Russia-Ukraine war LIVE: Russia claims to destroy multiple Ukrainian equipment in fierce fighting

allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly s point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the last 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the crimeia attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call Belo said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukraine strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of farther escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C too that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for f of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the pH call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cha Copo during the weekend using a us-made atam missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder former Defense Minister s Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets kin has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on in the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other end multiple air tanks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery syst systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tie behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atacam missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implic ation from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Cano rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threat and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Wasing Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the danger of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bellus of engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral di menion of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a Mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the danger of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens Sharp its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three West made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sasap pole that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine that and on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang and this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats s back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local author authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia Cano rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belgorod as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Koo Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think would be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation car rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nation engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned atin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the crime warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats ccle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple a attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary nasia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Tura where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft administ ation they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us- made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned tin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships in boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 202 3 and 40 are planed to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED count said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre bof spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the late dis interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack missile the video of the missile strike in syas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out s weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in Copo that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for FS of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to Kei after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense sec Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that belov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us-made atomes missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Kel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan tur carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen the before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union and that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prob to do probably trying to do the verse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly conel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Kel richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation canor rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent account of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s cver sto during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats scko backed to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shyu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strike against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the Govern said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bucked 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary NAIA a prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into peril civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasing Le so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to Armed Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 202 four this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin L country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin Le country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States stes and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bosov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made highas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to kave Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on crimeia used using a US made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countri had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why mosco could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterfeit Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us-made atam missile this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for Falls of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also waron South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against CET the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or K’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front all always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in CTO in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten in the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prom to probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher cost very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior and the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation can rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s SAS too during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats s back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern hariv region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgaro the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates over seeing the exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we’re in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense back Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top four Fus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin lad country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs in dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack acist missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the black SE both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warnning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there are media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also won South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimeia Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of a strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry say its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bued 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th Monon old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the jamest toown foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a paril there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we’re in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Cano rich as we end this conversation uh what what do you think will be the impact of this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we if escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated a conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s cver sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the Warren to be upside adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had fac mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against the major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union and that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm but President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and vorts in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin lad country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planed to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again ra dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bof spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of farther escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter for Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C stol that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of a supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however say is that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as B of engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against civilian targets the Kem has said that it considers the warrants to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international Criminal Court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia Kel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or ke’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now f16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Conor Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the aram’s missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive War against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably to do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly canel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will count for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the B Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to live it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Caro rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and V Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued armed Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us- made arams missile these threats Sako back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary nasia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic counil and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prob to do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with ukra ukine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the bo order with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chief spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued Supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for mosow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of farther escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warn in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea un bilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against civilian Target the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air tanks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28mon old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown found Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh are artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and May becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting us in our Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we are talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the aracan missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal or in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Caro rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply UK CR with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after mosow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a of arrest by the ICC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region of a 2 4H hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary nasia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired