Russia summons US envoy in protest after four killed in a Ukrainian missile strike on Crimea

Russia summons US envoy in protest after four killed in a Ukrainian missile strike on Crimea

Russia’s foreign Ministry has summoned the US ambassador saying Washington has direct responsibility for an attack on Russian anex crimeia four people were killed by Falling debris in sevastopol on Sunday Russia says it shot down five Ukrainian missiles over the Port City Moscow says us Specialists helped oversee the flight path of those missiles a pentagon spokesperson said Ukraine conducts its own military operations here’s Daniel Hawkins with more on the Russian reaction from Moscow we also had reaction from Sergey lavro Russian foreign minister who said there is no doubt in the involvement of the United States in what he describes as a terrorist attack in Crimea uh prime minister mishustin in a meeting uh with Russian officials also Drew parallels uh just earlier today between what happened in dagistan and Crimea again describing both as terrorist acts and Secretary of the head of the state Duma defense committee Andre kapolo has also echoed calls we heard earlier from Russian officials that um the uh the West will be held responsible for supplying weapons these are all claims we have heard before of course from Russia saying that uh any Russian any attacks by Ukraine on Russia using Western supplied Weaponry uh will mean effectively direct involvement uh in the Ukrainian conflict by Ukraine’s allies Dimitri pesov Maria zakara uh the Russian Kremlin spokesman and foreign minary spokesman also being no two minds earlier describing this as a barbaric attack attack and saying that there will be repercussions here uh the foreign the UN us I should say Ambassador Lin Tracy also summoned to the Russian forign minist chief for a protest uh about the events yesterday this does really represent a very direct condemnation a very direct accusation by the Kremlin um of uh involvement uh in Ukraine and is effectively quite a serious diplomatic escalation and here now is our White House correspondent kimbery hit with the US response the Pentagon has responded what the Brigadier General Pat Ryder has said is that uh well there is it’s no secret that the United States of course is supplying weapons to Ukraine it is really up to Ukraine how those weapons are used Ukraine makes its own targeting decisions Ukraine conducts its own military operations now having said that we should point out that about three weeks ago almost a month ago the president the commander-in-chief of the US military Joe Biden did relax the restrictions surrounding how those weapons are used for example previously uh there were tight restrictions and now for example the Weaponry can be used to take out a Russian plane in Russian airspace if it’s about to fire in Ukrainian airspray so uh this is significant the other big significant change that has taken place in just the last week is the fact that now they are prioritizing deliveries to Ukraine over other nations we have just gotten a response from the National Security Council as well uh with regard to the shrapnel from missile strikes that killed civilians uh what the National Security Council is saying that any loss of civilian life is a tragedy that includes thousands of innocent ukrainians who have been killed by Russian forces well for more on this let’s now speak to Alexandre VRA Who’s editor-in chief of the Swiss military review and is joining us from Geneva thank you for being with us Alexandre so the Russian defense Ministry saying the missiles used by Ukraine Were Us supplied armed tactical missile systems programmed by us Specialists what more first of all can you tell us about these weapons and could they have been programmed and guided by us technici as the Russians claim U first of all there’s no uh doubt that these weapons have been supplied by the United States of America these atacam missiles have only been in use um in the United States Army and uh and Armed Forces with regards to um direct involvement of the United States of America well let’s put it this way any weapon system that is using GPS technically indirectly is using um us uh uh data um and this eventually will also have to include some Russian manufactured uh weapons that have been used in this war war and with regards finally to your question where uh with regards to technicians us technicians programming the weapons uh This is highly unlikely okay so the missiles you say were probably Guided by us satellites is it clear what they were aimed at before they landed on the beach um that’s not exactly what I said what I said is they use us data because they use global positioning system now uh with regards they have used us satellites yes and I’m sure that anyone who is listening to this program and using uh his or her car is also using us data in this regard and so this does not really constitute feeding U Military Intelligence to Ukraine but once again uh this is a nonissue because since the very start of this war the United States and a number of allies countries have been saying that they will continue to Supply Military Intelligence photo reconnaissance satellite imagery to the Ukrainian Armed Forces Alexon does Russia have a point uh to raise when it says us involvement in Ukraine right now is going Beyond just a provision of weapons um they probably have half of a point and then the other point is that if you’re going to bring this argument up uh then you’re also going to have to refer to the United Nations Charter article 51 uh Ukraine is a state that has been aggressed attacked uh by Russia and Ukraine has the right to call upon all the countries uh in order to uh make good its retaliation and recuperate its uh its ground okay so this is I guess what the Biden Administration was concerned about wasn’t it uh when when it put restriction initially on the use of certain types of missiles do you think this will lead the US to reconsider and other Western countries to reconsider sending more of these types of weapons to Ukraine no if we are talking about the atams missile we know that the total inventory of atum’s missile which is a weapon being phased out of us inventory is eventually going to end up in Ukraine and this represents several thousands of units this has been announced uh several months ago the limitations that you refer to uh eventually have been ra have been lifted with regards to the cariv sector of the front because Ukraine was not able to use these long range weapons in order to defend its own territory because essentially uh they were located the front line was located too close to the border with regards to Crimea this has long been a nonissue because the United States has never had an issue of Ukraine using us or Allied supplied weapons in order to recuperate its own soil and that includes um the particular Crimean Peninsula interesting uh to to hear that now Moscow is threatening consequences today how do you think uh they might respond the Russians how how will they respond they will respond exactly in the same way that they have been uh that they have accustomed us uh which is first of all criticize and say that this will present an escalation number two they will threaten the use of nuclear weapons number three they will eventually launch Conventional Weapons and then they will focus and shift their argumentation on a new type of weapon that is going to be delivered to Ukraine none of these uh threats have ever have eventually since 2022 materialized alexand Ro thank you so much for your inside very very interesting to hear uh your analysis of uh the situation alexand Ro TR editorinchief of the Swiss military review live there from Geneva thank you make sure to subscribe to our channel to get the latest news from aler

