Russia blames US for deadly Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol

Russia blames US for deadly Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol

a Ukrainian air strike in the Russian Annex Crimea Peninsula has killed five people and sent beachgoers running for their lives it happened in the Black Sea port city of sevastopol local officials say Ukraine’s military fired ballistic missiles with cluster Munitions Russian air defenses shot down four of them a fifth that was hit changed Direction exploded over the city the governor of svasa fall says 124 people were injured let’s bring in Daniel Hawkins in Moscow for is what’s the reaction uh from the Russian government to this attack well firstly the governor of uh the Republic of crime has announced a day of morning tomorrow in connection with what happened uh on the beach earlier today uh other than that we can say Russian authorities are in no two minds who they blame uh for this latest attack the Russian mod saying that these were us supplied Adam’s missiles as you say most were shot down one exploded in Med a scattering these clust Munitions according to the Russian mod on this feech and they’ve said they hold primarily Washington responsible for this because they say that it was them uh that allegedly provided coordinates uh for us satellites uh to launch these attacks the mod has also vowed a response though it’s not clear what that’s going to be they’ve not elaborated on this um we also know that a medical transport plane has been dispatched from Moscow to bring in those children that were injured in this attack we understand that at least five are in a critical condition um they will be brought to Moscow for treatment uh in the coming hours uh the casualty figures at this stage of course uh unfortunately uh may rise as well Danielle thank you for the update that’s Daniel Hawkins live there in Moscow make sure to subscribe to our channel to get the latest news from aler

A Ukrainian air strike in the Russian-annexed Crimea peninsula has killed five people and sent beachgoers running for their lives. The incident occurred in the Black Sea port city of Sevastopol. Officials report that Ukraine’s military fired ballistic missiles with cluster munitions. Russian air defences shot down four of them, while a fifth exploded over the city after being hit. Sevastopol’s governor confirmed that 124 people were injured. The Russian defence ministry stated that US specialists had set the ATACMS missiles’ flight coordinates based on information from US spy satellites, implicating Washington as directly responsible.

Daniel Hawkins joins us from Moscow to discuss this.

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  1. it's funny how russia does this on purpose, every single day, killing 10s of thousands for 2.5 years and everyone is like "yeah, it's russia so what you expect.." then russia shoots down some missile and it falls on the beach killing few people and now we're going to discuss this from every angle.. really?

  2. So, Russia shoots down a missile in bound on a military target that falls on civilians. Blames everyone else for consequences of a war they started. Additionally, blames the US because US provides material and strategic support to Ukraine. So, by that logic, Russia is responsible for every death around the world caused by an AK-47, all the deaths caused at the hands of the Bashir government in Syria, etc.etc.etc.

  3. Russia blames everyone else & never takes responsibility for their own invasion that won't work & it's failing miserably!

  4. People were sunbathing only 2 kilometers away from an air field where Russian warplanes are stationed (this is documented). It is obvious that such objects are permanently targeted and it is just crazy that people go there to sunbathing. Why don't they make holidays in Sochi or at the Russian Pacific coast?

  5. It is NOT UNEXPECTED a BULLY LIKE PUTIN starts to complain when he gets SOME OF the same MEDICINE as he has been dishing out to Ukraine for over two years. AL JAREEZA always supports TERRORISTS AND DICTATORS because they are the same CREED. They ARE THE HAMAS MEDIA UNIT.

  6. Героям слава, Винесіть Перемогу України в підвал Кремля,

    Glory to the Heroes, Take Ukraine's Victory to the Kremlin's Basement


  7. The Biden Regime desperately wants something that I cannot write without the youtube censors removing…you all know what it is…I suspect they know their days in power are numbered without extraordinary events or extraordinary and exhausting efforts to "clean" the election.

  8. Ah yes, back to their old tactics again. Launch weapons, then blame Russia. They are trying to coax the rest of the world to side with them to attack Russia. Here is a very real scenario: trumppy wins the selection, he ends or atleast achieves a cease fire. Politically aligned persons in high places💀trumppy, in fear he will uncover and publicize some dirty goings-ons of the out going organization…like bio labs and to unstead parts of Europa, especially 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇬🇧. Also, a plot to 💀 putini and many of its own citizens while getting absurdly wealthy. I could go on, but that enough unsolicited info for now.🙂

  9. Just out of curiosity, a question for the Americans. Do they talk in your impropol about how the Ukrainians trust children in Russia for terrorist attacks, using blackmail? Or how they call small children convincing them to turn on the gas in the kitchen?

  10. Since the west hasn’t mentioned this in the news, and there have been recent talks of starting up the draft because enlistment is so low, does this mean we are going to send troops? Will Russia send nukes?

  11. Most of the world does not consider Crimea part of Ukraine, that's very deceptive. What they are doing is addressing governmental systems, yes, but if they ask the entire worlds peoples opinion it's 70% are in full truth Anti-Zelensky. Anti-NATO and anit-?. It's the full truth. So, if you think Ukraine is winning this thing guess again, surely not according to the world's entire population.

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