for spikes online Tom we haven’t really talked about the election date betting inquiry um which is on the front page is still rattling around one of the big stories of the weekend um basically the gambling commission has now written to bookmakers to ask them whether people with pride knowledge of the election date may have asked the third party to place a bet for them so this story that started with one mp uh who was one of rishy Sun’s close AIDS Craig Williams basically holding his hands up and saying yeah I did something I shouldn’t have done I’m sorry um has now spread so quite a lot of people it would seem it seems like it’s in addition to the names that we already know about um there also seems to be kind of seven other individuals relatively close to being investigated beyond that there’s talk of dozens of other people who are potentially implicated as you say and this is something where clearly the rot runs a fair bit deeper than we realized I think there’ probably be a fair few people who call them cynic might have been surprised this sort of thing wasn’t going on on some scale previously anyway and it’s just come to a head at this particular point but it is staggering every time you think that there has been a scandal in this campaign or a gaff or something which just really dogs the Prime Minister for days and days and days you think it can’t really be beaten and then somehow the conservative party manages it I know this wasn’t in richy Sun’s control what people around him were doing with their money mean not really but at the same time they’re quite tightly knit teams these aren’t they and I mean one of the guys Who’s involved who has taken a step back from his job was one of the campaign directors of richy sunat campaign who’s married to a woman who’s applying to be a candidate in another one of the seats I mean you’d have to assume that there’s quite a lot of you know close um you know conversation that goes on within those little groups because they’re all working sort of cheek by Jou every single day of of the week and it just reachs of like a kind of top of a party Administration whatever you want to call it which on the first point doesn’t seem to take itself that seriously like on its responsibilities particularly seriously but also it’s just inept like if you’re the campaign director or the data manager was the new name that was named over the weekend or any people at the top of an election campaign which you started 20 points behind you’d think you wouldn’t engage in anything that might make that worse but they’ve got aside from anything else they just look clueless well you would think you know the the the battle crime might go out try not to do anything that drops us in the doodoo in the next 24 hours if you can manage to do that that would be great but they don’t seem to be able to do that maybe this explains the whole lack of an umbrella when you announced it cuz they’re all kind of scrolling the William Hill app or something maybe that’s well I mean I’m told and I mean I have no way of knowing if this is true um but but the P person who told me would would know um that this goes back quite a long way and might involve a lot of other situations other than just the election you know which which tells you that there’s quite a lot of people with you know quite a lot of interest in making money on the betting front but there we are uh interesting story um there’s an interesting one of the times page eight um an Islamic campaign to punish labor this is I suppose something that we’ve known about for a while but I’ve never really quite seen it put down uh in as many words and this is the idea that basically the Muslim vote which is the name of the organization is endorsing candidates up and down the country according to this interview investigation by F Hamilton um who appeared to support Hamas Terror attacks people standing for election to the British Parliament this is really really concerning the Muslim vote which is this campaign Group which kind of cropped up really in the um in the wake of the Gaza Hamas War just sort of presenting itself as the sort of authentic voice of British Muslims and yet what they seem to be the authentic voice there a lot of people with shall we say questionable to extreme views about that particular conflict they represent no one but themselves as far as I’m concerned but it is interesting and concerning that we have this new sectarianism which is opening up particularly within the labor party because of the fact that it does tend to predominate amongst British Muslim voters and the the fact that there was a significant drop in the local elections in amongst particular parts of particular councils which had sizable British Muslim population shows that this problem isn’t going anywhere the given the numbers that we’re looking at the polls currently for the general election it will be masked by the general shift towards labor but it’s something that again will become an increasing kind of problem for him Thorn the side however you want to put it because this issue isn’t going away it’s really not but that’s the interesting thing about this election isn’t it the way that the the the voting patterns are going to emerge because it’s very unclear and I think a lot of I was watching P mandelson fing off at the weekend on on linsburg show and he was saying a lot of these new polls these MRP polls are garbage because what they are is is is take one poll you know multiply it by a thousand put a couple of models in to make sure you can project where it might go and actually despite the fact that these are the ones that are saying this is going to be a massive low majority they might be completely wrong I mean it would be incredible I mean there is such a spread in terms of what the polls are predicting like According to some of them the to get like 50 seats and according to some of them they’re going to get seats so that does raise some questions some of them have a better track record than others you GS I think has called the last couple of Elections pretty well but imagine if it did turn out to be this kind of historic polling mess up not least because in this campaign the polls have played such a pivotal role it’s almost shaped the whole debate in terms of the Tes are