The Russian foreign ministry has summoned the US Ambassador, saying Washington has direct responsibility for an attack on Russian-annexed Crimea.

Four people were killed by falling debris in Sevastopol on Sunday.
Russia says it shot down five Ukrainian missiles over the port city.
Moscow says US specialists helped oversee the flight path of those missiles.
A Pentagon spokesperson said Ukraine conducts its own military operations.

Al Jazeera’s Daniel Hawkins has more on the Russian reaction from Moscow and White House correspondent Kimberly Halkett with the US response.

Alexandre Vautravers is Editor-in-Chief of Swiss Military Review.

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  1. This is laughable, Russia can invade and seize Ukrainian territory killing thosands of Ukrainans, using mercenaries and weapons from foreign suppliers like Iran and has the cheek to call out Ukraine when it retaliates!

  2. America fighting Russia under the guise of ‘freedom’

    America killing women & children to maintain
    occupation & apartheid in Palestine.
    Russia fighting to stop a US military complex.

  3. Ah yes, Russia shoots down a missile in territory they are trying to STEAL from another country, and then Russia cries it’s not their fault. They are officially delusional.

  4. Islam killed 165 people in Russia in the past 4 months and i hear nothing about responding to this. The cult killed women, children , cut priest throat in front of his family , 15 police men 140 people while they enjoy a concert and yet PUTIN the coward does not address this. He is not Orthodox he is a sell out to Christianity .

  5. Yeah right like America is scared of tiny Pootins Russia 😂😂 Russia is not even a super Power😂😂 Americas reply is off you trott little man 😂😂😂

  6. Rosja może rekrutować do walki bezdomnych z Afryki 1-3 mln , 14 mln bezdomnych z Rosji, 0.5 mln bezdomnych z Białorusi, 1 mln biedaków z KRLD, 3 mln bezdomnych z Chin ,15 mln bezdomnych z Iranu i Syrii, bezdomni z Mongolii potężna armia .Ukraina się wykrwawi jeżeli wojna potrwa 10-20 lat

  7. I know Russians ain’t the sharpest tools in the shed but vacationing in a combat zone 200 meters from an air defense battery is a special kind of stupid lol! 😂

  8. I heard that it wasnt even meant to hit the beach, but Russia shot the missile down and the debris is what hit the beach… also in CRIMEA which is mostly recognized as part of Ukraine… what a silly reason to retaliate if this is true

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