Putin’s former aid Sergei Markov defends ‘humanitarian’ invasion

Putin’s former aid Sergei Markov defends ‘humanitarian’ invasion

well you’re on fairly Shaky Ground you’re on fairly Shaky Ground here because you’re talking about an event in a war no no no an event in a war no no listen event in a war that you started and you end you know this you know the answer I’m know the answer why you don’t inform your uh audience about the answer that Ukrainian government is nuclear terrorist why you hide away this through Labor and the conservatives don’t agree much about much in this election campaign apart from the fact that Nigel farage is wrong about Russia wrong to think that the West provoked the invasion of Ukraine and wrong to think that Ukraine should sue for peace with Vladimir Putin I wonder how this is being seen in mosco we’re joined Now by Sergey marov former adviser to Vladimir Putin good morning to you uh good morning everybody yes uh what did you make of Nigel farage’s comments um I think uh he’s reasonable uh we believe that this war in Ukraine it it had been encouraged by Western ccors first of all uh we have much more strong position than far Frankly Speaking he talking that Russia is guilty but Russia not guilty Russia sent its troops to the Ukraine only eight years of the senseless negotiation uh it was of course uh what time how many years we should wait uh but also paraj uh he is talking that Western countries is guilty for the moving situation to the war that’s right but at same time we believe that Western countries uh in fact occupy Ukraine Western Country in fact are overthrown democratically elected legal president of Ukraine and for keep silent about this look um already 10 years there are no legal democratic government in Ukraine Juna you know it’s there no legal I mean there’s not there’s not a democratic government in there’s not a democratic government in Russia there’s the there’s the there’s a fake Democratic no you are lying you are lying in Russia in Russia we have absolutely democratic government which is supported by by most of the people and Vladimir Putin very popular popular he’s very no he’s very popular because he imprisons and kills opposition he controls the media and he controls the the manner in which democracy is function it’s not it’s not a free democracy it’s a way of Vladimir Putin continuing to cling hold to power it’s it’s a fast of democracy not an actual democracy uh you uh May don’t know I will inform you that in Russia we have a lot of real opposition including Communist party uh in Russia which very strongly criticized Vladimir Putin and who want Russia to move back to the Soviet Union and you may know that Communist party in Ukraine is officially as most of the other political parties but now I you know if you want to talk about Russia Russian polit domestic politics I can say you but now I talking about what FR told about Ukrainian crisis so it’s my topic and I want to say that paraj also under the pressure of media Al the your pressure and in other British and international media he still ignore more the clear fact that in Ukraine there are no legal government and Western countries fully responsible uh for those repressive new regime in Ukraine which clearly use terroristic method sharing the atomic power station I would ask you who sharing theia Atomic Power Station during these two years who what army uh sent uh shells to the par Atomic Power Station what army what’s the answer what the I think you’re fairly shaky well you’re fairly Shaky Ground you’re on fairly Shaky Ground here because you’re talking about an event in a war no no no an event in a war no no listen event in a war that you started and you end you know this you know the answer I’m know the answer why you don’t inform your audience about the answer that Ukrainian government is nuclear terrorist why you hide away this through you’re making an argument about one part of Ukraine in in the context of an invasion by Russia into a sovereign territory we can dress this up however much we like Sergey But ultimately there is a country it is called Ukraine and you invaded it that is simply what happened when it came to Russia and I guess the question is do do you feel that farage didn’t go far enough is what you’re saying he didn’t go far enough in his support for the Russian government Excuse excuse me but it’s exactly what British American government doing many uh many times in different countries and called it humanitarian intervention Russia invasion to Ukraine was exactly humanarian the why does it involve so many people being killed why is that that’s that’s a nonsense thing to say it’s not a humanitarian Intervention when you kill people you’re killing Russian speakers you’re killing Russian speakers you’re killing Ukrainian citizens that is not a humanitarian intervention by any standards no no it’s exactly humanarian conation because uh it will be very uh well if you your government and the American government wouldn’t support repressive regim look at the Imagine about democracy the language of ukrainians 80% of of their language is Russian language in fact they are Russians and this language is prohibited can you imagine that a English language will be prohibited in British education system and British media and another and for example you know uh Kurdish or Turkish um language could do do you think that Nigel farage is helpful I mean some people have said he’s acting like an ally of Russia is that is that fair or do you actually from what you’re saying he hasn’t gone far enough so maybe he’s not my my clear answer that faraj is talking about uh 70% of the uh normal uh lie of Western Elite and Western media and 30% he uh Brave to say uh the truth it’s my answer and he also talks about a need for a um a peace deal what would Russia be willing to give up in order to achieve peace would it be willing to give up um the eastern part of uh Ukraine that it’s taken would it be willing to give up Crimea territory means nothing I will send your memories to the your school time and audience U memories of the school time look Russia has the biggest territory in the world we don’t doesn’t need territories who doesn’t need dbas CRI crime so you give it up if you don’t need it you give it up no no no it’s it’s it’s it’s not our the territor not our goal our goal is not to allow to create anti-russia on the territory of Ukraine uh we see that terroristic and Ne methods used for the peration anti Russia and making endless threat to the Russian security what does that mean in practice just just fin what does that mean in practice you are in crime you took it you’re in dbas you took it are you willing to give it up no no no uh you we uh will be not able to give the people to the power of the terroristic NE government in Ukraine and we demand first of all transformation full transformation of regime Uh Russian language practically should be a second official language of Ukraine all machine of Terror which includes first of all neon organization should be diminished uh I would say Russia probably even will be ready uh to give back some of those territor but only if we have normal government Ukraine I understand the point if Ukraine has a government that you’re happy with You’ be no no absolutely Ukraine is some kind of like Iran under under the I would say okay I understand that argument you you made there not everyone will agree with it people will have heard it Sergey marov thank you for talking to us he is a former adviser to Vladimir Putin he said that farage is 70% as guilty as the rest of him for telling lies about Ukraine but Brave in 30% if you think there’s any any peace on its way I suspect listening to that interview you would recognize no there is not for