canel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps than both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on primier which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made himar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President bladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sasap pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on crimeia using a us- made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pon young only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that belov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us- made atam missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the K has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep tur panel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think uh ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margin this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Kano Rich despite Rasha saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the aracan missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s Ling by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong T steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh these threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will count for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation car rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to ke after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us-made atom’s missile these threats cirle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end more super air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prison brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm UK Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 20124 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 2023 and 40 are planed to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas has multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in syas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter LD Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in Copo that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongy only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a us-made atam missile these threats sule back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the K has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be be Ukraine’s or ke’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think uh ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of ES to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Gad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Koo Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in crime where the aram’s missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against the a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this Threat by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to carel richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Caro rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C St during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats Sako backed to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each 100 backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria a prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a great leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on crimeia using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 20 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bosov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three West made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 20 4 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of con consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in Castle that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made ATT missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for Falls of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also won South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belluso the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats Circle back to West weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against C the has said that it considers the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic s in the 28th Monon old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he’s now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or K’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course ATT in throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becom certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces es to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significant higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of these threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation canor rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense Minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimeia C too during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats cirle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bellus of engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we ear spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in turkey that where I happen to be at the moment that we in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned mentioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 20124 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three West made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to use Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warnning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point of or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia Ukraine continued to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin or the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats SLE bur to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the warrant to be upside adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this become certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we’re in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin in initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly power point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it cons the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air atts by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense system destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against the a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s proba probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to keev the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President ladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for for of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are plan to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s Troop launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has won once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats sule back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian target theem has said that it considers the warn to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as they the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones of the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia Kel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine or ke’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belgrad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands TI behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Conor Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the Aram missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive War against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably to do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden ministration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their AC of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threat attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Sako backed to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shyu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of rashis Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia russan Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implic from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of UK ukine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across cross the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on crimeia used using a us- made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO will would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense min Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the bark of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on iir and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cha Copo during the weekend using a us-made atam missile these threats sule back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder for Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 4 two Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month-old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the J Town Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think uh ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe be becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belgrad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hit us than ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so it the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic our personal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to Supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrance Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow and the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to ke after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned all question of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be upsid adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region of a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with a United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary NAIA said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich alen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we’re in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a us drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the na has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian track on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned a of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics according to to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 20123 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre B s spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the cremin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting rated stating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like nor North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense ped Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us- made atam missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kem has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and is according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Kano Rich despite RHA saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will rev we will count for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Cano richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior mil officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the cremin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary n a prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union and that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the verse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to AR Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2020 2 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin Leed country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-ear statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 1 53 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Le country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us m haar’s multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in saster pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American cord Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats ccle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as Bello engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR shoyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the kemin has said that it considers the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal courot delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by ukra were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan to Kel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive War against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game and terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Kor Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in cesto