Which European relation is like this:

Which European relation is like this:

by kakao_w_proszku

  1. Pierre with hans or  Barry 


    Why not Make it a threesome with some historic tension 

  2. Portugal loves some of us but also hate other spanish. But we do like portuguese so I’m not sure if it counts.

  3. Definitely Pierre and us. You have some beautiful as people mon ami. We have so much in common and so much common history. Nous t’aimons and we always will.


  4. A lot of yous pretend to hate me but I know how you moan in bed.

    It’s fine, we can still hate each other.

  5. Netherlands and Zee Germans.

    Yes they took our country recently, a genocide on our own continent, stole my grandpas bike and when they win the football match it is in the last minute.

    But that was grandpa Hans. Current day Hans is efficient, knows how to read the time and not be late, can be honest in business, is allergic to sun but joins us on the yearly blitzkrieg to Mallorca, is fairly direct and autistic like us. Our autistic minds are alike and we both like it.

    Going to the Moezel feels more like home than the Ardennes where everything looks like nobody maintained it since WWI. Despite the language.

  6. I scroll all the way down and don’t see Finland and Sweden? Maybe everyone else is too afraid to say 😂

  7. Spain and Portugal

    Kiss me João give me a taste of those bolachas 🥵

  8. Only UK is worthy of hate fuck. There is no other answer. Sorry, not sorry Hans, but Barry is the only guy I’ll hatefuck

  9. Italian and French people are like this
    Until an Italian marries a French, something that happens more often than their despise for each other’s culture would make one think

  10. Belgium – Netherlands
    Ireland – England
    France – Germany
    Germany – Austria
    Poland – Ukraine
    Poland – Lithuania
    Sweden – Denmark
    Norway – Sweden
    Spain – Portugal
    Scotland – England

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