collapsing reform arising that’s cut through in focus groups more than policies have so if it is the case that they’ve messed up a lot of questions would have to be asked about are polls given too much significance in our election campaigns because they can just influence things right and one in the F this morning which is one of the the surveys they’ve done for themselves a cohort of 16,000 voters which is quite a big number from the end of January to the start of June found a 32% % of people who had said that they would vote conservative have changed their minds so that’s an incredibly big number isn’t it and that that’s something that you do see kind of across the piece in terms of other polls other surveys and that’s the concerning thing is that you know regardless if their headline numbers are wrong the direction of travel is very clear and the Tor started this election 20 points behind anyway so whatever is going to happen I think that’s one thing even if the polls are wrong it would be incredible if the Tories got out this election without recording their worst ever election result which is job well done yeah indeed absolutely but still almost anything can happen and a lot of people still undecided which is the important part of any kind of poll that we can do the good news is though the green agenda is still very much front and center of all sorts of conversations including we mentioned Carla Dena the co-leader of the green party apparently still has a gas boiler and she hasn’t got around to fixing it uh I’ve got a couple of good tweets on the front of that as well so I’ll I’ll I’ll bring those to you but uh also let’s have a look at Emma Thompson Emma Thompson was back in Britain I know she doesn’t spend a lot of time here she was back in Britain the weekend uh LED thousands of people on a restore nature now March have a look at this here um well because of this um because the our green and peasant land is now turning into a bit of um bit of a disaster frankly and it’s been so awful for so long and this is the most extraordinary coming together of people in galvanizing particularly before an election because if we don’t act on this we won’t have a Countryside anymore it’s as simple as that so I do hope that people will get behind whatever organization they can feel a connection with because they’re all here today to be supported she looks well doesn’t she nicely rested decent holiday with a tan um so apparently we’re going to lose the countryside now that’s the latest sort of fear mongering that’s going on that’s an interesting one because I thought the countryside was racist I thought the country side was racist thought you didn’t want to go anywhere near it also you know this is the big problem is that we can’t see to build anything anywhere the idea that we just just concreting over all of the over the South Downs and just covering it in tower blocks is obviously not true um but it is interesting how Al if you fly into this country you know it’s very there’s an awful lot of space there is right it doesn’t always seem like it in the middle of London but there’s an awful lot of Green Space we find it impossible to even kind of build around you know on the outskirts of London on quote unquote Green Belt which isn’t really that green at all you know so the idea that we’re just concreting everything it’s obviously not true but I dare say that mem Topson might be slightly out of touch on this issue I think she might now talking of what’s racist right there’s a funny story this morning a taxpayer funded project um at the history of Science Museum in Oxford are going to research the political nature of milk and it’s Colonial I know it’s the only thing you can do isn’t it laugh and it’s Colonial legacies one expert involved doctor Johanna zrom Shar has said the assumption that milk was a key part of the human diet may be understood as a white supremacist one huh where do they get these people you do feel like they’re almost just pulling names and things out of a hat at this point right you like some milk with your teeth that’s disgrace why Supremacy okay let me give give me 6 months and 2 million Quin I’ll figure this out for you is it that they’re now just looking at anything that’s white and going well it’s white so it must be racist right Ivory white supremacy For Heaven’s Sake white paper why do we why is paper white yeah why is it what message is that sending doesn’t have to be white I mean you can get black paper brown paper you can get yellow paper what does it say that this is the one that we’ve always favored um think about it I don’t know no but you could be on to something there um let’s talk about more labor peers within weeks this is on the front page of the Guardian apparently now here’s the thought for you all these people who are saying we’re moving over to labor I’m not making any any accusations but like John cordwell was on this last week and somebody said to me you sure he’s not been prom with some kind of purage you know the likes of Dale Vince people who have become donors perhaps to the labor party you wonder whether they’re going to be on some kind of list of of people the labor party say they want to sort of even up the uh the I of Labor people in uh in the House of Lords but it’d be a bit cynical if they suddenly give a load of people Pages wouldn’t it it it would be cynical and I think particularly because they’ve talked about how we need laws reform and how we need to usher in this kind of Upper House of the Nations as they talk about it but the other thing is that the political reality is that if they didn’t flood the house of laws with all of their own people then they would be at a severe disadvantage it’s just a reminder of what a ridiculous institution House of laws is is that you just got people there who are most of the time only there because of the fact that they gave money to one of the political parties right U not casting any aspersion specifically in terms of who but it seems amazing doesn’t it that you can get aage for doing just that which on the face of it for any normal thinking person would suggest corruption wouldn’t it surely and it’s something which is sort of institutional it’s just it’s built into the system you have to do it if you want your party to be able to pass