UA Confirms Rus Advance In Several Directions, ATACMS Cause CHAOS – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic Monday and a fantastic start to your week now as always we have a lot to go over we’re going to start at the maps as there’s been a lot of map movements geolocated footage and some interesting bits we need to then look at we’re going to look at some strikes and then we’ll of course talk about Crimea more strikes into there from Ukraine as well as some things that have been hit potentially intercepted and some claims there as well and a terror attack that has happened in Russia too now today is 1 year since Vagner PMC had a rebellion back into then Russia and we have a look at couple of photographs here I like these boys with takeaway bruise and some dude in a cowboy hat of which I don’t know if he found it or what but that was a big point in this war and seeing that Rebel back against Russia you know a lot of people claimed very early that we would see you know Russian societal collapse that that’s the way the war would end from losses people would start rising up against the crem we haven’t seen that yet there’s been a lot of claims that would have happened very early we haven’t seen it is it still on the cards oh what happens in the future of this War I don’t have a crystal ball I don’t know I haven’t come to a conclusion yet about how this war ends so I try and report on what’s happening on the day I know a lot of other bloggers have a this is how the war is going to end and I think that does skew how they see certain bits and pieces now let’s start let’s have a look straight off the bat at the maps now of course here is Ukraine the center the capital of keev the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 the Green is right area where Russia has been and has either been pushed back or has withdrawn some cases bit of column a bit of column B now of course this is Crimea down here you’ll have to know that for a little bit later but we are seeing some interesting bits and pieces on this map and we’ll look at some geolocations so look let’s actually start maybe a little bit backwards from where we are so we come down OT with Rob botony front now we know this hasn’t actually been moving down here now I’ve done a video specific I think it’ll be out tomorrow morning my time so 12 hours from whenever you seeing this about the situation with these three Russians moving down this road one is struck by a drone and then the third man here at the request of the middle guy injured then I guess takes him out we will say but an interesting bit of the maps is what I want to look at is where the GE location was actually of this now this actually Jil located to here so you see botony then you have this like double dog Leg Road here happening then on this tree line now let’s actually have a look at where this is well this is right up here so this is showing more than two and a half sorry on 2 and 1 half kmers away from where the Deep state map actually says where the Russian line is now of course this doesn’t mean that it should be red up to here but we do know that there are guys operating up here being hit by drones as well as other Ukrainian maps showing that the majority of roboty has come under control of then the Russian forces so I thought that was then interesting to look at now I want to move up just along the South here nothing on urani but then we see a major shift on what I’m calling then Vadar front and this is Major considering of what we have seen the movement over the past say 12 months in One Direction 5Ks and up and down we’re talking four of course it’s not a square but you get an idea of how much has actually then shifted here now let’s have a look then yesterday at where the movement was just above so we see solid oi here so let’s have a look so we see yesterday and then through to today so there is a lot of movement happening in here and life was spoken this road through here is very important for Supply from viani for Vadar and these areas so that is very interesting of that movement here and this is then backed up not only showing Russian movement on the Ukrainian map then we have then the suriak map showing this same so this was that first one with looked at here so we know that definitely shifted this is just up in here and then we show show then sorry this second shift in this corner down here as well so we can see where mcky is down in here as well as this closing up now one thing I will say is the Deep State Ukrainian map itself shows more territory than the suriak map see where this padic is on the angle this is this padic here so little go by on this map that Russia’s actually got more ground than super durak is showing in there that is a very interesting front pushing on lots of small front lines in multiple locations now let’s just move up the map a little bit more then we’ll come into crer he’ve got no changes shown then on this map but let’s have a look then we’ll come onto the Surak now he’s just showing a small movement up one of these roads in here by the Russian forces we know this is fullon urban fighting in here we will expect this to move very slowly of any changes