Withholding Apple Intelligence from EU a ‘stunning declaration’ of anticompetitive behavior

Withholding Apple Intelligence from EU a ‘stunning declaration’ of anticompetitive behavior

Withholding Apple Intelligence from EU a ‘stunning declaration’ of anticompetitive behavior

by MercuryFreeSalmon

  1. eh that doesn’t make sense. Apple is free to choose it markets.
    How is that anti competitive?

  2. I support the Korean chads with Samsung.

    Fuck apple and their shit chargers, like why do they need to oppose standardization that massively benefit the consumers?

    Every product should be designed with “DIY” in mind, from cars, to phones, to laptops etc, so people can waste less resources and actually meddle (within reason) with the shit they buy themselves.

  3. So stupid. Just you want Apple to give you its company to EU firms. It’s anti competitive cause Apple does not want to have a service that would not follow their law.

  4. I’m a huge fan of the general policies the EU makes but everything they’ve done regarding apple has been a mistake in my opinion. No company should be punished for what and how they make their products. I prefer lightning over usbc for example even though its slower.

  5. You don’t have to sell your shit here, Apple. You can leave if you want to. No one is forcing you to be here

  6. Always amazed that people buy that rotten fruit rubbish. Overpriced, proprietary, and deliberately tweaked to underperform over it’s lifetime, encouraging you to buy the next model with hardly any improvements, only to trap you in a closed ecosystem where you’re forced to use Apple products for everything—IT, mobile, peripherals, and applications. It’s like Scientology Church of tech brands.

  7. Start to pay your tax in the country you operate before talking about anticompetitive behavior.

  8. So it’s only a free market if companies can abuse people’s rights and privacy?

    I’d pass on that

  9. how’s that anti competitive behavior? What does Europe contribute to tech anyways? Europe is just a parasite on the US




  11. Why all the noise? Isn’t it safe to bet that Apple will release the same features in EU later, with the necessary changes to follow EU regulation?

    It makes sense for Apple not to implement any limitations to their features (read “money making machine”) in regions where such limitations are not required. And thus get new products and services out quicker.

    And I say this as someone who has no need or intention to ever use Apple products. No hate, I just do not want to lock down my data in one provider’s walled garden.

  12. Lmfao…what did I just read? Does this delusional woman really think Apple decided not to roll out AI in Europe because they now have to compete with other companies….like wtf. The real reason Apple isn’t rolling out AI in Europe is because the EU is fining Apple billions of $$ and now threatening them with 10% of global profits if they don’t comply. No tech company knows how to comply to such an asinine law. God the EU is so fucking stupid.

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