in Crimea where the atacam missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against the a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put us side though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prob probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation run other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly con rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur cost cost up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what ukra us all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Kel richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation K rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and Ved Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s receiv a sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Sako backed Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shyu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest one over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgo abroad the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prob probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing UK Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why mosow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three West made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack missile the video of the missile strike in Sebastapol that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the black both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense act and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterfeit Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the cremin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US aram’s missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again go goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also Wars South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats in the attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats sule back to to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of stes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air tanks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periods iodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh it’s front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the Aran missiles were used by ukra Ian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States states that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh these threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia that Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to kind of Rich up Zen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation carel rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile the these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the waren to be upside adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary nasia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey uh where I happen to be at the moment that we’re in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm but President Putin himself w warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin lad country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 20124 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three W made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US has made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon ship ments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warn in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why mosow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after mosco blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the warrants to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged right defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia Cano Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atacam missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in and turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Cano rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated a conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the kemin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us-made atoms missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasing sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says it’s air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each hand bucked 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who’s a senior fellow at the Atlantic C and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive War against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense Minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterate that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited a year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planed to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre Bel it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for MOS Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of father iscal of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense min Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us-made atom’s missile these threats sule back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder former Defense Minister SAR shoyu was issued a warrant of arrest at the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of strikes against civilian targets the K has said that it consider as the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction very even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia Kel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or K’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belgaro as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tie behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Conor Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive of war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prob to do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly conel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threat and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs are the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued armed Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Sako backed to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder former Defense Minister Sarge shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international crial Court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region me Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offens of war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also wared South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships in boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chief spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack missile the video of the missile strike in syas pole that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us-made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crime unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warn South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely diverent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cha Copo during the weekend using a us-made atam missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of strikes against civilian Target the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th Monon old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in the jamest toown foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia Cano Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think uh ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting us than ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atacam missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call Self deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Caro rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to key after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats suckle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bellus of engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued Ed a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be upsid adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s imply by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happened to be at the moment that we in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong Det current steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countri have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have w wared Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 up plan to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs in dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangerous of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bof spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in syas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter lyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warn in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russ’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the us of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us-made atam missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bosov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the c c and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates of overseen The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan tur here carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or ke’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Koo Rich despite r is saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the aram’s missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will ve we will count for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Caro Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Caro rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats s back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other and multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28mon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against the a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on crime using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly s point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and votes in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 20 22 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which thead vadir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the vadir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warn Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in Copo that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out in weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats ccle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners br brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan to carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive War against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack San Crimea or in belgrad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Conor Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in C sto in Crimea where the atacam missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s problem probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly con rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vound revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crime m c sto during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats Sako backed to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the late lest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Kel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from o Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies that the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 20122 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 202 24 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United states of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sasap pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the bar of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre Bol the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats Sako Bur to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shoigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor say an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of veral periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or K’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russian are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the aram’s missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh in significantly higher costs very quickly colel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh these threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation can rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after mosco blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it Con considers