Ukraine’s Peonies (2S7 Pion) are back in action firing US 203 mm M106 high explosive shells

Ukraine’s Peonies (2S7 Pion) are back in action firing US 203 mm M106 high explosive shells

by MatchingTurret

  1. Interesting … The US retired the M110 howitzer which fired 203mm in 1994 and it was last produced in 1945 at end of WW2. Im assuming this is very old stock. About the best bang for your buck. Either that or maybe there is a naval platform that still fires 8 inch shells

    Edit- did a little digging and it’s hard to find much info about this shell and its origins but the best I can tell is that it is old stock

  2. 43rd Artillery Brigade packing the “heavy” punch: armed with these and Pzh2000s.

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