Some very random photos of Łódź, Poland

Some very random photos of Łódź, Poland

by qpertyui

  1. Łódź is historically industrial city, located in center of Poland, nowadays full of awesome clubs and events! Currently its under a lot of big renovations🏗️

  2. No offense, cool photos, but it’s not how it looked when I was there some time ago 😉 Piotrkowska street, parts of the city centre and some landmarks are indeed very nicely renovated in Łódź, great job, but it also has to be said that they’re almost all in those pictures lol. Łódź has great potential but there’s a long way ahead, most of the city looked insanely depressing and in my opinion way below Polish standards I’d say.


    Those are pictures selected to make Łódź look nicer
    Its grey city and very depressing

    Its working on itself and its made enormois progres, but it still need a lot of time. But still it heads in good direction

  4. Ain’t all that if you are
    1. Gay
    2. A minority
    3. Gay
    4. Want an abortion
    5. Don’t like churches on Sundays

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