Just Stop Oil sprays Stonehenge orange on eve of summer solstice

Just Stop Oil sprays Stonehenge orange on eve of summer solstice

Just Stop Oil protesters have sprayed Stonehenge orange on the eve of the summer solstice.

Two climate activists, named by the group as Niamh Lynch, 21, and Rajan Naidu, 73, defaced the ancient monument near Salisbury at around 11am on Wednesday.
#Juststopoil #JSO #stonehenge

  1. I’m not a pagan. But this is awful. To pagans, this is the most important place in country. This would be like spraying the Wailing Wall or the Sistine Chapel.

  2. He’s from India where they have the most oil refineries in the world why isn’t he there protecting and spray painting the refineries, Because they would beat his arse.

  3. Not sure what this does other than cause a guy with a diesle truck to drive out and turn on his gas pressure washer that eats extra gas due to the heat treated chemicals he has to use to remove that paint all for the cause of just stop oil yet they literally are causing more pollution than normal… great cause 👏

  4. Не спасут наш мир ни красота, ни сила.
    Поможет только дробовик, и грамотный отстрел дебилов.

  5. Lo increíble de todo es que ellos se creen gran cosa 😂😂 no se puede ser más patético y ridículo el karma les llega antes los que se creen que están por encima de todo

  6. Just stop oil protest guide101.
    Trash historical things for no reason.
    Block people from going to their jobs on roads.
    Get hit by a angry driver for all reasons and then complain about it.
    Tell yourself in the mirror at 3 AM that this is going to do something.
    Be a r-word.

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