up and down through this front now let’s move north a little bit more then we come into adiva and we see then three areas with some significant changes as well given the amount of work and the amount of Assets in here any movement is still significant nothing around the ulman Canovi front although we do have on one of these Maps something shown in here this is on suriak he’s showing more of a Clos in next to uh yes bka so in right in here showing that this is closing up again what I’ve spoken about is these open grounds in here is going to be difficult to take unless you envelope it but it’s also going to be then difficult to defend or withdraw out of here it may be interesting to see what happens over the next coming days or weeks on this front line then creeping forward but you can see in three areas or four if you want to include this that this is then pushing forwards putting of course pressure on these three open territories we have here and it’s up in the north here more of then a push out of course where we’ve talked about for about a week now is Russia trying to get to this intersection because this intersection here and these roads these play all a major play into areas like constantina in here of course the supply down in areas in this New York front as we will call it if Russia can get to this intersection from guys who talk to me on the ground this would have a real effect on this front is it going to collapse everything no will it have an effect yes so we see they are pushing out in this direction let’s have a look then Surak and suriak then backs up this exact movement in this area so we know that’s happening as well as some of the other movements down near soill as well r army took full control of the town of this in addition Russian forces advancing cill and enter the first houses of yka so pushing up further down into these fronts as well so we know there is a lot of changes on this now I know a lot of people are expecting oh one major push in attritional war Doctrine you push on a lot of major fronts in small areas to stay within that bubble of influence of your electronic warfare your um fires assets your artillery all of this and small areas trying to plug holes and what you trying to do to your enemy whoever you’re fighting is imagine you’re in a you’re in a boat and you’ve got 10 leaks and you can put a finger in each one you try and open up an 11th leag so you have to pull from somewhere to put your finger in that one and then you open a 12th and it’s very ult I don’t know if that makes sense of analogy but that is I guess what you’re trying to do is open up so your enem is constantly running trying to plug holes and you just have little movements in multiple front lines now let’s come into this area here now no change actually shown on this map D this tesque New York front but we do know over the past couple of days Russia did make some ground in here opening up then a new axis now nothing shown on here but let’s have a look on then the Surak map and show because we did say yesterday the Deep State actually shows more territory in here than surix map did now we come in here now this is looking more similar today getting into then these first blocks here Russian army took control of the cemetery of pivi and adjacent trenches thus reaching the first houses of this town from the south so this is an area I think we need to really really keep our eye on and see what happens up in here could be very interesting as well as this is sitting right between adiva and Shiva speak of chass no changes in here we know there’s a lot of fighting but not much movement on then the maps that we look over now Rosa livka let’s have a look here nothing then shown then on this map but there is some geolocated footage that we need to then have a look at here so this is Ros deliva as this Red Dot in here and we can see just in these first blocks right about where my cursa is here we have seen video footage of Russians putting up then a flag I’ll show that footage in a second advancing locality so we know that the red should be up into here somewhere not shown on this map so if we get an idea of where then this road legs out so just then in here I’ll show you then this footage J located so I’m sure this will update at some point see these Russians move out from here and then run out put up their flag and then run back inside now that said here go I’ll run out put it up but we do know that they are Opera in in here in areas which may not actually be shown even as Gray Zone there no changes through bka Kar and then we come up into the north no real changes shown anywhere on this map but what we did talk about yesterday was there was a change shown in this svka V Shana front that wasn’t uh backed up by anything then we see then suriak has shown two movements AKA these two movements here so we can can confirm that Russia did have an advancement here across multiple sources and that is what we like to see at least for the mapping is multiple different Maps lining up and showing then similar movements now V chance and the hok front no changes on any of these as well we spoke about yesterday what exactly is happening here and again