Where did Jay Slater go missing in Tenerife? #Shorts #BBCNews

that’s a police helicopter it’s one of the ways that the search for Jay is going on there are search and rescue dogs down there there are mountain rescue teams and there are police teams as well all searching this particular area it’s a very mountainous rugged area it’s completely deserted and it’s very cold at night but this is where the search is being focused and has been for the last couple of days why was Jay here that is the big question he’d been down at a music festival overnight on Sunday and when he came up up here with two friends he spent the night here before leaving and then phoning one of his friends he said I’m lost I don’t know how to get home I think I’m going to walk but that walk would have taken him 10 hours he was dressed in t-shirt and shorts and a pair of trainers not the right gear to be wearing to be around this area in these type of conditions and after that nobody knows what’s happened to him and that’s why there’s police searches going on and that’s why this particular area is of most concern

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  1. I hope that find him. If not i hope the family get closure. Im crying here just thinking about it. He must have been so scared. He is only a young lad its the kinda thing id have done at his age. Praying for you Jay and also for your family. Xx

  2. More questions than answers, his mother said jay was looking forward to his first holiday without his parents,his stepdad said jay had reservations on going.his mother had crocodile tears ,no visible tears or snot.so he missed the bus,he'd be better off sticking to the roads & thumb πŸ‘ a lift.idiot wasting battery πŸ”‹ life posting snapshot & Instagram messages, couldn't he ask those gentlemen for a top up charge or ask what time buses go by.

  3. He didn't know these 2 men and they was older than him…wy pick u youg boy up and take off on the beaten track ..and then leave him to make his own way bk
    .rings alarm bells πŸ””

  4. Well after getting out of prison for attacking some one with his mates and a machete, he clearly likes to live life on the edge and that would probably getting up to no good in a foreign country it never ends well

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