legislation without getting caught up in the upper chamber so it’s just one of those things which we’ve gotten used to but also you know the numbers that it’s swelling towards I mean this is the this enormous legislative body which is full of just kind of function Aries and people who paid their way in there it’s it’s a laughing stock really but no one none of the two main parties ever had much of an incentive to to mess with it they don’t and apparently every time they want to reform it there’s always plenty of people in the two established parties who say oh no no it’s not to time not quite yet um let’s talk about Nel frage he got himself into some hot water but he’s refusing to jump out of the hot water he’s kind of staying in it on the basis that he says he’s being misquoted I think last night he was threatening to see The Daily Mail for calling him a sort of Putin sympathizer or you know fected with putinism um he’s basically saying I won’t apologize for telling the truth he came out and said that it was the West’s fault that Russia invaded Ukraine um that sort of the expansion of the EU and NATO uh was a provocative move he says I won’t apologize for telling the truth Putin was entirely wrong to invade Ukraine but the West played into Putin’s hands we have to accept the mistakes of the past if we want lasting peace um and he’s asking I think on the front page of the sun some of the times today uh for a sort of sensible conversation with Putin about ending the war now I mean lots of people have said those things um in fact Boris Johnson is quoted on the front page of the IR newspaper from some years ago when he was mayor of London uh saying that it was um it was the eu’s fault that Putin invaded Crimea back in 2014 there were a lot of very short memories in this which is to say that there have been a lot of people by no means kind of Putin apologists or what have you who have said for decades that the issue of EU expansion NATO expansion would at the very least kind of provide a pretext for Russia to become more milit military minded to want to invade Ukraine that it would kind of unleash that more sort of nationalistic imperialistic aspect certain there certainly no doubt that that Putin was more than happy for some of the former Russian republics to become independent states again but I think that was a kind of under underwritten kind of suggestion that they shouldn’t be invited to join the EU and that that did happen that those kind of you know discussions and sort of assurances which weren’t ever really put down in paper were seemingly made um now that’s not to say that that justifies or that that absolves Putin of any responsibility that’s not what Nigel was saying exactly and that’s he’s actually made that quite clear saying this is he was basically saying that it gave him an excuse it gave him a pretext and even if you completely disagree with that even if you think that it’s absolutely ridiculous to suggest that NATO expansion and the EU had anything to do with that Putin if you read what he’s been saying in a lot of his speeches and I think this is a fair point he’s he’s got this kind of 19th century mindset he does basically think Ukraine is not a real country so therefore yeah that might be a pretext but why got har on about it you kind of just you’re giving him too much room but at the same time to to accuse farage therefore of being kind of Putin apologist of being repeating Kremlin talking points it’s just unserious and it is just about trying to demonize him yes like you can have this debate out by all means we should have more open discussions about this particular ISS lot people let’s not forget in this country lots of people who believe that we should not be continuing to arm Vlad Vladimir zalinski for until the end of time because whenever I get anybody on to ask that question you know well how long does it go on for how many times are we supposed to give a few billion quid to to zalinski I always get the answer back well of course if he doesn’t yeah you know if we don’t do that then Putin will be after Poland next nobody really knows if that’s true and also I do because I do think we should support Ukraine um but at the same time I think we should be able to have a discussion about this and I think on any issue if you just say you can’t say that or if you just say you’re puting apologist or if you say you’re some sort of wronging for just airing a position which again people have been discussing in propaganda tool for for the kreml you’re just going to inflame people even more and not want to listen to what you’re saying so I just feel like this is the latest get farage thing the other attacks don’t really work anymore because the discussion has moved more toward well they’ve tried the he’s never won in seven different elections they’ve tried the he’s never going to win in clacton they’ve tried the he’s not got a popular base around the country apart from in very very small areas all of that’s now being proved wrong no exact so they this it reeks a desperation I think to be it does couple of quick tweets and texts on the on the boy the front Peter and suff says I might if the quote she’s getting anywhere near the one I got it’s no wonder she’s still got a gas boiler and Jade says after the election perhaps all MPS groups wanting them should get a heat pump also they should go Net Zero practice what they preach well I think that’s what a lot of people would say that you know it’s all very well being told to do something um but as long as I’ve said as long as everything towards net zero is more expensive yeah than than you know the current state of affairs nobody’s going to move and and as as ever just look at what they do right rather than what they say the revealed preferences of MPS it’s not even just MPS the number of like Extinction Rebellion just up oil people who get found that they’ve got you know three diesel cars or something this doesn’t reflect how people actually live their lives and so a lot of ordinary people walking around thinking oh is this just about me having to put up with more to pay more to change the way I do things you can’t blame them for coming to that conclusion things like can’t you really can’t um Tom thank you very much indeed for spending some time with this