it’s actually very difficult to know exactly what’s happening here and what the overall outcome that the Russians all the ukrainians actually want here what are they willing to pour in to either push further or or hold this area say Russia or Ukraine what assets are you willing to free up from other areas on the front to put into here to then push back then the Russians at this attritional aspect of war and we I still am firmly believing that Russia never want to take hary there was never enough troops or armor actually cross here but now what we’re seeing with that is we are seeing other areas on the front line down in ugad down in adiva in the South and the east then starting to move more and more day to day and in this war regardless of if Ukraine or Russia is taking a lot of ground I don’t think we’re going to see at one point like 15K is taken in a day it will just be this slight chipping away because in a war like this it’s too dangerous to move outside of that bubble of influence of your electronic warfare your drones and your artillery and of course the drones have short range especially due to ew uh which is prevalent both ways but then the artillery doesn’t want to be right on the line either so you stay within that and we’ll only ever see a few kilometers at a time and we could see if there is a big advancement forward you cut start coming out of that bubble of influence area then getting cut off worth just that creep creep forward I think Ukraine if they can launch another major offensive maybe next year that we will see very similar to this but of course the winter in Ukraine and how you can fight in winter with armor and artillery and light infantry troops does shorten the ability for more of this it be interesting to see how this goes and looks then into the future so let’s have a look at a couple of strikes here then we’ll talk then about Crimea so I don’t have a g location for this but it was said by Ukraine that the unforce Ukraine successfully hit a command post of a Russian motor unit in belgrad region we then have video footage of this being struck here now again I actually don’t know exactly what has hit this either because of this is it back into Russia but we do know that a number of Western weapons basically all of them now can actually be used inside of Russia some of those restrictions haven’t haven’t been in place we know say the Patriots they see the strike so the Patriots that although people assumed that the Patriots couldn’t be used against planes inside Russia that they could actually have been used the whole time if those planes were looking to shoot into uh Ukraine now let’s have a look at a couple of other things we’ve seen more of the Fabs being dropped we’ve also seen uh on a lot of Russian Pages talking about the Fab 3000s some of the misses that are happening and some of the problems and are multiple smaller bombs a better option now the Fab 3000s my little take on this would be if they’re running the same size like wings well it’s physics you’re not going to have the amount of steering control on those control surfaces for the amount of bank but we have seen number three and four be dropped in what we presume is still testing so we see that this is probably the target of this building down here we see then a Fab 3000 drop there F bomber put that one up and again what I will say is yeah maybe Miss dead on but a 3 ton bomb doesn’t need to be that accurate as well as and we see another one here again we don’t know exactly what the target was going for here this is said to be up in lipy and hariv as well then another 3,000 kg bomb here and you can see just the devastation of some of these are is then after the bomb which is something we haven’t really seen much of but what they’re pointing to is are you better off dropping more like four 500s now this the reason I show you this it’s interesting we don’t see that many of these down in the hon oblas we see more of it around the East but a hell of a lot up around har at the moment but these are dropping actually on the right Bank as well so you see this footage here of then four of the Fab 500 so that’s two and then third and then fourth there in and you can see that these are significantly more accurate and a lot of people are pointing out you’re far better off actually dropping say four of those than one larger bomb so that it’s just interesting to look at new weapons that are entering the battlefield and Ukraine is going to have a difficult time and they are having a very difficult time countering these they can’t hit the bomb they need to hit the plane in the air we don’t we do know Russia has a lot of they do have a lot of air defense but they also have a lot of targets they need to protect that they need to protect areas in ke that have all the command areas they need to protect critical infrastructure they need to protect where the f-16s are going that you can’t just have air defense everywhere but you need to strike that plane in then the sky so let’s have a look at some other strikes as well of course we saw one of those bombs hit in har itself I can’t show you the footage it’ll be on the telegram but of course a bomb in the