the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international Comm Court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region of a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured Ed and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary nasia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to see well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps than both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm but President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian president Vlad Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strength its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin lad country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kiev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President bladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian Target the has said that it considers the warant to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each hand bed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired carel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly canel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs or the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon say Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s cver sto during the weekend using a us-made aromes missile these threats Sako back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shyu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the courts jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says it air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlant attic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive War against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited a year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin in initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planed to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister and bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bosov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made himas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atacam missiles this video the missile strike in Copo that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself one that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russ defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a us-made atam missile these threats sule back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine lach drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia Kel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia said is that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threat thre s by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Cano rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely diverent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated a conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Sako backed to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international crial Court delivered a stinging cond dnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern harv region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic AR nor in their set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Boston over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of TR across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 201 23 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack missile the video of the missile strike in Sasol that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warn in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us-made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there are media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also won South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre Bol the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cha Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of a strikes against civilian targets theem has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th Monon old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the jamest toown foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their iic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Cano rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of these threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Caro rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated a conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued armed Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we arer spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think is implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting Us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American cart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said president Vlad Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year onye statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are plan to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary L Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American C Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C stol that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains is a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engag in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned tin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against civilian targets the K has said that it considers the warrants to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgrod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each HED backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan to carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kees response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Koo Rich dis Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atacam missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in turkia where I happen to be at the moment that we in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will count for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to carel Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation carel rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vound R the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated a conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s cver sto during the weekend using a us- made arams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shyu was not alone Russia most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each bucked 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put a though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s problem trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defense of weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly s point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the crimeia attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planed to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chief spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the four call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains pop of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of farther escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterfeit Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin in warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule P out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the for phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warn the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against civilian Target the Kem has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air tanks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said roners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia canel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defense of war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belgrad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tie behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Conor Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably to do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Cano rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to her costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restriction on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation car rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threat and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and Ved Revenge the defense Chiefs are the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shoigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian Reg region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Colonel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missiles strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also wared South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planed plan to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russ has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s Navy to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sasap pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US thrown over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for mosco Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats s back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian taret the has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia canel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation beinged for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we are talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the aram’s missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that we’re in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States the back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh these threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation car rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a US made atoms missile these threats ccle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary nasia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in turkia where I happen to be at the moment that we in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with president Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian president President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made himar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with precent Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warn in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video the missile strike in sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense P Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to ke after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that belov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasing inly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it consider as the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belar the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overse The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan tur carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Rasha saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the arams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union and that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly conel rich as we end the this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation car rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s cver too during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats s back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shoigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each Buck 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary NAIA a prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive of war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in turkia where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attack against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s proba probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to Armed Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Boston initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bosov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in syas po that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bulos spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atams missiles this video the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that are become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian president Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for Falls of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck CRI Copo during the weekend using a US made atam missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukrainian launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prom to probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly conel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation Koo rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of community Communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea C too during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats Sako backed Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as Bell s engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the I and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a in condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on we on at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are plann to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs in doz thousand of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us-made attack missile the video of the missile strike in Sasol that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to K Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there are media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also won South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believed that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the pre postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shoigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired Colonel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they will keep their line of communication open well uh it’s going to be with Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we talking we cannot forget what happened in cesto in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly Kel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of these threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation K rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that b s has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister Sarge sh was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeast har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Masia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took C strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s prob probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm but President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly soore point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pong Yong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons that there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 20123 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 20124 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited on year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours was Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned atin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense Minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack Miss missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to ke Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made arams missiles this video of the missile strike in C stol that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of strikes against civilian targets theem has said that it considers the warrants to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 2 4-Hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan to carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or ke’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict lict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in Bel garad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Conor rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to carel Rich outen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation carel rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again over its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and and V Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued armed Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s cver sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Sako back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and shyu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bucked 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an mediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th Monon old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s problem probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also Wars South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year onye statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ship ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms Supply to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 201 22 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chief spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call bosov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over with a phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a US made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not to do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month put had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of Father escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterfeit Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in C sto that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre belov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria cesto during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats CLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest at the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of strikes against civilian target has said that it considers the Warren to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand more multiple air tanks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belgrad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours color Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atams missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well fortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and they’re escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow and the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation car rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vound revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Sh was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrants to be upside adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary nasia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger and captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired Kel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uhour in significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us-made a missile the video of the mile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US uh blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at her meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missile and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belovs is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Mar’s multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on Telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 20203 during the call bov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea used using a us- made attack missile the video of the missile strike in SAS pole that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by mosco in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian president Wladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fors of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kei Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counter Lloyd Austin over the pH on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warn in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on AIA using a us- made atacam missiles this video of the missile strike in Copo that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter cter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang only this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue toade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck cria Copo during the weekend using a US made atams missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR Shu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the warrants to be absurd adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said it’s air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed bued 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th Monon old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired colel rich outzen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the jamest toown foundation he is now joining us from gaziantep toia carel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or kev’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including the now the f-16s that are coming online atacam missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belad as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Cano Rich despite Rasha saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the Aram Miss Iles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the states to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly carel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of uh this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will come for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a willing to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again committ communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation carel rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to ke after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense Secret Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued armed Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C sto during the weekend using a US made comes missile these threats Circle back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for mosco but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister SAR shoigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shig was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Ria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen who was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well to as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a us- made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to the Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become increasingly so point for Moscow the Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned uh many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pyong yyong earlier this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense pack Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine and our top focus on weon at this hour Russia’s Navy is to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 said President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics and according to those the Navy has was provided with 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are planned to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its comp comat potential and strengthen its position in the ocean Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which Vladimir Putin which the Vladimir Putin lad country said was conducted using us made missiles and Russia has blamed us for the Crimea attack me meanwhile the US and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on the telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre belov it was the first such call since March last year during the call belov is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of the continued us arms supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made High Mar multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 20 2 4 hours as well now Russia’s navies to receive more than 40 ships and boats in 2024 as per President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on ship building Putin cited year on-year statistics According to which the Navy was provided 24 new ships and boats in 2022 33 in 2023 and 40 are plan to be handed over in 2024 this to drastically improve its combat potential and strengthen its position in and Russia has kept up the pressure on the front line Putin’s troops launched around 100 deadly Glide bombs and dozens of drones across the border with Ukraine in the past 24 hours Russia has sharpens sharpened its knives after the Ukrainian attack on Crimea which the Vladimir Putin LED country said was conducted using us-made missiles meanwhile the United States and Russian defense Chiefs spoke on telephone us defense secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call with Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov it was the first such call since March 2023 during the call belov said is said to have warned Austin of the dangers of continued us armed supplies to Ukraine Russian troops destroyed three us made Haas multiple launch rocket systems being used by Ukraine in the past 24 hours now Russia has once