Russia blames US for the attack and vows revenge | DW News

Russia is blaming the United States for a Ukrainian attack on Crimea it marks a new escalation in tensions between Russia and the West Moscow has summoned the US ambassador to warn that it will retaliate at least four people were reportedly killed in the attack on Sunday and over 150 wounded some of the injured are being transferred to Moscow for treatment Russia claims long range attack missiles were used like those seen here the Kremlin says the weapons were supplied by Washington and programmed by us Specialists the Pentagon denies responsibility arguing that Ukraine makes its own targeting decisions and conducts its own operations and we can get more from DW’s Russian Affairs analyst Constantine egot who joins us now from villus Constantine good to see you again so Russia claims the US Bears responsibility for these attacks on sasap how are they justifying their accus and do they have any evidence for their claims uh first Nicole the answer to your last question there is no evidence uh as usually there is none uh this is a very clear uh propaganda cliche uh which aims at convincing the Russian people that it’s not the war with or against Ukraine it is a war with the west and against the West the West is attacking Russia and that’s why there is such a reaction to attack’s uh missile strike uh on the Crimea the fact that uh the Russian government or the Russian foreign Ministry uh called in the US ambassador to uh protest it uh means to highlight this idea of confrontation with the us but Frankly Speaking uh I think there will be more such strikes and there will be still as little evidence as now that the US forces are really directing the strikes or taking any kind of active part in launching the missiles what you say is none so from from what I gather from what you’re saying is that they’re playing to a domestic audience then how concerned should the West should the US in this case be about warnings like this then well look Putin is issuing such warnings pretty much every week uh we keep hearing about nuclear missiles changes in nuclear Doctrine but what he does what his forces are doing is pretty much the same is striking mostly civilian Targets in Ukraine with long range artillery I I’m I’m certain by now we pretty much know what could be the response in terms of purely military methods I don’t think that Putin has anything more any any any more surprises of his sleeve what we’ve seen recently is a very suspicious fires which look like acts of sabotage in the European Union I think that if Russia really wants to show that it’s very serious in responding we we may presume or we we we can surmise that eventually there will be some kind of Russia link Sabers that may try to blow up something in the US that could be uh a possibility but I do not think it will ever stop uh strikes By Us weapons uh launched by Ukrainian Crews against Russian targets

Russia is blaming the United States for a Ukrainian attack on Crimea. It marks a new escalation in tensions between Russia and the West. Moscow has summoned the US

At least four people were reportedly killed in the attack on Sunday and over 150 wounded. Some of the injured are being transferred to Moscow for treatment. Russia says long-range ATACMS missiles were used. The Kremlin says the weapons were supplied by Washington and programmed by US specialists.

The Pentagon denies that its personnel were involved, saying Ukraine makes its own targeting decisions.

00:00 Russia says US is to blame for attack
00:46 Konstantin Eggert, DW Russian Affairs Analyst

#russiaukrainewar #crimea #usa


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  1. The Russians made millions of civilian victims, old people, women, children, innocent people, in the wars of occupation fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Georgia, Transnistria, Syria, Ukraine! The Russians have their hands stained with innocent blood and until they pay a blood tribute and recognize the massacres committed, so that they are punished, they will not have peace in their country! Putin is also guilty!

  2. Ask "expert" few key questions:
    1. Were coordinates gathered by Ukraine or by USA Satellite intelligence?
    2. Were coordinates of targets entered by Ukrainian of Ukrainian nationality or USA nationality?
    3. Was button pressed by Ukrainian or American person

  3. revenge?! 😂Crimea is the territory of Ukraine according to every international law and all worlds standards of the law and regulations! Just because Russia successfully annexed the territory in 2014 it doesn't mean that it became legitimately Russia! It's russia only in Putin's and his allies heads!

  4. its sovjet propadanga delivered by Putins regim. Putins have bombed out whole citys with 3-400.000 civilians in Ukrain were tens of thousends men, woman and children died from missiles. How dare he complain when ukrain fight back and defend them selfs. Also …How many russian wepon and russian intel have killed american or western troops all over the world. Dont throw stone when sitting in a glass house. If it werent for USA and other western alies russia wouldnt have survived WW2 who forced germany to fight a two front war, Plus west resuplied sovjet with hugh quantetys of material. West gave them both air and naval support so they manage to defend themself and push back. Still russia have threaten same western countrys frequently since end of WW2. What is putins regim so afraid of.

  5. There are news sites in English (usually names like Hindustan or India in their names) that depict the exact events with empathy on an opposite side and the comment section looks same as it's here only it's from parallel dimension. Funny world we live in where we can not agree on reality.

  6. So if Russia used North Korean Missiles like they do against Ukraine….Would DW announce and ask the question is Ukraine going to retaliate against North Korea ? 🤔

  7. U – Buys a gun, shoots someone.
    R – It was the gun sellers fault. Ok.

    Some sound Russian logic right there.
    Next they will tell us the sky is purple.
    I bet there universitys are like hospitals for disabled people 😂

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