center of har here residential area drop and major amounts of damage there now let’s talk then about Crimea some strikes some claims all of this so we have seen that Ukraine launched major attack them strikes against Crimea last night and through the day so we can see these are attacks here then launching off multiple of these multi-launch rocket systems up into the air and then another round here going up now what have these hit what are some of the claims well let’s go about here the full result of the attack attacks is not really known yet but we do have a worrying video of a cluster going off in the vicinity of beach now one thing I’ll say with this is it’s not completely clear from the footage if this was caused from a Russian interception of these attacks or not but you can see how this is being used straight away so again I don’t know if I can show you this it’ll be on on the telegram but you can see people at the beach there people hanging out and you can hear then the Clusters going off in the background now people say why would you holiday on a beach in a war zone it that for civilians it doesn’t I’m not saying it’s a good idea but civilians are civilians regardless of their background whether they’re in Gaza whether it’s in Israel whether they’re in Ukraine whether they’re in Russia and civilians need to be protected and also military items should never be around heavily populated civilian areas but there is a lot of claims about this and what we do know and and the Russian pages are pointing to is we know that Russian air sorry American aircraft were in the air at the time firing an American weapon and we know there is absolutely a link there between helping that targeting too but this is what then the Russian mod has said at 12:15 a deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out from the city of sasap Poole by five American attack and operational tactical missiles equipped with cluster Warheads while repelling a missile attack the Air Defense Forces on duty for Americans attacks were intercepted the explosion of a fragmentation Warhead of the fifth American missile led to numerous casualties among civilians in sevastopol that’s the video footage we’re getting out all flight missions for the American attacks operational Tech missiles are entered by American specialist based on own us satellite reconnaissant data therefore responsibility if the deliberate attack basically falls on then America so what what we can take away from this regardless of how you see it whether this footage we have of the Clusters going off we can hear the Clusters going off of was it the missile was never meant to hit there but it was intercepted and it’s happened we have seen that we have seen missiles that are going for a military Target be intercepted and this is both by Ukrainian ad and Russian ad and then go into an area and kill civilians I’m actually getting my International lawyer friend on to talk about what happens in that case how is that then seen um but one thing we can take away from this is regardless of where you see that Russia has intercepted some of the attacks now let’s just assume that Russia has intercepted some regardless of how you said now this would be expected by now it’s about 6 to 8 weeks after a new weapon system then enters the battlefield we then see the counter measures improve on that system especially GPS guided systems and what I’ve raised before as a concern of these systems is okay a lot of these are going in Russia’s building its uh ability to counter these but there’s not like an onf flowing onwards attack following these strikes it’s not like these strikes are going in wearing out the ad and then we’re seeing a crossing of the Nee Pro or going down so what my concern and what I bring up as I think about is without that are we just Li is Ukraine limiting the effectiveness of these into the future and when if and when there is a time for that attack these won’t be as effective as they were now are some of these weapon systems better off holding off until you have then followup attack so say the f-16s come in and you want to take down the Kurt straight bridge that you wait on the attacks you know not to let Russia be able to actually because each one that’s coming in against s300 S400 they build up um a log of how they work and it improves how they can then counter them so in the beginning is shocking and it gets better and better same with the ew same with the GPS we’ve seen this but other than systems of which you don’t now see on the front lines so what I’m saying is well what it was there some bit of holding these back once the F16 is right we taking down the bridge then follow them in take out the ad and then the next day come in take out the bridge or launch an attack that are you wearing down one of the systems and without that followup it’s is it not having the full effect of what it could be I don’t know I’m not a general I don’t operate attacks that’s just piecing together pieces that I’ve seen on the front now another strike is said to be then against in in here in this location zoom out this is in cha as well against then this thing over here now these are basically large