Editor of Spiked Tom Slater joins Mike Graham to discuss the latest political drama as the Tory betting scandal rages on.

The Conservative campaign has been plunged into a deeper crisis as the party’s chief data officer took a leave of absence amid claims he placed bets on the election timing.

Meanwhile on day 33 of the campaign, Boris Johnson has accused Nigel Farage of a “morally repugnant” repetition of Vladimir Putin’s justification for the invasion of Ukraine.

Mr Farage said he was not an “apologist” for the Russian president but “what I have been saying for the past 10 years is that the West has played into Putin’s hands, giving him the excuse to do what he wanted to do anyway”.

00:00 Tory betting scandal
02:48 Islamic campaign to punish Labour
06:31 Actress Emma Thompson joins protest
08:02 Political history of milk
09:03 More Labour peers
10:45 Farage defends Ukraine comments

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  1. Good to hear some balance discussion around Nigel Farage's thoughts on Putin. Hell Putin believes NATO expansion is a provocation, so how can Farage be seen to be so utterly wrong. As usual any opportunity to take things out of context for a headline.

  2. You can say the polls have demolished the conservatives, but I think the Labour are going to have a tuff job with the elections as well. Their unpopular leader and polices they are adopting do not give a good option.
    Vote Reform for any hope

  3. Leftie emma doesnt make the connection between thousands and thousands of immigrants causing housing crisis and therefore building over the green land

  4. 'The idea that citizens have the right to abolish a government stems from historical and philosophical principles. In the Declaration of Independence, it boldly states: “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government.” Essentially, when a government consistently fails to protect citizens’ fundamental rights, they have both the right and the duty to seek change.' (AI)

  5. How can that old trout be so ill informed?

    Carbon is 400 parts in a million in the atmosphere. So, 0.4 percent. Man's contribution is 17 percent of that, so less than 0.1%. Uk's part, for example, of that around 1%, so less than 0.001%.

  6. Nigel will never lead the Tories he has far too many skeletons , even for them, he will only ever be a populist figure , a Poundland Boris Johnson, he has a following granted but his Election promises have been destroyed by even Right Wing analysts, in debates he falls.Lets remember Farage stated before the Brexit referendum that if the margin of a remain-victory was too small (say 52%) he would rightfully keep demanding a second referendum as it would mean 'unfinished business'.He also promised that IF Brexit wasn't a success, he would LEAVE the UK; he has since admitted that Brexit HAS been a FAILURE and it is an unfinished shamble. Nigel stated that the UK should make it's own decisions on it's sovereignty and that No 3rd country should dictate what they can or can’t do, but refuses to answer the question, if that same sovereignty applies to Eastern European countries and should they have a free choice to join NATO and EU. Farage funded by Putin and Arron Banks ( He has Russian Regime Links ) has always parroted Kremlin propaganda.,

  7. Vote Reform and persuade as many others to do likewise. Be passionate. Passion is what won the EU Referendum. Bin the Labour/Tory Uniparty. Join The People's Revolt.

  8. Nigel” The Clacton Kid” Farage is going to cause loads of bovver when he takes his seat in Parliament!

    The Establishment elitist rule that we have had to endure for far too long is now going to get the good kicking that it deserves!

    ” Go on Nigel my son – put the boot in for all of us”!

  9. Religion has no place in politics, this is what Muslims have brought to our shores look how well it's worked in the country's they left, if this is what they want why don't they go back

  10. Paul👀The UK system want to de-nationalise, they don't want us to be British. Their globalists people like Emma Thomson, if she goes against their agender, SHE WOULD LOSE HER MONEY AND POSTION.

  11. Thompson the commie luvvie said if we voted for Brexit she would leave the country IS IF ANYBODY GAVE A F about the left wing anti democratic twat SO WHY DID SHE NOT JUST P OFF

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