again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to Kev Russian defense minister Andre bof spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone call on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on crime used using a US made attack missile the video of the missile strike in sylas pool that killed four people has raised a storm with President Vladimir Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that crimeia unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries had denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin had questioned in many why Moscow could not do the same for fours of the West like North Korea on a visit to pongyang earlier this month Putin had said that he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense p and Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine Russia has yet again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of Us weapons to keev Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the fall on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin War in the United States of consequences after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made atams missiles this video of the missiles strike in CLE that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains a part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over the Black Sea both countries have denied the encounter it again goes back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an in increasingly sore point or sour point for Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has questioned in May why Moscow could not do the same for foes of the West like North Korea on a visit to Pyongyang early this month Putin had said he does not rule out sending weapons there the two countries have even signed a mutual defense PCT Putin also warned South Korea not to arm Ukraine as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the US is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warn the US of consequences after Ukraine struck Crimea Copo during the weekend using a us-made atams missile these threats SLE back to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as bov engaged in talks the previous postolder Former Defense Minister SAR shoyu was issued a warrant of arrest by the IC and Shu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant of the strikes against civilian targets the has said that it considers the Warren to be absur adding that Russia does not recognize the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over 24-hour period and this according to local authorities on the other hand multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry said its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each handed backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the Arab or the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Russia said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swamps in the 28th month old conflict let’s now talk more about this retired carel rich outen is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation he is now joining us from gazan toia Kel Rich good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour what do you think will be Ukraine’s or ke’s response to the two defense Ministers of America and and Russia holding a conversation and saying that uh they’ll keep their line of communication open well uh it’s good to be with you Eric I I think ke’s in an interesting situation here because it has conditional support from the United States rather than an unconditional support so it’s fighting a war a defensive war against the aggressor Russia uh with one eye behind uh its front always thinking how much will the US allow us to do and being put in the position of having to press the United States for more authorities now the systems that we’ve given uh including that now the f-16s that are coming online aam’s missiles as you mentioned before uh artillery systems that can shoot further and see further uh have been kept under a certain leash the United States has tried to play a control game in terms of escalation to try to not attack on the Russian territory even though the Russians are of course attacking throughout the depth of Ukrainian territory in order to limit how how this goes so the the concept here is uh horizontal escalation rather than vertical escalation the United States wants to keep it from going too high in terms of the types of weapons and maybe becoming a direct us Russia conflict and instead letting at the margins this becomes certain types of systems allowed to attack say in Crimea or in belgaro as you mentioned so there is some horizontal escalation being played for Ukraine I think they just have to keep pushing the envelope they they have to keep convincing Washington that look if you really don’t want us to lose this war don’t have one of our our hands tied behinds our back we need to be able to hit the aggressor as deep in his country as he is hitting Us in ours Koo Rich despite Russia saying that uh now that we’re talking we cannot forget what happened in Copo in Crimea where the atacam missiles were used by Ukrainian forces to hit civilians and 150 civilians were injured in that attack uh four people were killed in that attack Russia says that Washington will face consequences what do you think these consequences are well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against the a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aide though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in Turkey where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s proba do probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs very quickly canel rich as we end this conversation uh what do you think will be the impact of this threats by Russia that if you continue to the West that is that if you continue to supply Ukraine with your weapons we will Revenge we will count for you well unfortunately I think it’ll have some effect uh the Biden Administration has shown a a willingness to do what we call self-d deterrence by consistently thinking well if we make the Russians mad or if we escalate to a point that the Russians find unacceptable we can’t incur those costs of course that’s not how escalation Works escalation works when or deterrence Works in in escalation when you convince the other side that they don’t know the cost they’ll incur and when you imply what we certainly don’t want to incur costs up to this level which is what the Biden Administration has again and again communicated to Russia then Russia knows exactly how far it can go introducing to Russia the idea that they don’t know how much pain we can inflict on them and that we’re willing to go higher is the way to stop their acts of aggression and their escalating aggression unfortunately against this current uh counterpart that they have in the Biden Administration I think that they’re uh talking about escalation in this way probably will get the Biden Administration to put further restrictions on what Ukraine does all right we’ll have to live it there I’ve been talking to Koo richen senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown Foundation carel rich as always thank you thank you as Russia and Ukraine continue to trade both threats and attacks the United States is in the picture yet again of its supply of weapons to keev after Moscow blamed Washington for Ukraine’s recent attack on Crimea and vowed Revenge the defense Chiefs of the two Nations engaged in a rare conversation the two sides gave widely Divergent accounts of the phone call between us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defense minister Andre bosov the Pentagon says Austin initiated the conversation and that he believes that keeping lines of communication open is important Russia’s defense Ministry however says that bosov has warned Austin of the dangers of continued arm Supply to Ukraine and this is not the first warning of its kind the Kremlin warned the US of consequences after Ukraine struck crimea’s C too during the weekend using a us- made atams missile these threats Sako backed to Western weapon shipments to Ukraine that have become an increasingly sour point for Moscow but as belov engaged in talks the previous post holder Former Defense Minister Sarge shigu was issued a warrant of arrest by the ICC and shigu was not alone Russia’s most senior military officer General Valerie gasimov was also hit with an arrest warrant over strikes against civilian targets the Kremlin has said that it considers the warrant to be absur adding that Russia does not rec recogniz the Court’s Jurisdiction but even as the international criminal court delivered a stinging condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Russia launched 42 Glide bombs on the northeastern har region over a 24-hour period And this is according to local authorities on the other end multiple air attacks by Ukraine were reported on the southern Russian region of belgorod the governor said an elderly woman was killed four people were injured and scores of buildings were damaged Russia’s defense Ministry says its air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukraine launched drones over the region meanwhile Russia and Ukraine each backed 90 prisoners of War on Tuesday with the United Arab Emirates overseeing The Exchange as an intermediary Maria said prisoners brought home had faced mortal danger in captivity this is the latest of several periodic swaps in the 28th month old conflict and for more on this we earlier spoke to retired colel Rich outen was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Jamestown foundation and this is what he had to say well I think Russia’s implying by this that they will uh try to have systems put close to either the United States uh or to uh allies of the United States that can put into Peril uh civilian targets as well as as if there is a parallel there of course the difference being that the United States has not launched an offensive war against a major sovereign country like Ukraine which is what Russia has done so the uh implication from Russia that we will put you in the same sort of peril that that you’re putting us in ignores the moral dimension of the fact that they are aggressor that put aside though we’ve seen this before during the Cold War Russia put missiles in Cuba uh to try to threaten the United States at the same time that we the United States had missiles in turkia where I happen to be at the moment that were in a position to to uh conduct attacks against the Soviet Union in that case neither side escalated into a direct Soviet versus American uh escalation after John F Kennedy took certain strong deterrent steps then both sides stepped back from that so I think Russia’s probably probably trying to do the inverse of that they are probably trying to get the United States to back down from allowing Ukraine a greater leash in the use of its defensive weapons by implying the ability to threaten either the US Homeland or us allies the difference here of course is that Russia I don’t think really has the ability to do that and and neither in their strategic Arsenal nor in their uh set of allies along our borders and frankly I don’t think they want to go into that escalation game with us if they got a president willing to play escalation right other than the current soft Administration they might find themselves uh incurring significantly higher costs well Russia has again raised dangers of further escalation of the situation in Ukraine due to continued supply of UK weapons to ke the Russian defense minister Andre bosov spoke to his American counterpart Lloyd Austin over the phone on Tuesday the latest interaction comes on the back of the Kremlin warning the United States of consequences now after the Ukrainian strike on Crimea using a US made a missile the video of the missile strike in the region that killed four people has raised a storm with President Putin himself warning that NATO would pay the US blames Russia Ria for the fighting reiterating that Crimea unilaterally annexed by Moscow in 2014 remains part of Ukraine then on Tuesday there were media reports of a Russian plane Downing a US drone over

Russia said on Wednesday that it had repelled multiple attacks from the Ukrainian army, while Ukraine claimed on the same day that it had fierce fighting with the Russian army on the front line over the past 24 hours.

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  1. Hey Kim nice rolls Royce you and Putin have nice drive?? We’re all wounderin if we could live in no Korea and work buy homes and enjoy life with North Korea!!!!!!

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