satellite dishes now I’m unsure how important this is actually is to the war or not so we can see this footage here of massive amounts of fires out here but really this isn’t showing us that much we know there’s fires but we don’t know exactly what has been hit damaged or destroyed yet but it’s said to be this thing the fatino uh space communications center down in CR now this is a very old system and let’s look at some bits of information that I found on this the TG which was struck by tonight’s Ukrainian ballistic missile in the Northwestern uh Crimea utilize eight longrange variants of attacks appearing to have been the against the Soviet nip 16 space track and deep space communication Center in the city of ye poova and the coast of the Black Sea the site was abandoned after the fall of the USSR so beginning of the 90s was abandoned till the Russian annexation in 2014 when it was placed under the command of the Russian Aerospace Defense Force of nuclear early warning and command operations now what I’ll say with this system like the early warning and command operations again the weapon systems we’re seeing used I don’t know people saying like this will Russia’s ability to do I don’t see how much this would actually something like this would actually be used some are saying that this is basically abandoned anyway so I did a bit of a look on what this actually then is now thanks to the location high mountains facing black said north little radio interference and beautiful climate CR p is perfect location for critical ground control facility of the dawn of the space era for this so was built then a long time ago that this was equipped to be a deep space radio station so communicating with spacecraft beyond the Earth’s orbit with then some of these lunar probes back in the 50s late 50s early 60s so uh could maintain contact with spacecraft craft up to 3 100 million kilm such a capability would be enough to Pro to guide missions beyond the orbit of Mars so it it depends who you who you look at is is this being used or will it have any effect same as some of the other early warning system systems that we’ve seen struck where people go okay the way it looks isn’t actually having much effect but again we don’t know we know that the US has a lot to do same as the UK with like your Storm Shadow your attacks as well I can’t see being wasted of some of these strikes against something that isn’t being used but again unsure we will see if or what damage has been caused to this system but we do know that attacks are looking like then they are still getting through now we need to have a look at this terror attack and I’m not fully over this and it’s not really relevant to this War I know people will draw conclusions and you see the celebrating of an attack in Russia against just people anyway which is just disgustingly uneducated same as what we saw in the crocus uh circus as well but let’s have a look so I can’t show any of the footage I don’t think but Russian national guard stacking up here to Raiden an orthodox church and this is actually from then the ABC more than 15 police officers dead after gunmen open fire in a synagogue two Orthodox churches and a police post in Russia’s northern culus region of dagistan on Sunday there were also civilian casualties a Russia’s anti-terrorism committee said in a statement the Russian Orthodox Church uh Church priest and police off were killed by Terror attacks also simultaneous reports appeared an attack on a police uh traffic police post in the capital of largely Muslim region in here as well so there’s been another attack here as well intentions of course are very high from what I’ve seen they’ve got on top of this now and have killed those responsible too anyway Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day I hope we got over a bit of everything uh anyway if you’d like to support me links down below never feel obliged I like you guys being here anyway have a great day I’ll speak to tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. With Trump and Farage talking about how Russia has been backed in the corner and provoked the truth is slowly getting out after 2 years maybe there is hope after all. You know Ukraine is close to collapse when there is talk of sending in NATO troops. Russia looks at NATO as a threat to there existence and has drawn a line in the sand if you understand oil and pipelines the Donbass is critical to Russia and they will not allow NATO to control that area . If Russia looses we all lose I'm afraid most people don't understand this. Now Putin is helping to create a counter to NATO and a alternative finacial system to the U.S. many countries are flocking to BRICS+ I'm afraid WW3 is unfolding before our eyes I'm stacking Bitcoin with hopes of moving to Latin America. Russia is now escalating deploying its nuclear subs, arming our enemies while providing them protection, and most scary changing their nuclear doctrine to a strike first doctrine . I believe it is a grave mistake to think Putin is bluffing as we cross red line after red line, to be honest I'm surprised by his patience. Last post from me Willy going to work on what I can control be well mate.

