It’s getting harder for Putin to find Russians willing to die for him in Ukraine

It’s getting harder for Putin to find Russians willing to die for him in Ukraine

by ubcstaffer123

  1. No comrade this is not Putin’s war it is the peoples war now go straight to frontline or gulag your choice

  2. Just go on steam, there are enough people which are in pro putin groups 🤔 🤷‍♀️

  3. Well if they offer North Korea choco pies they will send you a whole division of “engineering troops”. The North Koreans will be tasked with building a trench line 1.5 km behind Ukrainian lines after they are given a shovel and a choco pie and sent in a wave to the front.

  4. lol what do they mean. Conscription isn’t a choice he can find all the males in Russia he wants, that’s the problem.

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