“Russian invasion of Ukraine was humanitarian intervention.”

“Why does it involve so many people being killed? That’s a nonsense thing to say.”

Stig Abell confronts former Putin advisor, Sergei Markov who says “Farage is right” and claims “Russia is not guilty.”

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  1. Ask him a simple question: where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? Do not let it go until he can show you without question that Russia is in the right.

  2. 40% of Russians don't consider themselves Russian, as for NATO provoking Russia into this war is nonsense, since the time of Catherine the Great, the Russian policy has been to invade It's neighbours to use as a buffer to protect itself (the reason Russia's neighbours all want to join NATO)
    Putin knew, due to Russias ageing demographics, this would be his last chance to invade another country. Putins miscalculation of the wests response, only accelerates Russias inevitable decline.

  3. No sane barrister ( English defense attorney) will use the following line of defense 'My Lord, my client is wrongfully accused of burglary in said dwelling the occupant had installed a burglar alarm. Therefore my plea of NOT guilty, my client was provoked!'

  4. Yes he is right, actually this war makes lots of money and if there had been adults in the room in the beginning it would never have happened….

  5. What putin wants is ukraine
    devoid of a single apple of western forces but only way he'd trust there are no apples left is via a proxy government or continued occupation
    resulting in a national russian police force in ukraine.

    which is putins idea of allowing ukraine to kinda sorta remain ukraine

    putins lack of trust in any deal is core issue here

  6. 🌺🌲🌻O presidente Putin é o melhor do mundo,inteligente, honesto, tem bom caráter, e sabe cuidar muito bem do seu país,nota dez para ele. 🕊🌹🌲🏵🌱💮⚘🌸🌷

  7. 3:54 who’s occupying the station? This guys so aggressive only because he has a weak position. What an insightful but waste of time talking to him.

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