  2. We know and have known for months that Ukraine are deliberately targeting civilian sites. Willy's cope is cartoonishly hilarious.

  3. I find this talk of Putin being overthrown a bit unbelievable and, if he were overthrown, it would likely be for not going full on at the start if a stalemate occurs.
    People need to see this as Russians see it. They look at history and history is about the West invading Russia. In other words, as far as they are concerned, they are fighting a defensive war.

  4. Usa imperialism started that war and now amount of propaganda can change that and the fact that usa is attacking Rusia using their weapons, actually collective nato as Ukraine have no moder weapons, manufacturing or development. If you still think tis is agrre sion war, why are you so quiet about gaza, what happen in afganistan, Irak, libia, why usa ocuuoy 1/3 of syria

  5. The problem I have is all Ukrainian channels still refuse to believe that Ukraine is in a very dangerous position some even believe they have halted Russia and have successfully counterattacked when you say where they disappear

  6. You're looking sharp. Is that a Windsor? There is no need to slouch into full-on suicidal Western destruction. Apparently, the former Warsaw Pact nations have a better grasp on reality.

  7. Every time I hear about a strike in Crimea I get more convinced that Ukraine should lose this war. The sheer waste of scarce resources is astounding. Ukraine is like the little spoiled bratty geopolitical kid the West is enabling.

  8. "AI" drones can have 100km range…
    Impervious to electronic war-far.
    – Russia desperatly try "propaganda" attack, claiming there comming from "hell", and are remote controlled, by satan…
    "New Russian strategy"?
    – Does God agree?

  9. Kind of crazy all the shows I listen to about this war all kind of all say the same things but at the same time the message at the end are this side is winning or that side is winning.

  10. It’s funny how you make a spot on analysis and then walk it back for fear that you know your audience doesn’t want to hear the truth but by telling them the truth you may actually be helping them because unless people come to their senses this could end with us being vaporized in a nuclear exchange

  11. It is wild to me how often Ukraine uses their atacms to strike random targets in crimea, with negligible military importance rather than striking groupings of soldiers near the front.

    They want the terror effect and thats obvious.

  12. You haven’t figured out how this is going to end? Are you kidding us? We all know buddy — Russia is F#%king that place up!!!

  13. The last month's of ww2 were the most deadly for both sides with a madman in charge of the Germans. In the end Zelensky will crawl away but Ukraine will not. Shameful.

  14. The politicians are having a very difficult time selling their wars in America. They will have a more difficult problem recruiting soldiers willing to actually fight in a global war. Western financial derivatives are nearly 200 quadrillion far more bets than assets to cover these bets. This is going to be the greatest financial meltdown in world history. We will count our wealth in ounces not dollars. Wars will not stop the financial meltdown that is taking place as we speak. America is entering hyperinflation where the price of goods and services far exceeds the income and wages of everyday Americans. The poor Americans will be the victims of bank bail ins and then all hell breaks loose in America when the banks confiscate Americans wealth to cover their losses. Ukraine matters less and less to Americans that is the purely honest reality. Rumors swirling around that American leadership will attempt to postpone elections to stay in power and avoid prosecution. Several people in power have been complicit in criminal corruption. Judges, District Attorney's, members of congress, DOJ, FBI, ATF, HHS. The swamp has gotten pretty deep in America, so deep they are currently drowning in their own corruption. It won't take much at all to send America into complete chaos in the streets. Government deficit of 1.9 trillion up 400 billion from estimates. America simply wants to drag down as many other nations as possible. Europe will learn when it is far too late lol.

  15. "Maintain contact with space crap" I'm sorry but that was hilarious and hands down the best Willy quote I've ever heard! xD Love ya man keep being a legend m/

  16. Ukraine is wasting ammo on terrorism and hitting Russia nuclear defences, pointless for them, making the British overlords happy.

  17. Наше добродушие, наша доверчивость, нашe уважение международного права, нашe тepпeние очень часто прерастают в почти детскую наивность.

    Наши попытки сблизиться с Европой, найти взаимопонимание от веков наталкиваыкаются на санкционные минные поля и уже узаконенную на Западе русофобию.

    Но мы до конца, изо всех сил стараемся им понравиться… наступая на те же грабли.

    Мы демонстративно строим в Мариуполе специальные клетки, в которых во время трибунала должны были находиться военные (в том числе и западные) преступники а потом под шумок то ли дипломатической целесообразности то ли гуманизма и проявления "доброй воли" мы – хорошо их подлечивши – благародно отпускаем непосредственно на Запад или через турецкие курорты на волюшку-волю чтобы они как – как прежде – убивали наших coлдaт…

    "Коллективный Запад" издавна обзывают Нашу Страну: "колоссoм на глиняных ногах, потом "Вeрхней Вольтой с ядерными ракетами", "бензоколонкой" и в последнее время мы в Европе "удостоились” названия "джунгли"… При всём при этом они цинично пользуются нашей орбитальной станцией.

    Как если не лицемерием назвать обещaния "коллективного Запада" не расширяться на Восток и даже демонтажа НАТО взамен за ликвидацию Варшавского Договора и выхода наших войск из бывших стран соцлагеря, "мирное посредничество" немецких, французскихи и польских дипломатов до и во время незаконного государственного (и позорно признанного Россией) переворота в моей родной Украине, Минские договорённости, которые компрадорский киевский режим цинично использовал для "передышки" и наращивания военной мощи?

    Вспомните нашу открытость по отношению к западому бизнесу и общественным (не только соросовским) организациям, нашу веру в честность и независимость международных наблюдателей ОБСЕ, которые – оказались новодчиками-корректировщиками огня в службе ВСУ.

    Мы расчитывали на объктивизм и помощь Венециaнской комиссии по вопросу

    дискриминации и репрессии в отношению pyccкоговopящиx на Украине.

    Результатом посещеия Запорожской АЭС экспертами ООН (МАГАТЭ) по атомной энергии было… усиление артиллерийских обстрелов со стороны ВСУ по этому объекту..


    Наша вера в патриотизм и русский культурно-нравственный код y внуков поколения победителей – сбежалa вместе с уклонистами, в ближнее зарубежье… в том числе в страны наших "союзников" из ОДКБ.

    Куда делась вера в историческую память наших братушек болгар и других славянских народов спасённых Красной Армей oт западных “сверхчеловеков" – обитетелей ухоженного, цивилизованного европейского "сада", до сих пор вoнючего газом "Zyklon B"?

    Послушайте бандерoвскиe кричалки в исполнении неблагодарныx современных израильтян – в том числе и потомков yзников концлaгарей и ветеранов BOB родом из СССР.

    Пожалуй самым жалким примером проявления нашей "доброй воли" за последнее время была "зерновая сделка" с ООН, "Зe-шайкoй" и коллективным Западом для спасения Африки.

    И тут "наши партнёры" подвели нас по полной.

    Только 10% зерна дошло до "африканских голодающих детишек".

    Белгийский и голландский cкот оказались приоритетнее.

    Но это были лишь цветочки. Мы просто(душно) позволили бaндeрoвским и Западным спецлужбам использовать эту сделку и для транспорта взрывчатки для пpoвeдения террористического актa на Крымском мосту под носом независимих международных наблюдателей, в том числе и турецких "посредников/медиаторов", "мирoтвopцeв" "спасителей человечества" и… покpовителей пpовaльныx Cтaмбyльcкиx пeреговoров.

    Почитаемая Кремлём, бывшая канцлерь Германии и "гарант" Минских соглашений – госпожа Меркель (кстати бывшая активистка молодёжной организациии ГДР) и экс-президент Франции Франсуа Олланд, даже не пытаются скрывать факт, что обманули не только власти РФ но и Совет Безопасности ООН.

    Это не столько вершина западного цинизма и лицемерия, но прежде всего очередное – и увы не последнее – проявление нашего инфантилизма и доверчивости в международных отношениях сравнимых лишь с советскими вагонами с древесиной и зерном спокойно катившимися к нашим западным "европейским партнёрам" ранним утром 22 июня 1941 года.

    Подумать что в 1941 наши наивные солдаты Рабоче-крестьянской Красной армии из окопов через громкоговорители призывали тex же немцев к их классовой совести и пролетарскому интернационализму.

    Teм времeнeм yжe в августе того же года члены Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочeй партии провoдили первые эксперименты с массовым уничтожением "недочеловеков" в газкамерах KL Auschwitz на… советских военнопленных.

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